My Message to New Members

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


20 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
This is not a GT4 question, instead, it is a special interest topic concerning newcomers. Recently, I've seen newcomers come onto GTPlanet and ask questions about the upcoming game. I guess I've come up with this to express my thoughts. Topics will consist of:

1.) "Will _____ Be in GT4?"
2.) Anime, Tuner, and "fanboy/fangirl" material
3.) why search?
4.) anything else I may come up with

THIS WILL BE A LONG MESSAGE, so find what you're looking for and read on. So, here I go:

1 - "WILL _____ BE IN GT4?"

With the influx of newcomers to the GTPlanet, I've seen a lot of "Will _____ be in GT4" questions. To me, this is perfectly fine to discuss. It's been getting old, and sometimes a topic will be discussed in another thread. I appreciate your enthusiasm for GT4, and as a Gran Turismo veteran and fan, I'm anxious to see what GT4 will be like. I am every bit as optomistic and concerned as you are. I don't have Prologue. America's not getting Prologue unless you're importing. In my third paragraph, you'll see the benefits of searching. But for now, GTPlanet members aren't going to give you a very nice answer to your question because the question gets old quick. Sure, I'll kindly answer you, but you have to remember that others seen this stuff before, including myself.


No Manga babes will be in GT4. You can't buy a Honda Accord that has aerodynamics of the Subaru WRC of this year in GT4. Devon Aoki's (Suki of "2 Fast 2 Furious") pink Honda S2000 will not be in the game. No Mt. Akina-style races will be in GT4, even though drifting has been confirmed. No, not the drifting in Arcade Mode, but D1-style drifting. No further details have been expressed at the moment, but at least you'll have something to be proud to do in GT4. I don't hate what you love, but GT4 will be a fun game even if it doesn't have what you are looking for. Many of us (including myself) love the thrill of taking a car from street car to competition challenger. If you are in America (or maybe even Canada for that matter, you may have heard of the show "Sports Car Revolution." The emphasis on this show is on sports cars and racing, not tuning and looks like in the show preceding it, "Tuner Transformation." So we are more like the "Sports Car Revolution" type, as it would relate more with GT4's goal of retracting automotive history. You get to see cars from 1886 to 2004 and even future concepts. As good as you want to look on the track, it's about performance. So you may want to think about car setup over neons, Motegi wheels, and Veilside kits, or whatever may interest you as a trendy, young car lover. There will be, however, "Tuning Cars" that look good and have power to match. So be sure to look around on GTPlanet for more on that. Or you can do what the next paragraph is for.


You post a topic about something, wait a while, come back, and see "USE A SEARCH!" What do you do? Even if you think you know what you are looking for on GTPlanet, the people here won't be very satisfied if there is something discussed elsewhere and you go around bringing it back. I think the reason why people bring this up is because people want to keep certain aspects to one specific topic. So for example, if a thread is about the Hong Kong track, no one wants to see something about Madden NFL 2005. Going off-topic is fine, but going severely off-topic ruins the flow of the topic being offered. But even if you don't think a certain aspect hasn't been discussed, you're better off searching anyways. I mean, do it to save yourself trouble. I'm not being mean, just offering this to a friend from a friend.


I decided I'd come up with this thread because I kind of wanted to do a favor and not have "please do a search" being replicated in new members' threads. Anyhow, I'll try to answer any questions I may come across and have an answer for. Why so? Because you love the Gran Turismo series and/or Gran Turismo 4. You have your interests and questions as do I. I have my own questions about GT4, but I take them at a professional or critical view. I've made plenty of threads and replied several times, so why not do a search on something that interests you. I love what I do, and I hope you newcomers can bear with me and the whole of GTPlanet. If you don't listen to anyone on the Planet, then listen to me when it comes to new threads and topics. I hope you'll enjoy your GTPlanet experience as I have. So take care of yourself!

