GT4 License Tests: I Give Up

  • Thread starter decker12
Well, after barely passing my iB licenses I'm pretty much stuck on most of the iA licenses, let alone any of the S licenses. I've decided to just plain give up and load a cheat save game as it's no longer fun to try to hone my driving ability past a certain point to continue on with the game.

When the game came out, I went nuts with my gameplay time and eventually I have completed and gotten silver or higher in all the B and A licenses. Recently, I just spent hours trying to get halfway through iA license after spending hours squeaking through with bronze in the iB license.

I admit that I'm obviously not as good as a driver as everyone else who has gotten gold or silver or whatever on all the licenses. I don't have a problem with that pecking order. I'm just tired of trying over and over again to get those licenses instead of doing what I really enjoy - racing and buying cars and tuning them.

I'm about 55% complete with the game and my only obstacles are the races that require licenses I don't have. I love the racing aspect but have truly grown to hate the licensing portion. For years and with all the other GT games I used to preach "license tests teach you how to drive!" but to me, it's clear that in GT4 this is not the case.

I will have a TON of fun racing and winning a challenging course with my ASM and TCM-off car for 100 aspec points but when it comes license time on the same course, I can't even score bronze. That's frustrating and really, not fun to me anymore. I feel no pride anymore from squeaking through a license with all bronze, only the sadness of wasting hours and hours doing routine busywork instead of racing like I want to.

Once I had a pride level with GT2 and GT3, thinking I could muscle and sweat and strain my way through all the races and through all the licenses. Get all the cars and all the colors for my garage, and whatnot.

I just can't do it with GT4. Maybe I'm just getting older and I covet my spare time more than I used to when I played those older GT games and run those license tests 1000 times to get Gold. Maybe my skill level has decreased. Maybe my TV is bigger or my wheel is more sensitive. Whatever the case is, I'm tired of fighting with it.

Sadly this means I gotta wipe my save and load up a downloaded Xport save with all licenses and a trillion credits, and start over. Cheating yes, but to me, it means getting more from the game and increasing it's value.
I feel your pain man.. Each time I get to a test with an Audi I feel like crying.... And a little like throwing up...
you know, you dont get any better by cheating out of them. youre going to run into races later that you arent going to be able to beat (without also cheating) if you cant develop your skills in the license tests.
you know, you dont get any better by cheating out of them. youre going to run into races later that you arent going to be able to beat (without also cheating) if you cant develop your skills in the license tests.

That's exactly right. I'm not a huge fan of the tests either(IA 15 was the bain of my existance!). But it teaches technique and control. If you just totally bypass it, your're not going to have the skills or understanding as to why you can't win certain races even when you have the 800HP car.

Don't cheat. I have the urge to do the same thing. and I might just so I can have a save for all my drift cars. But I won't count that towards me beating the game. That's simply killing the whole point of the "drive of your life"
Well, after barely passing my iB licenses I'm pretty much stuck on most of the iA licenses, let alone any of the S licenses. I've decided to just plain give up and load a cheat save game as it's no longer fun to try to hone my driving ability past a certain point to continue on with the game.

I haven't tried the Super Licenses yet, but I feel similarly to you that the fun part is the racing, so I just go for bronzes in license tests. Only one of the tests had me frustrated so far, and that was the one on the Tsukuba circuit with the 2 Miatas; I rammed my way into a bronze on that one after giving it a couple of tries cleanly.

It's a tough design goal, I think, to allow casual players the opportunity to do 90% of the game without the obsessive practice required for 100%. What is meant by "casual", though--a couple of hours of play a week, or a couple of hours a night? As for myself, I've done Mission Hall 1-10, and decided I don't want to spend any more evenings shaving 10ths off the same course. OTOH, I'd be a little pissed if I couldn't at least get all the licenses so I could do all the real races.

I really like that the physics are more realistic and it doesn't bother me that there's parts of the game that are beyond my willingness to finish (I never did the endurance races of GT3). With time, you can unlock all the tracks and enjoy the game in arcade mode with the sliding difficulty scale, so I don't see the big loss of not getting every single car unlocked by doing every single race.
Do you use the dual shock or DFP? I had the same prob with GT3 so I went out and bought the DF which changed things completely. I even found the F1 races to be easy with the DF, would have never done it with the dual shock.
That was my reaction on one of the B licenses. When will I ever need to know how to drive some of these courses in a flipping PT Cruiser or stock Mini (not even the Cooper or Cooper S, I'm talking the Toyota Echo class Mini).
...I just can't do it with GT4. Maybe I'm just getting older and I covet my spare time more than I used to when I played those older GT games and run those license tests 1000 times to get Gold. Maybe my skill level has decreased. Maybe my TV is bigger or my wheel is more sensitive. Whatever the case is, I'm tired of fighting with it...

