What's with the rise in the knucklehead-to-member ratio?

  • Thread starter Pupik


dig the bolts in my neck
Staff Emeritus
United States
A lot of members are getting banned lately...and a lot of beginners are posting a lot of junk. McRib has returned, Saddam Hussein has been captured, and there's more powerlines next to our homes. Let's not forget the sudden rise in junk culture of custom cell phone ring tones, drifitng, spinning chrome wheels, dental dams, non-alchoholic beer, Altria, and downloadable movie trailers.

So, what's causing it?
The five-day forcast predicts a veritable Nor'easter of knuckleheads, as school gets out, and the kids have nothing better to do online. Then, around the 25th, it will all get quiet for a while. However, it's going to pick up again around the 33rd of December.

Now to miata13B with the sports.
There was an incident today invovling two knucklehead ricers during the open season at GTP. . . .Both got banned before further deveopment could continue. On the score GTPers 1 Knuckleheads 0. On other sports, Mod banning has been picking up lately with reports of premature posts. GTPers 1 Knuckleheads 0 Mods 5.

A new upcoming sport is called bowling for n00bs, unfortunately, the n00bs are still trying to figure out this whole posting thing. Apparently they also have had reports of mixing up parking lots of surge flood drainage ditches.

Back to Pupiks for today's Deep Thoughts
I predict that w00tness will be the next banning, followed by.....

any guesses?

One days the mod will ban so many people that GTP will only consist of mods.
Originally posted by Attila_Da_Hun
I predict that w00tness will be the next banning, followed by.....

any guesses?

One days the mod will ban so many people that GTP will only consist of mods.

The next "Buzbo?"
Originally posted by Rumple Foreskin
Thanks for pointing that out Bill Nye.

bill nye the sceince guy

i watch that!

Oh ,and i can be a traafic reporter!:

today there seems to be nOObs trying to do the Escudo wheelie trick on complex tring, inadventantly breaking out, and causing caos bhy type lyk thsi ohmie. ehh hhe heh.

And now to ...uhm...some random person for the...uhm.......crime rate!

Hello today, how is everyone?crime rates have been rising lately, as it seems n00bs are attempting to take over. However, the mods are banning them for excessive post small-ness and having a record amound of 6,000 pounds of illigal dumbness. Now to..somebody for the...something.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I've been a knucklehead since day one. I'm not affecting the current rise in Knuckleheads.

I blame the Nazis.

Yes, Klostro knows all. OBEY!

I am more of a Idiot than a Knucklehead.....
You're my hero, too. I hope I can inspire more assholiness as I progress through my pitiful existence. It brings me joy and with that joy it brings others headaches and tumors.

But you're such an easy target. I'm having an off day. I'll move on to harder prey later; for now I'll just bug the living hell out of you until you crack under all the pressure and throw a Lamborghini at me.

Bahahahahaha! I'm too legit, too legit, to quit.
I am so surprised that I wasn't banned a week after I got here. I was an idiot. Little has changed, aside from my capitalization and broader employment of semicolons. Are we even allowed to talk about who we think's going to get banned next? Just sounds illegal.

Originally posted by Curveball
The poles don't shift. The Earth's axis is always on an angle, so it appears to shift as it revolves around the sun.
Well I take the fact that Sarcasm still needs to be more defined. . . I'll make sure to use those wonderful italics. . . btw Bill Nye (that was great Rumple) If it wasn't for the moon those axises would be spinning around like Mars' axis does. :D
Personally, I believe that if a mixture of Prozac, and Valium came out of water fountains in all public buildings things would be so much less idoit laden.

Everyone could just play with all their toys. Really slowly, but play nice and calmly.
Originally posted by Gil
Personally, I believe that if a mixture of Prozac, and Valium came out of water fountains in all public buildings things would be so much less idoit laden.

Everyone could just play with all their toys. Really slowly, but play nice and calmly.
Or we can all roll a phattie and be extremely lazy. Smell that fine Roman reds - a whole field of wacky weed. We will be armed with Mighty Joint.

At that point we would be too chill to really give a rat arse about anything that bothers us :D
Originally posted by miata13B
Kinda sounds like a song . . . "Did you ever know that your my Hero. :lol:

Klos will never be my hero. Im suprised he hasn't seeked and put me as his victom yet. Watch, soon as he sees this im gonna be annoyed. :irked:
Originally posted by pupik
The five-day forcast predicts a veritable Nor'easter of knuckleheads, as school gets out, and the kids have nothing better to do online. Then, around the 25th, it will all get quiet for a while. However, it's going to pick up again around the 33rd of December.

Now to miata13B with the sports.
Where are you from, where I come from there are only 31 days in December. Well, that's all I had to say.
Originally posted by Darin
Klos will never be my hero. Im suprised he hasn't seeked and put me as his victom yet. Watch, soon as he sees this im gonna be annoyed. :irked:

Luckily for you, you don't matter to me.

Yay! We both win.

I'd guess what the next fad is going to be but that's become a fad in itself, then again that's not even the point of this thread.