GT4 PhotoMode/Photoshop Competition: Week 14

  • Thread starter //. /. '/
PhotoMode/Photoshop competition rules:
Photoshop MUST be used (or other photo editing program)
You may alter the photograph in ANY way, the more creative the better
The photograph must be hosted by ImageShack
The photograph must be within the parameters of each weeks theme, chosen by the judge
Deadline will be during the day on the following Saturday
Each Person will be allowed THREE entries
Entries will only be considered if "ENTRY" is above each one
Only 20 Entries will be voted on, and will be selected by the judge
The judge will be the winner of the previous week's vote

Judge: //. /. '/

Theme: Custom Cars
make a stock car custom, make a sedan a wagon, turn it into a boat, change a car from stock
Ooooh! I like this theme!! So we can change the car in any way, ie Fast and Furious replicas, or making a sleek aston martin into a 4WD off-roader?
yup ... but I guess more ridiculous the better
like movie's car ... batmobile or 007 secret weapons
I don't think so ....
I guess //. /. '/ looking for transformation
the simpliest would be monster truck conversion
or make a hardtop car convertiable
well color wouldn't be good competition for the other entries, but you can do something as small making a four door a two door
dammit! someone teach me how to do that! :irked:
great pic vp
It is REAL easy.

Step 1: Spend about 3000 hours in Photoshop.
Step 2: Create the image above.


Yes folks, it really is just that simple ....

Seriously. It all comes down to time-behind-the-wheel. The more you use PS the easier it is to do what you want. Also, you may want to pick up The Photoshop WOW Book by Peachpit Press. It is a useful tool with great tuts.

Oh, and thank you treefingers ! :)
wow .... that CS2 book is not coming until Oct 14
that's a long wait ....

Vicious ... how can you do those lens flares?
using 3rd party filters?
Well this sounds like it could be fun... 👍
Could go crazy.

Nice job Vicious!
thanks for the tips
last time I used an explosion looking pattern for the lens flare
but I messed up with adjustment layer order
those lens flare looks like a white circle :lol: :dunce:
nice vicious... you have inspired me, however i need to finish the 24hr LaSarthe before i can enter this weeks comp :dunce:
everytime I see the entries from Vicious (or from E$ and Toad)
It makes me wanna do the comp so bad
maybe I ain't creative enough to beat them
but it pushing my motivation to sky high
this is the same as doing any other car-photoshop, its just a digital car.. :)
yeah true .... I want to do the real car compo
but I am a real lazy bum for searching aftermarket rims
anyway ... are you making some new vectors?
everytime I see the entries from Vicious (or from E$ and Toad)
It makes me wanna do the comp so bad
maybe I ain't creative enough to beat them
but it pushing my motivation to sky high

Franz, lets think back to the movie poster you did.
Now, (in my mind) anyone who can do that can do this. Motivation up Man!

Get wierd on this one...
add another set of tires and wheels to an F1 car and make one of those new 'Retro' cars. Go blinkin' crazy... :)
not for a while, cause i dont have flash NEmore either [one of those programs that got wiped out]
good job zubicar .... F1 is cool!

Toad> that's true ...
if a person has the ability, he/she should gain some motivation when seeing other's people work. However, it depends on how much the person care about the compo thou ...
i WAS going to do the literal version of a car-PC, but it didnt work out.. [basically it was going to be a tower w/ cuda headlights coke-bottle flair up top & the cockpit as well ... but it just didn't look right.
here's my entry for this week... the MINI-BEATLE 3.0

about 3 hours on photoshop and i ended up with a picture i didnt really like and a lot of personal improvement 👍
so i glamed it up with a lot of photo effects

i might add more later
'didn't say it had to stay in virtual settings..
i present to you, "land-yacht":
Well, I've put a lot of effort into this, so enjoy!!

Once again, from my fictional tuning company, Evolution Tuning!
Feedback Welcome!