I am NOT African American...

  • Thread starter Swift


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I'm a black American or an American of African decent. I'm not saying this like "African American" is a bad thing. Because it's not. I know a lot of African Americans, people born in Africa and moved here, and they're fine people. But I'm not an African American.

I'd rather just be called an American or Black American. My family was taken from Africa(why do we always say it like Africa is one country. :boggled: ) at least 4 generations ago. We are American and proud to be. I do NOT disregard my heritage or anyone else's or their pride in it. As I believe it's important to understand ones history. But America is being divided by this stupid politically correct, Latin American, Asian American, African American garbage.

We are Americans. We don't need to draw lines(except for hereditary health problems). There was a time when blacks in America needed a national anthem. Something to pull them together and make them recognized by the government of that time. But that time has passed. The civil rights movement for the most part as mutated into a "You owe me because I'm *insert desired color here*). This is absurd and just hurting our nation.

I believe it is way past time for all American's to get past the color barrier and take responsibility for their own destiny.

Though I'm talking specifically about America here, I'm sure this situation is being experienced in other free nations around the world and I welcome their input as well.
I agree. I'm white. Of course, that's usually what people say if it isn't Caucasian, but I have not a clue what Caucasian means, nor would do I care.
I call black people black people, because they are. Now, if they were born in Africa the term African American is probably appropriate, but the vast majority of black people weren't, so it shouldn't apply. That's like calling me a European American. Usually I extend that to North Central European American just to make it more satirical, but you get the idea. But that takes us to Mexicans, whom many of which were born in America, which means they aren't Mexican any more than a black person is African. So what do we call them? I call them beaners, but you can blame that on Carlos Mencia.:lol: Or Asian people. Japanese, Chinese, Indian, they have a huge roster of names, and they isually go by country, especially when it comes to the, well, asian Asians--Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Philippino (is that a crack on Latino?), Vietnamese, Korean, you know the lot. They don't have a special color, and yellow is degrading. They sure aren't (place country here) American if they were born here, but then again I can't remember the last time I heard the term Asian American on TV or radio. European decended people, like me (Germany in particular), don't go by country, like German American, Spanish American (though they'd probably be called Mexican by the dumber of society because of their accent), Portugese American, Lithuanian American, Dutch American (never did figure out how they got "Dutch" from "Netherlands")--we just say we're white. What da prob'm is wit dat, brah?
We can't standardize names for people from different countries, we can't force people to say certain things, we can't expect everyone to suck it up, quit pussing, and take the harassment, we can't just let it go, we can't pay too much attention or people will get mad for regulating where they're from. We just have to keep watching our mouths and remembering ridiculously long and precise, yet obscure, names for where people are from. I'm not sure if all this "correctness" is helping or hurting the racism situation in America. I agree citizens are all Americans, but what about non-citizens? What happens when you take the SAT and it asks for your ethinicity for statistical reasons? You have to distinguish between races, but you shouldn't seperate them into different categories.
And then you have the mean names, which I'd love to list but won't, even though most are hilarious. You know they are. And don't think I forgot about "Arabs", or "Muslims", or whatever they call themselves--I don't feel like getting blown up. Oh come on! It's a joke!
By the way, I banged political correctness in the ass. MWHAHAHAHA!!!

So when's the next Mind of Mencia and/or Chapelle's Show?
I know a family from South Africa that could be considered "African-American" and they are white.
I was born in the US to a family of black Americans with Southern Plains Indians mixed in to make things interesting. Yet I'm African American.
My kids are "beige". And just to mess up the census, and the school "surveys" they get to be black-African American one year and White the next.:lol:
I have told them that for scholarships they can be whatever race is going to get them the most money.
I have told them that for scholarships they can be whatever race is going to get them the most money.

:lol: Bingo.

Interesting that the media is so careful about not using the word "black" and replacing it with "African-American". I've always wondered who was actually offended by being reffered to as "black".
Yes. I always wondered about the whole "oriental" thing. That's a serious insult, inplying a brittle, fancy, decorative piece of shiny ceramic or something. That's what I think of, anyway.
We are Americans. We don't need to draw lines(except for hereditary health problems). There was a time when blacks in America needed a national anthem. Something to pull them together and make them recognized by the government of that time. But that time has passed. The civil rights movement for the most part as mutated into a "You owe me because I'm *insert desired color here*). This is absurd and just hurting our nation.
I, in NO way, intend to be racist, but I see this problem becoming too common in the fact that because an ancestor was abused means they need the money. That's done and gone.

All it is when people do this or use their race as an excuse for money is just a tactic to get money. They, probably, couldn't care less what race they are, as long as they get the money, and it helps them get it.

My 2 cents though, I agree.:)
I'm a black American or an American of African decent. I'm not saying this like "African American" is a bad thing. Because it's not. I know a lot of African Americans, people born in Africa and moved here, and they're fine people. But I'm not an African American.

I'd rather just be called an American or Black American. My family was taken from Africa(why do we always say it like Africa is one country. :boggled: ) at least 4 generations ago. We are American and proud to be. I do NOT disregard my heritage or anyone else's or their pride in it. As I believe it's important to understand ones history. But America is being divided by this stupid politically correct, Latin American, Asian American, African American garbage.