This really puzzles me if you got golds or even silvers on GT3. I got mostly bronze and silver on GT3, but I still got through IA licenses on GT4 without much trouble at all. (Haven't tried S license yet).

Try licenses without your wheel -- just the control pad. Wheel is more fun, but you might do better on licenses without it.
For me, just the licenses and Missions have been fun all by themselves. I know not everyone will feel the same way, but fun is where you find it. Not everyone wants to spend the time to get silvers and golds, which is completely legitimate. BUT, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to get all bronze. The game is designed for that to be obtainable for everyone.

You're missing some basic key driving technique if you're having trouble with the bronze. See if you can figure out what you're overlooking. Once you find it, I'll wager you'll pass the tests (with bronze) with very little effort. GT4 has a lot of "push" in it (which I find pretty realistic). Also called Understeer. You turn your wheels, but your car "pushes" straight forward anyway instead of turning. If you havn't learned that you must brake earlier and smoothly accellerate out of a turn to avoid this yet, then that's probably the one technique you're missing. Try experimenting with a few different techniques, and I'm sure you'll pass the tests without too much additional frustration.
I feel your pain decker. I've felt the same way myself numerous times, and not just in GT or license tests. I remember playing another game once where I got into a battle with some monsterous beast and kept getting killed over and over and over. I was like "why do people do this." I happily skipped the level and never looked back.

But with sim racing and especially licenses it's different. I can't quit. I know I can do it. If others can, I can. When I walk away from the game out of sheer frustration... when I feel like throwing my controller through the window or when I try to twist it into a pretzel, crunching off bits of teeth in the process, I always end up cooling off and thinking "dammit...I have to do this!" And you know what, I always do.

OLR is another story. I know I can't keep up with the fastest guys. But gold, silver, and especially bronze licenses - you can do it. 👍
I feel your pain decker. I've felt the same way myself numerous times, and not just in GT or license tests. I remember playing another game once where I got into a battle with some monsterous beast and kept getting killed over and over and over. I was like "why do people do this." I happily skipped the level and never looked back.

But with sim racing and especially licenses it's different. I can't quit. I know I can do it. If others can, I can. When I walk away from the game out of sheer frustration... when I feel like throwing my contoller through the window or when I try to twist it into a pretzel, crunching off bits of teeth in the process, I always end up cooling off and thinking "dammit...I have to do this!" And you know what, I always do.

OLR is another story. I know I can't keep up with the fastest guys. But gold, silver, and especially bronze licenses - you can do it. 👍
Good post! 👍
You gotta do what you gotta do.

I'll admit I have a "cheat" save and a "legit" save. I use my "cheat" save to buy cars that I don't want to spend legit money on and practice. 10 laps on a course in a car with "comfort" tires teaches me alot about the course and the car, more than I am able to learn doing in one lap (or part of a lap if I go off) in the tests. It helps a lot with licenses and the "one lap magic" missions and I still have the sense of accomplishment in the "game" save. Plus it's fun when friends are over to load up that save where I have tons of cash to blow tricking out cars that I wouldn't touch otherwise, without wasting time and money on my game save.

I would urge you to try this before wiping out all the accomplishments you have made without cheating.
The best part about the license tests is that they come with a demo that shows you exactly how to win. All you gotta do is follow what he does. Take turns wide or close like he does, brake when he does, go full throttle through certain blind turns like he does.
Whats even cooler is that the demo is the SLOWEST way to get gold, and I find theres always something I can do or accidently do that blows my time deeper into gold. IE: the S-class small-city alley tests. If you learn the art of wallriding (which some might find lame), then that kills 3 seconds into gold. This can also be done in snow/dirt, it might be lame but it works. Just hug the wall as you approach the turn and keep on the wall. The screen will shake crazy but you arent hitting the wall hard enough to fail.
I got either bronze/silver or gold on all S-class tests within 2-3 tries, they are really easy.

About the understeer in gt4, it is amazingly realistic! I came from gt3 thinking i was prepared for gt4, i thought it would be a breeze. But i was wrong, and i spent b and a license tests re-adapting to the new physics. Brakeing early is so much more important, as is traction and coming out of turns at the highest speed possible.

I thought the missions were impossible about 2 weeks ago. But in the last 3 days ive done probably 15 of them. Now i only have 33 and 34 left to do. Everything else I got done :D

This game ownz.
I admit that the licenses can be frustrating enough! I have yet to try the S licenses but if I've golded all licenses in GT3, I'll do it again in GT4.
I guess the real problem is trying to make the game appeal to as many people as possible. If it weren't hard enough, a lot of hard core people would be really disappointed.

