GTPlanet is finally back, thanks to many of YOU!!!

  • Thread starter Jordan


Site Founder
United States
United States
As I'm sure many of you noticed, GTPlanet has been offline for the past few days. If you weren't aware of our emergency website,, where I kept visitors informed of what was going on, let me explain. Our server was hosted by a reseller of a larger hosting company, that actually owned the datacenter facilities. The reseller offered a better service at a better price, and I was happy with them and they had a great reputation. But then, it all came crashing down. Apparently, the reseller owed $70,000 to the datacenter, who had finally had enough and pulled all of the reseller's customer's servers (including mine) offline. It was a huge mess, and the data center refused to give me my server back until I payed a fee, like a ransom. Since I had already paid to have a new server setup at another company, I couldn't afford this ransom and I was afraid many parts of GTPlanet would be lost forever. But, that's where many of you came in with overwhelming support to raise the $228 ransom to take GTPlanet back, and here we are!!! :D

Honestly, you guys are the best! We certainly wouldn't be posting on here right now without these kind donations. I just can't say thank you enough!!!

We are still using the old server right now, but I will begin transferring the site over to our new server as soon as I can so we can get away from these crooks. Wish me luck everyone and give yourselves a big pat on the back! :)
If I hadn't said it before, let me now...


Love being back here, good show, mate!
Hmm,i didn't know about this was gone.Thank god it's back again,or should i say thanks to the people who donated. 👍
A HUGE thanks to Jordan and to everyone who donated:) I just feel bad that I couldn't join you.:(
Honestly, you guys are the best! We certainly wouldn't be posting on here right now without these kind donations. I just can't say thank you enough!!!

hehe... Don't mention it Jordan - a small price for access to an amazing site !...
Yep 👍 Jordan......your dedication to this site is unbelieveable and we all appreciate all the time effort that you have gone through to get GTPlantet back! :)
goddamn, this is cool. I also feel bad because I couldnt donate a damn, and I really cant, I have no money, but I would've liked to give some money to this cause. Thanks Jordan and everyone who donated for the great dedication to this site and for keeping it up for all of us to enjoy. you all rule.

After the first couple days you had be confused as to what was going on Jordan....but it's all good now.

Thanks to those who donated!!!!
Didn't have a clue what was going on, been working hard lately, but noticed the site was offline. Shame about the mess up, i would've donated if i'd known. Glad we're all back here as a community again :) Nice one Jordan and all who helped.
Whoa ITS BACK!!!...

Damn i dint know that there was an emergency have definetly donated(seriously!!)
I kept trying and trying....and I thought that was it...the community is gone!! :guilty:

Wow, I was wondering what was going on. I just moved to my dorm and the network was up and down for a while. I thought the problem was on my end. This is just a testiment to how good a this site is. People are willing to pay for it.
Well if I knew about which I will be adding to my favorites list now, I would have put some money! Thanks to everyone that had the smarts and the funds to help Jordan out! This community rocks!