The Formula GT air acrobatic circus! (Pictorial)

  • Thread starter Mr.Slow
Formula GT Championship drivers are always looking for innovative ways to compensate for the droniness of the series and provide entertainment for the fans. So for the 4th race of the series (High Speed Ring) they decided to prepare a little flying acrobatics with some help from the Blue Angels acrobatic team.

Rather than have the Blue Angels don Formula GT overalls and do the show they agreed to have Orange Dude perform the manouver with one of the Blue Angels standing in for Gray Dude. Blue Angel Gray would walk Orange Dude through the manouver whilst acting as the background car.

The manouver is known as "Missile Dodge" and it goes something like this: A missile is shot at a fighter plane. The pilot waits for the missile to be close enough and deploys a decoy whilst changing trajectory abruptly. This sends the missile into a series of turns trying to re aquire the target and finally running out of fuel. It is a faily simple stunt but since it was their first time doing acrobatics the FGTDA (Formula GT Driver's Association) didn't want to tempt their luck by getting too fancy.

After a few warm up attempts on laps 2,4,10 and 14 the big attraction was scheduled for lap 30 or just about half way through the race. Here is how it went down:

Gray Dude is GD
Orange Dude is OD

GD: Acrobatics 1 ready, roger.
OD: Acrobatics 2 ready, roger.
GD: Check Speed and commence manouver, roger.
OD: Speed at 70MPH over target. Commencing manouver, roger.
GD: Deploying decoy and swinging to the left, roger.
OD: Engaging decoy and flying past target, roger

WD: Swing left, swing left! roger.
GD: Swinging left and hitting kerb, roger.

GD: Careful to not to be on the grass too long before engaging the spark blower, roger.
OD: Will do, roger.

OD: Spark blower on, swinging right, roger.
GD: Remember right-left and hit rail head on to achieve 360+ rotation, roger.
OD: Copy that, roger.

GD: Looking good, steady on the follow through, roger.


GD: Hold steady, finish rotation, roger

OD: I just remeber I had a big lunch, roger.
GD: Focus man, Focus! Finish rotation and engage target head on, roger.
OD: Co-co-copy that, roger.

OD: Engaging target head on, roger.
GD: Swinging right, roger.

OD: Initiating low flying rotation, roger.
GD: Almost there OD, roger.

GD: Perfect execution OD, you sure you wanna stick with FGT driving?, roger.
OD: Thanks GD, I'll stick with FGT driving. Not a fan of tasting lunch twice, roger.

Race Control: This is race control. Great manouver guys. The fans loved it. Program director wants to do it again on lap 74, roger.

OD: Lets get Red Dude to do it this time, shall we? , roger.
GD: I'm up for that OD. What did you have for lunch RD? , roger.
RD: Screw you guys. I ain't tasting that mayo salad twice!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :dopey:

I wish I could take 2-player pics like that... need a TV card for my PC!
Nice pics.. How about a video of the replay? Even for that clip.

Luckyly for you the pictures came off the video tape (Using a MiniDV camera with memory stick)

Unlucky for you it was only available as DVD from the official merchandise stand at the end of the race

J/k.... I'll see about uploading the video after I finish the next race (I added 25units of ballast to make it more of an effort - gives 76 points instead of the standard 60)
Well, with the extra 25 units of ballast in race 5 there wasn't any flying but there was a very impresive twirling ballet presentation from the last kink to almost the finish line on lap 27. In direct sight of the Grand Stands. Sadly, the Program Director had cut to another camera and the guy covering the angle was pointing the camera to some chick in very tight clothes... (the replay ends on lap 24!)
Brilliant pictures, be sure to let us know if you do upload the video because that I wanna see!

Did you actually manage to keep her steady after that last shot there and keep going or did you lose it?
Nice pics.. How about a video of the replay? Even for that clip.

I tried to upload the videos to megaupload and youshareit but they have changed their sites and only provide the link to the email address you nominate as the recepient. And since I don't wanna give them my email address (and can't be bothered creating a dummy one).... no videos.... sorry.

Unless someone wants to upload them themselves...
actually, in yousendit you dont have to put in an email adress, it still gives you the link after ur done uploading it... or u might as well try