GT4 License Tests: I Give Up

  • Thread starter decker12
Those can be done in B-spec, if you don't have S-licence. So, getting 100% without S-licence is perfectly possible

What? Can you do races in B-Spec for a category that you're not licenced for?

Not that I've ever used B-Spec, I'm just curious...

Yup. I read that somewhere, and when I didn't have my S-licence yet I tried to enter some S-licence cups, and I could enter them with B-spec. Haven't raced them in B-spec though, I prefer to race A-spec.:)
Can the A License graduation test on the PAL version be golded using a DS2 controller.

It is clear that the demo uses a wheel because of left foot braking ie brakes and accelerator at the same time. The PAL time is harder than the NTSC time.

Has anyone got gold in the PAL version using a DS2.

I think PD are wrong for making the time almost impossible with a DS2. We don't all have wheels and don't all want them.
I don't remember my exact time, but i remember getting around .7 seconds better than the required time for gold. That's the one with the RX7 right?

On a side note, I thought this would be an awesome place to mention that i got 72 gold, 8 left on IB, but its pointless, since there all silver/gold and i already have the prizecar for all gold from the used car shop.

Point of me saying this... golding S is like getting Mission 34, very frustrating, but slowly gets easier and easier
Yeah I have trimmed my short term plan due to the strange allocation of prize cars

I now only want to gold A license, silver S license (already have B all gold, A 14xgold, the rest mainly silver, S 14xsilver with Chamonix and Nurb bronze)

Then M34 to complete my LeMans collection.

Still have some 3 lappers to do but not a high priority.

The rest will come in time.

Don't care too much for the Dome or Model T (will want them for completeness but not yet).
Is there anyone who knows how to do the Charmonix test?
I have only this one left before I can try with Sauber C9.

Anything that I should note?

Thanks ahead
Don't worry about it man. I've bronzed all and silvered a few, gold...well...none...

Whenever I get frustrated with a test, I just race a championship or two or just give the game a break for a while :)
Sure you can cheat with the licences, and buy the best car for each championship and whack a stage 4 turbo on it and blow away the opposition, and if thats what floats your boat then fine, I don't have a problem with that. In the early days with GT1 thats exactly what I would do, and I had a blast. Seriously, it was great fun.

But by the time GT2 came along I was getting bored. Blow away the opposition in a super souped up car and win every race, wheres the skill in that? I started to try and win races with a car no better than the opposition and try and out-drive them instead. At least it was more challenging, and I felt better about it, even a sense of pride.

Bear in mind the licences are by far and away the hardest part of this game, I practised for weeks for the GTWC on the Toyko circuit before I could manage a win there, but the same lines I used are only good enough for a Silver at best on the S-licence test and usually a Bronze. Also remember that the licences are usually accumulative, the skill to take a particular set of corners in the right way will occur again and again through the tests but it will get progressively more difficult with faster or poorer handling cars, and usually culminating in a full lap of the circuit. If you don't get it right early on you'll find yourself increasingly off the pace. So if you're having a problem with a particular level of test, go back to the earlier, slower version of it and try and get a good time and you'll find it a lot easier when you go back the one you were having trouble with. Also practise. A lot. In GT1 I remember a International licence test involving a TVR Griffith on the Grand Valley Speedway that I simply could not pass, I tried over and over again for weeks on end until I eventually went and bought a Griffith and took it on a Time Trial on the GVS and just went round and round, over and over again for what seemed like hours. Once I went back to the test I passed it on the first or second attempt...

Apart from the licence guide on this forum one I thing I find incredibly helpful is there are videos on YouTube of people getting Gold on the licence tests and unlike the demo's you can pause and rewind the video, and if you're having trouble with a particular corner on a full guide lap you can watch that point over and over. Also these guys often take different lines and get better times than the demo run so I'lll try their lines instead and once got three Gold's where I simply couldn't manage it before.

But at the end of the day it's your game, you paid good money for it, and you do whatever the hell you want with it, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
i needed 448 days in the game to have all the gold licenses:ouch:

Don't be hard on yourself, this is how I see it:

"i needed 448 days in the game" > Doesn't Matter

"have all the gold licenses" > DOES Matter


I'm just stuck on the last part of the iA before the test. The Mercedes they give you to do a lap around Nurburgring is terrible for that track. I am at the breaking point and am probably going to do the same.
It takes perseverance and practice and a thorough knowledge of the 'Ring. The Merc actually isn't a bad car.

Have you looked here and here? Lots of good information there.
Practice in a slower, different car. I think the main thing is to know the 'Ring like the back of your hand. DON'T be afraid to take different lines than the demo, you'll be surprised what you can get away with. It took me about a year, but I got all my licenses thru S. Take your time and have fun. After all, it's a game! I know... I tried spending my 18 million credits in the real world and it didn't work...:dopey:

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