Green Ticket GT-R Black Edition Tuned Car '12 Trading

  • Thread starter RZRX7
New Zealand
I have the following Green tickets for 15th Anniversary GT-R Black edition Tuned Car (GT Academy) '12 cars.

Aurora Flare Blue Pearl
Vibrant Red (C)
Ultimate Metal Silver (4M)
Brilliant White Pearl (3P)
Dark Metal Gray (M)
Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P)

Will also trade for your OCD cars in 0/0/0 form or any other 0/0/0 cars you have.
I don't accept 0/0/0 restored cars! If the car is 0/0/0 restored you receive nothing!
These are other cars I'm still looking for


ALL Birthday Tickets

ALL Level Tickets

ALL Rally Tickets

ALL Muscle car Tickets

Nascar Ticket

Trade Schedule
Trade Day Item SENT for Item RECEIVED 👍 = Friend request received

PS3 No 1
22 May GT-R Black edition Tuned Car (GT Academy) '12 Vibrant Red (C) for GT-R Black edition Tuned Car (GT Academy) '12 Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P) AWOL_08 👍 Completed
23 May Transfer between my psn accounts
24 May Vibrant Red (C) for GSX-R/4 Yellow👍 Nitrous ox/Shazbu Completed
25 May Aurora Flare Blue Pearl for GSX-R/4 Red Metallic 👍Nitrous ox/Shazbu Completed
26 May Brilliant White Pearl (3P) for GSX-R/4 Silver Metallic 👍Nitrous ox/Shazbu Completed
27 May Dark Metal Gray (M) (3P) for GSX-R/4 Black 👍Nitrous ox/Shazbu Completed
28 May Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P) for OCD Car Galant GTO MR '70 👍GTGTA/gtgta86 Completed
29 May Vibrant Red (C) for OCD Car RGT '00 👍Fido996 Completed
30 May Brilliant White Pearl (3P) for OCD Car 2000GT '67 👍Fido996Completed
31 May Ultimate Metal Silver (4M) for Skyline 2000gt-r '73 👍Trevor24/T24019 Completed

PS3 No 2
1 Apr Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P) for OCD Car 2000GT '67👍 swanseauk Completed
2 Apr Vibrant Red (C) for OCD Car Impreza 22B '98 👍 ayyocuhz/SD180sx Completed
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Hello I have the meteor black flake pearl .i Would like to trade for vibrant red please .
FR sent .
Hello I have the meteor black flake pearl .i Would like to trade for vibrant red please .
FR sent .

Trade schedule added to original thread.
Just to confirm you are sending a green ticket?
My green tickets are here:

I have all the current OCD 0/0/0 and other OCD here :

I would like the 15th Anniversary GT-R Black edition Tuned Car (GT Academy) '12 cars, in green ticket form :) 👍

I take it you are looking for all the 15th Anniversary GT-R Green car tickets that I have at this stage?
I'm interested in trading for Suzuki GSX-R/4 Concept '01 green tickets. The tickets will be sent from FD3S---------RX7
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Green ticket sent GTR tuned meteor black flake pearl.

Edit received thanks.
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Hi mate, I've got
Ultimate Metal Silver (4M)
Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P)
need the others so

send an FR to Shazbu and I'll start sending the GSX-R's (green tickets)
got them all:
GSX-R/4 Black * GSX-R/4 Blue Metallic * GSX-R/4 Dark Gray * GSX-R/4 Red Metallic * GSX-R/4 Silver Metallic * GSX-R/4 White * GSX-R/4 Yellow Metallic

I'll be home in 2 hours :) 👍
Hi mate, I've got
Ultimate Metal Silver (4M)
Meteor Black Flake Pearl (2P)
need the others so

send an FR to Shazbu and I'll start sending the GSX-R's (green tickets)
got them all:
GSX-R/4 Black * GSX-R/4 Blue Metallic * GSX-R/4 Dark Gray * GSX-R/4 Red Metallic * GSX-R/4 Silver Metallic * GSX-R/4 White * GSX-R/4 Yellow Metallic

I'll be home in 2 hours :) 👍

Fr sent from FD3S---------RX7
Edit Have now already traded today will send tomorrow. Trade schedule updated.
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I wouldn't mind getting my hands on the red and white versions at some point if that's possible? The colour I have is the dark grey, I assume, as I can't compare it to the titanium silver. Just let me know what you'd like in return. I'm free to trade at any time if that any help.

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I think you right.:ouch:

:nervous: Sorry, i was reading too many threads this morning.

I'm afraid I can't do anything off of your wanted list but anything from this weeks OCD is all yours. Anything in particular?
Green Ticket GSXR/4 Yellow sent to FD3S---------RX7,

also FR from Nitrous_ox. I have more there :) 👍
Your back?

Got the Blue one in Green Form. Can send it to you on Monday. Still on FR list :cheers:
Your back?

Got the Blue one in Green Form. Can send it to you on Monday. Still on FR list :cheers:

Thanks for the welcome back, I had a huge Garage transfer/clean up to do between accounts and it takes forever thanks to the one car a day trade.
Thanks DiersZee1 I have them all now are there any I can give you for free that you don't have as we have traded tonnes of cars in the past?
Thanks for the welcome back, I had a huge Garage transfer/clean up to do between accounts and it takes forever thanks to the one car a day trade.
Thanks DiersZee1 I have them all now are there any I can give you for free that you don't have as we have traded tonnes of cars in the past?
Uhh :eek: yeah that would take alot of time!

All good bud 👍 Just enjoying the Lobby's lately and collecting on other account slowly :).

If you need anything, let me know :cheers:
Hey I forgot all about our tades :dunce: untill I saw all those in Shazbu's inbox :nervous: so I sent a couple more, and will send another 2 on reset, I should be able to remember till then :dunce:
I wouldn't mind getting my hands on the red and white versions at some point if that's possible? The colour I have is the dark grey, I assume, as I can't compare it to the titanium silver. Just let me know what you'd like in return. I'm free to trade at any time if that any help.


Schedule updated for trades with Fido996
I have just sent the silver as shazbu doesn't have any more, so all up sent Green Ticket GSXR/4 Red Black Yellow Silver, do you need any more ?
I have just sent the silver as shazbu doesn't have any more, so all up sent Green Ticket GSXR/4 Red Black Yellow Silver, do you need any more ?

No I don't need any more thanks for the trades. Is there anything else your looking for?
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No I don't need any more thanks for the trades. Is there anything else your looking for?

I'm always looking for stuff but, nothing in your OP at the moment, do you borrow glitch?

If so I can share the entire OCD at the moment :) 👍
I'll send the first today. Is it anything from the OCD or is there a specific car you want?
Both cars now sent, a 2000 GT and a RUF RGT. Both 0/0/0. Any probs then give me a shout.

hi, do u have any of the 15th An cars left...preferably on a black colour...just name a price...cheers

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