John M. (JohnBM01)
Houston, Texas, USA
You must be working for PD on GT4 and are the unofficial source of information from them. :banghead: :banghead:
The proof will be when the game is released.
You really do have too much spare time.
Please try to finish GT3.
Sorry, Harry. I agree with John. Someone has to tell these noobs so stuff like what John outlined won't happen so frequently.
Now, let's get one thing straight. Please stop telling me to play GT3 rather than type a lot. I mean, I've done at least 1,200+ posts and I can always go back to any GT game whenever I want to. I love the GT series, but it doesn't mean that all I do is race on my PS2. It doesn't mean that all I do is play Gran Turismo. I have a life outside of forum designing. So, having said that, I wanted to come up with this thread, and it doesn't matter if it's 5 lines long or 500 lines long. A thread is a thread is a thread.

Having said that, I've done this as a "service" to GTPlanet newcomers. And thank you, Viper Zero. Let's just read between the lines here. Oh, and one last thing. If I actually come up with Gran Turismo 4 pictures (even if Le Mans was confirmed) and I scanned a bunch of pictures, would I still get dissed on because I've done a long thread full of pictures and information? I'm just being suggestive. The rudest comment I've ever heard was when I came up with a thread reserved for this year's E3 show, and someone said "I'm waiting for ___ to make his own thread about it."

All I want to do is volunteer. All I want to do is help. All I want to do is address a situation. With that said, thanks for the replies and views.
Bah... I was hoping this thread would remain pristine but sadly that hasn't happened.

Finishing GT3 is irrelevant to everything. John hasn't claimed to be anything, he's just posting the basic rules new members should be aware of before posting so they're met with a smile about the boards. I was going to suggest this be made a sticky but I thought that might not be welcomed because ideally people should know everything John said before they post.

Kudos to John - we're with ya.
The point is if he loved the GT series as much as he makes out, he would have finished the game by now.
John you should think about becoming a Politician. You would do very well. I do not think I need to expand that further as most of the brighter ones here should understand what I am getting at.
Face it, buddy. I most likely won't last. I'll be gone faster than the speed of light. :)
I,m with John.He was one of the first ones to make me feel at home here:cheers: John. I to try not to rag on the new ones as it can be kind of scary the first few posts.
Ahhh.... But this thread will last.


I'll stop in on a regular basis, and clean out crap. I'd prefer to do very little to none, but that's not likely.

Uncle Harry, your an a*rsehole. The guy is trying to help cutdown on the number of pointless threads, and all you can go on about is, has he finished GT3. It doesn't matter if he hasn't even played GT3, he's interested in GT4, he's trying to make the forum run smoother, and trying to cut down the nasty attacks on "noobs"(horrible phrase).

You may be gods gift to gaming and have 100% and all golds on every GT game, but who cares.

He may come over in the last paragraph like he owns the place (he doesn't does he?). John I couldn't care less how many posts someone has, or how many nice things people say about you or anyone else.

If it stops anyone asking whether Ferrari, Porsche, and Lambourghini are in GT4, or the I wish/hope threads, it'll be worth it.

What Uncle Harry, are you doing to stop pointless threads, apart from "do a search noob" or whatever?

I would have liked to keep this thread short, for anyone new or not, to get a little help on the way things work here. But Uncle Harry's posts really wound me up.:irked:
The point is if he loved the GT series as much as he makes out, he would have finished the game by now.

Totally disagree on that point.

I have played GT series since Gran Turismo 1 (which I bought on day of release), I have not completed GT2 or 3 yet.

Why you ask?

I play GT at least 5 hours a week. When on holiday I can spend in excess of 40 hours in a week on the games. So why the heck haven't I got 100%


I drive and race for the pure pleasure. I am in no rush to complete the game and care little whether I do or not. This isn't an adventure game where there is an "end". I re-race many championships again and again, experimenting with different cars and set ups. I have even done over a 1000 km in the rubbishy little Alto Works for goodness sake.