We are Americans. We don't need to draw lines(except for hereditary health problems). There was a time when blacks in America needed a national anthem. Something to pull them together and make them recognized by the government of that time. But that time has passed. The civil rights movement for the most part as mutated into a "You owe me because I'm *insert desired color here*). This is absurd and just hurting our nation.

I believe it is way past time for all American's to get past the color barrier and take responsibility for their own destiny.

Though I'm talking specifically about America here, I'm sure this situation is being experienced in other free nations around the world and I welcome their input as well.

So, did you decide to make this thread as a result of this: https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showpost.php?p=2194341&postcount=36 ?

I'm honored, and happy that you agree. I just think that being Politically Correct is utterly pointless, especially when people venture into being politically incorrect while trying to be "nice and PC" while using "african-american" and so forth.

EDIT: People who try to get money because their ancestors whom they did not even know were slaves are ridiculous. If you do not know the horrors of slavery, yet still want compensation, you're a disgrace. The whole purpose of equality is just that: to be equal. I have three words for people scared to not use african-american, connivers, and people too proud or whatever to recognize equality: Get over it.
Asian, Oriental, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, none of those bother me. I don't really care. Only thing that still make me go :odd: is the "Japanese". I noticed a lot of Australian(maybe New Zealanders too) referring to us by that. I'm told that it's not used to the same way it was originally(back in the 40's), so I guess it's OK. Maybe it's our version of the "N" word. :sly:
I don't even see that far, really. Black people born in America are Americans. It's as simple as that. At least as far as I'm concerned.

Maybe it's just the way I was raised.. my mother taught me early on that people are people, period. I've got white skin, and I wear glasses. Someone over there has white skin and dark hair, and buckteeth. Someone over there has dark skin. I've never cared one way or the other. That continued on when I joined the Marines, where such distinctions simply don't exist. We had people from every different race in my platoon in boot camp. And we were all there together.

What's sad is realizing that a lot of people don't think that way. I find the whole idea of racism sickening. And, on-topic, the idea that we should "classify" people based on their genetic heritage.

I think what Gil said is hilarious.. South African white people calling themselves "African-American". That would totally screw people up, and I'd laugh my ass off. :)
^ actually you must not hang around too many japanese people :P. Lots of groups call eachother insults that can only be said by people in that group. Like i've heard azn guys joking around calling eachother things that i wouldnt feel comfortabel saying to them :P.

Plus when a black person calls another black person the n word its obvious that they arent being racist. if someone else says it then how are they supposed to know the intent of the person shouting the n word?

My dad's from Ghana and my mom is from here so i guess my dad's an ghanian american and i'm an (black) american :P
^ actually you must not hang around too many japanese people :P. Lots of groups call eachother insults that can only be said by people in that group. Like i've heard azn guys joking around calling eachother things that i wouldnt feel comfortabel saying to them :P.

:rolleyes: They are probably asian rejects or something then. I won't go into it but I think I know what you mean.

As for the "N" word... it's still inapproprate, it bothers me and I'm not even black.
^ actually you must not hang around too many japanese people :P. Lots of groups call eachother insults that can only be said by people in that group.
I've never heard anything like that either. If there really is a name like that, we can call each other, I'd like to know about it. :D
Asian, Oriental, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, none of those bother me. I don't really care. Only thing that still make me go :odd: is the "Japanese". I noticed a lot of Australian(maybe New Zealanders too) referring to us by that. I'm told that it's not used to the same way it was originally(back in the 40's), so I guess it's OK. Maybe it's our version of the "N" word. :sly:

It's because we shorten everything. And maybe down in Australia it doesn't seem to be as offensive.

Even read motoring magazines like 'Motor' and you'll see the word Japanese in there. As well as Yank, Seppo, Pom, Kiwi and whoever else we want to pick on.
It's because we shorten everything. And maybe down in Australia it doesn't seem to be as offensive.

Even read motoring magazines like 'Motor' and you'll see the word Japanese in there. As well as Yank, Seppo, Pom, Kiwi and whoever else we want to pick on.
Yeah, I was told that it doesn't mean anything the way you guys use it. Pretty insteresting that it's used even in a car mag. I'd pay to see Car & Driver or Road & Track try that. :P
I think we should ditch the whole "African-American" thing. Why? Because people aren't even aware of what they're saying as they're saying it. It's becoming just another label for skin color. I'm all for not casting someone based on how large their melanin cells are, but it really grates my nerves when someone tip-toes the issue and says "he's African-American" when referring to a Dominican baseball player, a British national, or worse yet, somebody who is actually from Africa. None of these people are American, so calling them African-American shows that the person saying it doesn't even know what "African-American" means. Nice progress we've made.
I agree - I've never been a big fan of political correctness at the best of times. If we should have to label ourselves with our continent of origin from many generations back, then technically we should all be called 'African'... that would make me 'African Scottish'... :lol:
Only thing that still make me go :odd: is the "Japanese". I noticed a lot of Australian(maybe New Zealanders too) referring to us by that. I'm told that it's not used to the same way it was originally(back in the 40's), so I guess it's OK. Maybe it's our version of the "N" word. :sly:

