Bohemian Rapsody


Wymondham, Norfolk
ok, you see the thread title and you think WTF! wrong forum mate!

well no, see, i found that racing against bohemian rapsody is bloody good fun.

But itll only work on the nurburgring, start the song as you cross the line and see who finishes first.

Rules are, race cars arent allowed tune ups, production cars are. i used a stock bentley speed 8 and lost by 4 seconds.

so, get too it and i hope to hear some feedback on this crazy race.

Cool idea :D funny ... but cool :cool: gonna be a bit hard finding a non race car beating the 5.58 time limit on nurb :ill:

maybe the suped up mini would fit against Bat out of Hell and its 9.50 time limit :dopey:

Oh btw! it's Rhapsody :sly:

I'm a Queen fan to the end :) 👍
lmao, what about a modded cube :P

im sure a modded skyline could mabe get close?
i used a bentley sped 8 with no tune up or weight reduction.
You said no race cars. Bentley Speed 8 is a ?

To beat 5'58 would be a Kind of Magic. You'd be really Under Pressure. You'd have to race Headlong to get the Breakthru.

Wow - that's One Vision. Inventing a race yourself while listening to the Radio (Ga-Ga). It's not like it'd be over in a Flash either.
Ahh, I read that wrongly. I think I'm going slightly mad....
Mmm. Stone Cold Crazy. Still, the Show Must Go On. We've just got to find out who's got that Staying Power.
Liar. It's Late, You're My Best Friend and I'm overcome with Jealousy.

Just Play the Game!
This challenge would be the Miracle if it's Driven By You
Less of the Back Chat. Anyway, No-one But You would make it look like a Bicycle Race...
In the Lap of the Gods, hope you don't get a Misfire.

Now, we're just waiting on Duke's Hammer To Fall...
Ah well. Who Wants to Live Forever? Heaven for Everyone!

Anywho. You could always cruise along to the full version (35 minutes or so) of Equinoxe by Jean Michel Jarre. ;)
daan and Famine----

👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍

that was awesome!

for all who take this challenge, Play The Game, do not cheat for it would cause a Scandal. drive your hardest and Ride The Wild Wind!

the only thing missing would be Fat Bottomed Girls at the finish line (though that could make your Sweet Lady jealous!)

ok, that's all, no more Stealin' :)