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Warning... this posting IS long (sorry!) and I am going to vent a bit! 
Okay, I know the fanboys and flamers amongst you will doubtless take issue over my saying ANYthing against GT4, (shock!
) but here's my point...
The tuner car garage... okay, you can tune road cars in it... but 90% of the time the tuning is EXACTLY the same as tuning by their own manufacturer... (same HP, weight, etc). What's the point of it, exactly? For that matter, nor does it make the car look or act any differently (even a subtle BLITZ decal on the cars side would have been nice!) unless you choose say, a Skyline... then you get TWO, I repeat, TWO new thing to try. Stage 5 turbo, and original suspension. Wow, etc...
Again, what's the point? This couldn't have been done by the manufacturers section?! (which invaribly IS tuner based too, and even turns up tuner cars of it's own on occasions!) I mean, let me get this straight. A MULTI MILLION yen company such as - for example - Nissan, with it's own tuner company doing the tuning, can't manage to fit a stage 5 turbo or original suspension, yet go to a tuner house in the game, no problem at all! Riiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!
And for exactly two parts. Why only two? Why not NA level 4, Alternative Race level (rather than sports) Rom chipping, custom supercharger, Bodyweight level 4, (full carbon body and shell anyone, aka Carbon R34?) alternative tuning (different tuners tuning your car different ways with different HP power outputs and rev ranges) or hey, get this, alternate tyres! Imagine being able to choose which tyre company you used in the game! (Works for F1 IRL)
I'm NOT saying all the above as possible with the PS2 processor and DVD storage limitations, but at least a LITTLE more effort would have made a huge difference in terms o gameplay... I feel the tuner section was a good idea in theory, but a wasted one in practise... I would love to have seen this developed, and really making you think as to which tuner company you use, and how it would affect your own racing/chances of winning, rather than them all doing EXACTLY the same thing, regardless of which one you choose to tune your car.
To me, as it is, it's little more than a novelty, sadly. Nice tuner cars, but not much else. Anyone else feel the same, disappointed by this?
And BEFORE someone whines and says "if you don't like the game don't play it etc" 1. I've completed it, months ago. 100%. All done. 2. I love the game so much I bought a PS2 just to play GT4 and 3. If no-one challenged the way things are, we'd all be living in caves, and your name would be "Ug". Okay?
I have vented. I feel much better now. And I've saved myself thousands in counselling fees. Truly the internet is a wonderful thing.
Thanks for listening... well, reading
Okay, I know the fanboys and flamers amongst you will doubtless take issue over my saying ANYthing against GT4, (shock!
The tuner car garage... okay, you can tune road cars in it... but 90% of the time the tuning is EXACTLY the same as tuning by their own manufacturer... (same HP, weight, etc). What's the point of it, exactly? For that matter, nor does it make the car look or act any differently (even a subtle BLITZ decal on the cars side would have been nice!) unless you choose say, a Skyline... then you get TWO, I repeat, TWO new thing to try. Stage 5 turbo, and original suspension. Wow, etc...
Again, what's the point? This couldn't have been done by the manufacturers section?! (which invaribly IS tuner based too, and even turns up tuner cars of it's own on occasions!) I mean, let me get this straight. A MULTI MILLION yen company such as - for example - Nissan, with it's own tuner company doing the tuning, can't manage to fit a stage 5 turbo or original suspension, yet go to a tuner house in the game, no problem at all! Riiiiiiiiiiiight!!!!
And for exactly two parts. Why only two? Why not NA level 4, Alternative Race level (rather than sports) Rom chipping, custom supercharger, Bodyweight level 4, (full carbon body and shell anyone, aka Carbon R34?) alternative tuning (different tuners tuning your car different ways with different HP power outputs and rev ranges) or hey, get this, alternate tyres! Imagine being able to choose which tyre company you used in the game! (Works for F1 IRL)
I'm NOT saying all the above as possible with the PS2 processor and DVD storage limitations, but at least a LITTLE more effort would have made a huge difference in terms o gameplay... I feel the tuner section was a good idea in theory, but a wasted one in practise... I would love to have seen this developed, and really making you think as to which tuner company you use, and how it would affect your own racing/chances of winning, rather than them all doing EXACTLY the same thing, regardless of which one you choose to tune your car.
To me, as it is, it's little more than a novelty, sadly. Nice tuner cars, but not much else. Anyone else feel the same, disappointed by this?
And BEFORE someone whines and says "if you don't like the game don't play it etc" 1. I've completed it, months ago. 100%. All done. 2. I love the game so much I bought a PS2 just to play GT4 and 3. If no-one challenged the way things are, we'd all be living in caves, and your name would be "Ug". Okay?
I have vented. I feel much better now. And I've saved myself thousands in counselling fees. Truly the internet is a wonderful thing.
Thanks for listening... well, reading