I am Australian and I agree with you about the term "Japanese", I never refer to Japanese as "Japanese" or "Japanese". Problem is allot of businesses here have "Japanese" in their names so more people start saying "Japanese" instead of Japanese, for example we have "Japanese wreckers" "Japanese Imports"

Down here there is no offense meant when the term "Japanese" is used, to Australians is just shortened in the same way "Aussie" is to Australian. I personally don't like the term "Aussie" either but I still use it because its commonplace and shorter.
Yes. I always wondered about the whole "oriental" thing. That's a serious insult, inplying a brittle, fancy, decorative piece of shiny ceramic or something. That's what I think of, anyway.

Actually, all it means is "Eastern", specifically referring to the point on the horizon where the sun rises. Since Japan is "The Land of the Rising Sun" it is entirely sensible to call it Oriental. The opposite of Oriental is...

Occidental (meaning Western, or the point on the horizon where the sun sets)...

So Gil's lot are moccachino-African-Occidentals.

One I wonder about, in reference to the Japanese, is "Nips". Technically it's just a contraction of the first syllable of the country's name in their native language, but it's often used in derogatory terms by WWII veterans. How insulting do the Japanese find the term "Nip"?
It's like the term 'wogs' which i find a really horrible word. But it comes from the phrase 'westernised oriental gentleman' which although a very old, colonial, term is very what we'd call these days as politically correct.

I personally don't see the need to label people by their skin colour or country/continent of origin anymore. In the western world these days it's hardly unusual to come across anyone with a skin colour that's different to what your used to seing. Perhaps 200 years ago it was unusual to see different skin tones, but not now.

Americans seem to have a thing with needing to label people or themselves with terms that describe their families origins. How many white americans describe themselves as Italian or Irish Americans when perhaps it was one of their great-grandparents who imigrated four generations ago! One of my great-grandparents was French but i'd never consider myself as French-English!
You'd constantly be at war with yourself, apart from anything else...

One I wonder about, in reference to the Japanese, is "Nips". Technically it's just a contraction of the first syllable of the country's name in their native language, but it's often used in derogatory terms by WWII veterans. How insulting do the Japanese find the term "Nip"?

Oddly enough, in college, all international students hung out together, myself being one of them. So I got to hang out a lot with African blacks, Japanese and all-around Europeans. At the time it was "in" to say "whassap my *****", but with the Japanese we said "whassap ny nippa"... they laughed about it... until we were stuck on saying it, then they just gave us some karate chops and basically let us know they don't like it much.

Swift! Very commendable that you've done this thread. I've always been completely against this racial separation which has become "politically correct" in the US. You may or may not have seen pics of me, *ahem* (I'm the one on the left). As you may notice I don't look very Latin American, yet whenever I filled some form, trying to stay true to my roots, if you wish, I always put in I was Latin American. Well, I got told off a bunch of times for not putting my "true heritage"... whatever the hell that means.

I've always been much against calling blacks African Americans. As much as I have been against calling Latin Americans, Latinos. I feel the word "latino" has the same connotation as "Negro" had in the 60s.

So yes, definitely. Black American. So you said that at some point blacks needed a national anthem.

[politically incorrect warning]
Would that be Gin n' Juice by Snoop Dogg? :D
[/Politically incorrect warning]
The black people in America were the ones who came up with the word African American, it's a better alternative than the word previously used for them, which is the N-word. Many black people in the USA even consider them to be full Africans, not even African Americans. If you're going to trip over words "Black American" is not even the right word anyway. Do you know anyone who is black? Brown American would be a better alternative.... but then you'd get confused with latinos, who are mostly also brown, so you'd have to differentiate between light brown and dark brown Americans.... which would cause a confusion between latinos and people from Arabic descent, because they are usually both light brown.....

.... so why do people trip over words anyway? You know that with "African American" they don't mean that you were born in Africa, or that you ever went to Africa to begin with. You could say "American people whose ancestors originated from Africa", but that is too long of a phrase to repeat each time, so African American will do to get the point across.
The black people in America were the ones who came up with the word African American, it's a better alternative than the word previously used for them, which is the N-word. Many black people in the USA even consider them to be full Africans, not even African Americans. If you're going to trip over words "Black American" is not even the right word anyway. Do you know anyone who is black? Brown American would be a better alternative.... but then you'd get confused with latinos, who are mostly also brown, so you'd have to differentiate between light brown and dark brown Americans.... which would cause a confusion between latinos and people from Arabic descent, because they are usually both light brown.....

and whites would actually be called "pinks"
That's right.... but I won't get mad if someone calls me white. I know what they mean, so that's ok with me.

"African American" is not meant as being offensive, Swift knows what is meant by it yet he still complains about it.
And why do we use America to reffer to USA? :P

And when people say Australia when refering to Austra....... Hang on..........Touché salesman :odd:

If you didn't get my silly joke, I meant you bring up a good point :)