ZOOM ZOOM? WTF did you say!?

  • Thread starter Darin
You know, I had an RX-8 once, and it could drift like crazy, if I ever get one again, I'll use my settings and post em up.

Nice settings, Darin. That Mazda doesn't just go ZOOM ZOOM, it goes ZOOM KICKEY FAST! lol :lol:
I know, that happens to me, too!
Like the wierd sound I made up, pook-pook, tshya, tshya!
pook-pook, tshya, tshya! PSSSSHHH!

OMG, I sound like I have problems, lol:lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Mach 10
:lol: I need go dere, wite?
lol, Hey, I have an RX-8 now, so I'll twy yoaw settups.
der, der! :lol: lol

Man you got some serious problems, man. :lol:

Yeah man, Check out the settings. I must advise you use the Driving Force Pro Steering wheel at 100% force feedback. The RX-8 is not as quick when using the DS2.
Thanks for the info, but I don't have the DFP Wheel, though.
Dat sucks, cause I was hopin' ter get da RX-8 going fine with the settups, and DS2, but I'll try it with DS2.
Originally posted by Darin,
You have some serious problems, man :lol:

I know! Duuuh, I need more medication, too! lol :lol: j/k, well, my bro is on the PS2, now, so I'll prolly post up the results at about, oh 7:00 pm.
Ah yeah! It isn't to duick with the DSC, but it works! I tried the Complex string, and got to about 109.5 mph 0n the slalom. These settups are amazing, they make your RX-8 go, (takes big breath) Zoom Zoom kickey waka waka pump it up psh, and whatever nonsesnse I can think up fast!
Yep! Perty good! You may be four seconds behind Darin, but if you tryto dive into the coners more deeper, and use manual tranny, then you might be able to get a 1'30.xxx
Yes, and don't tune it any more, it'll be weird but cool if you can beat Darin's time with the little power you have. Tune it more, but only a little bit, if it can't pull it off. Good luck mc!
ill give it my best...just a question, what other cars could this apply to?

i have to find a really really good STi and 328i setup.
Originally posted by mc68
4"30.718 on 2nd lap, manual this time.....

and 111.6 mph in the slalom..

yay i may beat it. :D

Meh, I twicked it a little more and I think i'm going somewhere with the car. I did 4:27.213 on the 1st lap around complex.