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Last Christmas...I'm not sure the planet (or at least the people on it) will survive to November 2025.
Last Christmas...I'm not sure the planet (or at least the people on it) will survive to November 2025.
View attachment 1402253
General Rules and Guidelines:
Some tips to avoid the song:
- Survive the remainder of 2024 (i.e. 23:59.59 in your time zone) without listening to All I Want For Christmas Is You by Mariah Carey
- Only the original song performed by Mariah Carey counts. Remixes, covers and the duet version with Justin Bieber don't count.
- Hearing any part of the song counts as getting Carey'd. If you're unsure whether it's a remix or the duet version, keep listening to find out, or use apps such as Shazam or Google Assistant. If you're still not sure, it may be in good faith to consider yourself out.
- GIFs, still images or muted video do not count.
- When you hear the music, consider yourself Carey'd, out of the competition..
- Do not post any links to the song in this thread without sufficient warning. This place is a safe haven.
- While the rest of the site is free rein, keep in mind the site's rules regarding misleading (next bullet point)
- You will not knowingly post any material that is false, misleading, or inaccurate.
- If you play the link in the OP with any intention outside of refreshing your memory (i.e. playing it over Discord or a PlayStation party), you will be Carey'd if you hear it.
If you haven't yet heard the song, just click on the video below to watch it before avoiding it until next year.
- Do not trust anyone.
- Avoid shopping at department stores, clothing stores, supermarkets - anything that may have a radio playing.
- If you must step outside, consider bringing noise-isolating earphones and play loud music on them to avoid any other songs.
- Do not trust anyone.
- Have your computer defaulted to 'mute' and make sure that your volume is off while opening any links.
- Do not talk to any other GTPers using Discord, Facebook, gaming voice chat, social media, or open any musical Christmas cards physically sent to them. We are all evil and cannot be trusted.
GTPlanet vs. Mariah Carey:
GTPlanet vs. Wham!:
Participants Log:
Com Fox
epic_apri_39- Instagram? More like InstaWhammed!
edawg456- Out of the doorway the Carey rips, to the sound of the beat, yeah.
Tired Tyres
Obelisk's Dad
Spacegoat- You are NOT the Master of your Domain.
Nexus- Narrator knows to keep his phone muted.
ScottPuss20 if he lightened up a little
Henry Swanson
GTboyz- The cake is alietrap.
Joey D
Terronium-12- If you don't tell us how it went down, we'll start making things up and we will NOT paint you in a good light, ya rude egg.
Arquibus- One bus ticket to Careyville, please.
Nacho Libre- Facebook, Carey'd and Rick'd. Hope you didn't buy a lottery ticket.
Nebuc72 - Should have let the girlfriend take the hit for you.
timekiller001- Girl's'll be the death of us all.
p78- A commercial on TV got you? Is it 2007?
Updated to post #110
You heard it here first folks, Famine is hinting at signalling the end times before we get GTA VI.I'm not sure the planet (or at least the people on it) will survive to November 2025.
GTA 6 will probably cause the end-times all by itself, simply by the massive demands on electricity from everyone on the planet playing it simultaneously.You heard it here first folks, Famine is hinting at signalling the end times before we get GTA VI.
Fallout New Vegas is GTA6.You heard it here first folks, Famine is hinting at signalling the end times before we get GTA VI.
Fallout New Vegas is GTA6.
I do understand it, it's just too bad I didn't just stayed home, now I'm out for good. All because I went to a drugstore.I'm not entirely sure you get this game.
It's just the one specific song - the original All I Want for Christmas is You, by Mariah Carey - and when you're out you're out. There's no "for now" about it.
That sounds like a challenge. Count me in.I'm not sure the planet (or at least the people on it) will survive to November 2025.
I promise I started to as this same question lol. I can see myself out drinking and someone mentioned got played after the fact. I thought about it. The definition of "hearing" is the faculty of perceiving sounds. Therefore, if you did not preceive it, you didn't hear it.what if i heard it, but i wasn't even consciously aware that i heard it, it happens that you could be totally immune to the song, and even when you hear it, you dont realize that it was the song that you are supposed to avoid...
it shouldn't count, right ?
especially if you dont remember or forget about it, right ? you would still be in the game...
.... but if much later, much later, you realizes about it, and you remember you heard it... then you could still be in the game right....
Sign-up always ends when December starts, so you're in.I'm beginning to think signing up on November 2nd was a mistake. Maybe I better delay next year, if possible to December 21st 11:59:59 if possible. "Count me i- Happy New Year!! lol". Guaranteed win unless the neighbours play the record at their party and have outdoor speakers.
So the two guys above me missed the boat?Sign-up always ends when December starts, so you're in.
It was a mistype, I meant to type 31st as evidenced by all the New Year references in my post above.Also that plan would still give you 10 days to survive
I think it depends if the lyrics sang by Mariah Carey herself and not in a remix are apart of the backing trackDoes it count as getting Carey'd if an ad just uses its backing track? I got in my car this afternoon, and before my phone had a chance to connect to it I heard those infamous bars, only to breathe a sigh of relief as I heard one of Today FM's DJs plug a podcast celebrating its 30th birthday. I had no idea it released in 1994. I thought it was released around 1990ish.
She always gets her victims.I'm out, another year another failure
On a day shopping with a friend, we walked past an Auto shop a few times, which I commented about not needing to go in. We head off later and within 5 minutes he gets a warning light on the dash and we need to head back to the Auto shop to get a refill of Coolant.
Guess what played loudly on the radio in said Auto shop as we were heading in with a purpose...
Carey wins again...
I think by the rules you are out. If you got to the part where she should be screeching and she wasn't then you're safe.Does it count as getting Carey'd if an ad just uses its backing track? I got in my car this afternoon, and before my phone had a chance to connect to it I heard those infamous bars, only to breathe a sigh of relief as I heard one of Today FM's DJs plug a podcast celebrating its 30th birthday. I had no idea it released in 1994. I thought it was released around 1990ish.
Dodged a bullet today when Mariah's other Christmas song came on the radio and not the one.
Still in it but the net is tightening.