I'm hard core enough that I play GT4 as much as I can and even bought some old VW car seats to use as my cockpit. But I'm not hard core enough to care really about finding the "perfect" driving line. To me it's just a game and I simply want to enjoy it. Beating the computer even though I've bashed into the walls is what I enjoy. Doing a licence test over and over and over and over again simply to get it "right" is not my idea of fun. The repetivness of the license test bore me.

That's why I never got the super license in GT3. I'll look at the super license in GT4, but I probably won't get that either. I'm just not interested in "perfecting" my driving skills. If I wanted to improve my driving skills, I'd go out to a real track. I just want some entertainment--that's why I bought the game.

That being said, GT4 is great because it allowed you to transfer licences from GT3. Plus, I was able to get the I-A, I-B licences much more quickly, so who knows, maybe I'll have the patience to get the super license. It just bugs me that when I buy a game, I can't play the whole thing simply because I'm not "good enough." What an insult! And from a computer no less! :).

Anyway, that's why I like the Ace Combat series because I complete all the missions in easy and get the whole story line and then go back and play it again in hard. I guess I'm a simple person and need the instant gratification :D.
I would agree with those saying that you should try again without cheating. The demo they give you is a great help, try changing the view so you use the view you use for racing witha full display. That way you can not only learn the line but also the gear and revs you should be using. A lot of the time frustration comes from simply trying too hard, try relaxing and you may find they come easily for you.

I guess if he's going to cheat, it doesn't matter how, but it's really not necessary. He can do this.

That was a stupid suggestion I know ^^' I've edited the post, just not in time I guess.
I had all the licence's 6 hours after i bought it and i drive whit my Dual Shock Controllpad and even steer whit the D-Pad on it! i've always done that beacuse u can be more precise whit the D-Pad then the analog. But it's up to u if u want to make it or not, u can try to explain to us how u feel and feel better when u get the same response. But in the end it's up to u how u feel after when u've got the cars and so on... it feels great to get a car and u earned every BHP of it! ;)

/Regads Cel
no way anyone got gold licence on special licence test only 2 left to pass the special
ofcourse bronze and to think that i am the winner of gt4 game in my country
these last 2 well the one before the mercedes 190 nurburig i am going crazy on that one
And i hate the penalty, the ai cars are a pain in the ass
but the speed of the game is perfect realistic next gt5 hope lambo,ferrari,porsche and
real damage and online
FWIW: Laugh all you want...but I think there's a zen-like, almost mystical aspect to GT license testing. I've been where the original poster is...that point where you're ready to destroy your controller (if not your whole console), and I've found that once I've hit that "wall," and subsequently gathered myself up and gotten a reign on my emotions,'re either going to roll your eyes or know exactly what I'm talking about...., I almost always pass the test on the next couple of tries. And the weird part is, I have no idea what I did differently from my multitude of near-misses. I'm telling you...there must be something to all of the "In The Zone" talk on this board. I don't have any other explanation. Maybe it's like The have to trust your instincts and "let go..." :)

Hang in there, buddy...just mentally picture that ghost car in your mirror getting smaller and smaller. 👍
I feel like the Super Licenses are extremely hard, getting bronze was a chore. I stop trying after getting bronze.
Some License tests in IB and IA were difficult to master, also wanted to turn my controller into a pretzel.
Take a deep breath, tell yourself it's a game, have fun, and eventually you'll pass all tests. The Demo can help you, you don't have to drive the same racing line as the AI car. Study the Demo maybe you can pick up a pointer or two to squeak by with bronze.
Take from some one who isn't the best techinal driver that all License tests can be passed with bronze if you like or better.

Stay with it you will not regret it.
or just beast it... when i get my winning lap, its obvious throughout the whole lap for me. Like after each corner ill come out 5-10mph faster than normal, and i can feel it. Im literally laughing while i get my win.

As for frustration, i laugh about that too. Say im doing a hot lap, and i **** up and let a tire touch dirt. In some cars, its all over once this happens. and ill throw my controller down, laugh about it and walk away for a while. A break helps a lot, cuz ill come back and usually get it right firs try.
The second looser i see round here. That´s bad.

That´s what i say, u don´t need to be the best in the world, to get the 100% of the game. Just practice and u will.

But, ur just a looser...better give up as u said...
The second looser i see round here. That´s bad.

That´s what i say, u don´t need to be the best in the world, to get the 100% of the game. Just practice and u will.

But, ur just a looser...better give up as u said...

A little crude, but effective.