People buy these GT games and all they think about is racking up the percentage points to get that 100%

I've heard so many people, friends/relatives/colleagues claim. "I've finished GT3, gotta find something else to play now"

The game is never finished - there is no "end"

The same can be said for GT4 when it comes out.

So why the heck should John hurry to get 100% Does it give him any less pleasure......nope
I've never finished a single gt game, but I've probably spent most of my teenage life on them. Vitz cup races and miata enduros don't draw me in as much as fooling around with my rs200 in gt2.
Heres a mesage for John: I totally agree with you, and this thread should be a help for new members. How having this thread affects any of the older members is beyond me, so even if they don't like the long post what does it matter. None of your posts I've seen have broken any of the rules here, so keep posting what you want. As for all the pople saying he should stop posting, how many times have you broken the rules here? And how does not finnishing a game have anything o do with how much you like it? You could be limited to 1 hour a week, you'd never finnish GT3 with that since you couldn't do any of the enduro's, but that won't stop it from being that persons faveroute game.
Wow... this is the first topic I've done that's "stickied." I knew this would be of help. I just want to thank the many people who seen my suggestions as helpful suggestions for newcoming GTPlanet members. I never said I owned the place. I don't think I would ever do that. I'm more of a frequent comer to GTPlanet that either loves to have fun or come up with topics. Anyhow, thanks to everyone.
Can we just ban this guy?

Rocky, John is doing you (the noob) a favor. Follow what he says and you'll do all right.

Oh, and welcome to GTP.
Hi John.

Just a couple of things to say regarding your post.
I would be classed as a noob in this forum as I have only posted once or twice. (But post on several other car related forums so I know my way around a forum)
I totally agree with you regarding the search function - but sometimes that doesn't give you the results you are looking for.
In a lot of cases it is good to post a question (even though it may have been covered elsewhere) if you are a noob - it introduces yourself to the forum members and is a start to making new friends around the world.

I can't see the point of other peoples comments that you haven't finished GT3.
I own all of them - including GT3 Concept and Prologue.
And I haven't finished either of them!

I apreciate what you have said but I still believe it is good for noobs to post and ask non relevant questions.
Its part of their learning.

I've seen a lot of threads lately that are a slight variant on something we've covered before. When they get posted I don't advise using the Search feature because I know that doing so won't reveal specifically what the member is after and so they'll feel more justified in posting and defending their post from attack. The problem is not only that people are new to using forums or posting, but that they are also new to searching. You do have to know how to search, there's an art to it we all develop through trial and error, and I'd like to think we take that into consideration before we reply. But when you see threads that are almost identical duplicates of something discussed less than 24 hours ago, that's a bit disheartening.

Welcome to GTP btw Kiwi. Please use the Search function before posting :P
I am new to this forum, but participate in many forums from games, music, computers, etc. When I come to a new forum I choose to read any post directed at new people to see if there is anythings in particular I need to know to participate in the forum in a respectful constructive manner. Although I already new what you wrote, I found the way your wrote it to be very polite, concise, and encouraging, to feel I am joining a forum that has guidance in its structure. Being new here I do not understand why some are dissing you, but I appreciatte you taking time away from your life to try to make this a better forum to be part of.
Maybe we should just have a separate section entitled: 'New? Ask Questions Here'. Then the more knowledgeable ones of us could answer the question. Once the question is answered, the thread is locked.#

Just one of my countless, pointless timewasting ideas though I guess.
New members won't read the old threads, they'll just reask the same question, many of which are answered in a number of places in rather explicit manners.
I think with the upgrades to this site, searching should be a little more easier. Finding pictures, however, I guess it's improved slightly. But (by the way, due to controversy in my intro, I've edited a bit of my intro), the site has been upgraded and should allow for greater searching capabilities to aid in looking for past topics, in the case of already-discussed topics. So fear not using this feature.