I am NOT African American...

  • Thread starter Swift
Canadian Speed
/\/\/\ I was going more with the evolution theory... With Africa being the cradle of life...
Either way, the idea behind what you said was sound. If you are going to class someone's race as being from smoewhere their parents, or their parents parents etc were from, you might as well go all the way back. Damn, I'm not Danish English anymore, I started to like the idea that I was a Viking.

In my personal opinion I completely agree with Swift, I'm just plain English, not Danish English, not Persian English, English. Why should he be any different, he's American, born and raised in America, he's American.
In my personal opinion I completely agree with Swift, I'm just plain English, not Danish English, not Persian English, English. Why should he be any different, he's American, born and raised in America, he's American.

There you go! 👍
Then why say African American? that's a pretty signifcant level of technicality.

Ask that to the media. Like I've said before, they're the ones with shriveled genitalia and no brains.
Ask that to the media. Like I've said before, they're the ones with shriveled genitalia and no brains.

Again, my point exactly!
Ever notice how they always use an ethnic accent when using latin words? It's these little things that make people see the differences in everyone... These lables, these little details that people throw into conversations... It's stupid really... Media is to blame for alot of this garbage.
Say what? Do you mean a spanish accent when using spanish words? That's not wrong...

In fact, I wish things were like that for all languages. I cringe every time people pronounce italian words wrong, especially when dealing with food.
Yeah you seem pretty wrong if you say Gracias without a Spanish accent.
Time to throw in my .02

What I do not understand in the USA is that black peoploe are allowed to call each other the N-Word, while everyone cannot. Look up the N-Word in the dictionary, and it simply says 'Ignorant.' So wouldn't anyone that was ignorant be allowed to be called htis word? Another gripe I have is with comedians in the USA. Black and Hispanic comdieans are allowed to make fun of white people all they want. As soon as a white person does it back, it's racism. If i would to be a comedian, I would make fun of everyone, just as they can. If anyone pipes that it is racist, simply state 'If thay are allowed to do it, why can't I?'
Canadian Speed
Well... Every "english" word is derived from another language... Should we throw their original accents on every word we use?

We do - if we're talking correctly.

The majority of English derives from Latin - with little bits of French and German (also Latin derived) and Greek (from which little bits of Latin were derived) thrown in. Pronounce your words correctly and you ARE putting the "original" accents on every word we use.
I'm a Fair'dinkum Aussie (except for the fact that i have a german last name)

Seriously though, I dont think it will ever go away. Societly loves grouping people, and putting everyone into classifications. It will never change
Time to throw in my .02

What I do not understand in the USA is that black peoploe are allowed to call each other the N-Word, while everyone cannot.

Because they're stupid.

Look up the N-Word in the dictionary, and it simply says 'Ignorant.' So wouldn't anyone that was ignorant be allowed to be called htis word? Another gripe I have is with comedians in the USA. Black and Hispanic comdieans are allowed to make fun of white people all they want. As soon as a white person does it back, it's racism. If i would to be a comedian, I would make fun of everyone, just as they can. If anyone pipes that it is racist, simply state 'If thay are allowed to do it, why can't I?'

Actually, I think some of the funniest comedians are the ones that make fun of their own race. Like Carlos Mencia and Chris Rock(he rags on black people all the time).
Yes, but white people cannot rag on other races like the blacks and hispanics can.

Because organazations like the NAACP and the like have started to become the people they say they protect others from.:grumpy:
try describing a man to an artist. any artist will do. this man has small ears, a round nose, and a large head. he has very short, buzzed(or shaved) dark hair. brown eyes. tucked in chin. what has the artist drawn? a white man.

if your white, tell some friends about some guy you know, or meet. talk about him, but never say he's black. then, introduce them to each other, and enjoy the surprise! (I do this all the time) works especially good on white people who are Extremely NOT racist. (you know the ones)

Point is, you almost HAVE to label people. otherwise, (even asians, blacks, & Hispanics) people ASSUME that you're talking about a white person
Don't know if this happens when blacks don't specify race, but I suspect it does.
I remember a long time ago, when i was teaching my black (i'm white) half brother how to ride a bike, when he was about 6. when i put my hand on his handlebars beside his he realised that (i guess it'd never occured to him before) he was different. His daddy (not the biological one) was white, and his mom was white. my mom never made any comments about his color, and she told him all about his father (...it was an affair), and he never thought anything about his race ever again. He doesn't make any racial jokes or anything, and he's just like a normal kid (except here, i guess he would 'act' as a white person stereotypically does, listening to pink floyd and such instead of rap). i don't know how far the real merit of this story goes but i like telling it to people .
I remember a long time ago, when i was teaching my black (i'm white) half brother how to ride a bike, when he was about 6. when i put my hand on his handlebars beside his he realised that (i guess it'd never occured to him before) he was different. His daddy (not the biological one) was white, and his mom was white. my mom never made any comments about his color, and she told him all about his father (...it was an affair), and he never thought anything about his race ever again. He doesn't make any racial jokes or anything, and he's just like a normal kid (except here, i guess he would 'act' as a white person stereotypically does, listening to pink floyd and such instead of rap). i don't know how far the real merit of this story goes but i like telling it to people .

I like that story :)
All this black/white stuff, shouldn't matter.
Unfortunately, it does to some people.
I'll never forget my time in the Navy, when one of my white friends was literally suprised that I bled red blood. (His gramma taught him some wonky stuff).
It's also fun (for me) when my kids, who are mixed race, introduce me to new friends that have only met their mom, or have assumed that they are Hispanic, or whatever.

In the past, I have dated white girls, and had their parents be suprised on opening the front door. great fun!
...was he from...the...uh...south?
From the 'Glades in FL.
Thankfully, he was "teachable".
His gram meant well (I think) But I spent a lot of time teachin' him better.:D

He wasn't the dumbest "good ole boy" I ever met. He had three brain cells.
I agree. I'm white. Of course, that's usually what people say if it isn't Caucasian, but I have not a clue what Caucasian means, nor would do I care.

I know you said you dont care but i got bored and looked it up. I found this pretty interesting because i also have never heard a formal definition of the word.


Turns out the term caucasian doesnt even refer to whites specifically, or americans at all.
No, it doesn't. 👍

Originally, there were caucasoids, negroids, and mongoloids.


I hate to get off topic here but i just find it odd that everywhere you have to describe your race it's put as, "White/Caucasian." And actually FireEmblem62 if you look up the N-word in modern dictionaries the definition is actually "derogatory term towards person of dark skin," or something along those lines. The original denotation of the word was actually black. The americans then altered the term to refer to anyone as "lazy or unwilling to work."
All this black/white stuff, shouldn't matter.
Unfortunately, it does to some people.
I'll never forget my time in the Navy, when one of my white friends was literally suprised that I bled red blood. (His gramma taught him some wonky stuff).
It's also fun (for me) when my kids, who are mixed race, introduce me to new friends that have only met their mom, or have assumed that they are Hispanic, or whatever.

In the past, I have dated white girls, and had their parents be suprised on opening the front door. great fun!

Gil you da man....

no kidding I actually dated a black girl from tasker homes in Philly...and another when I was in San Fran...I did better in Philly ...no one tried to kill me...OAKLAND ...well lets just say I dodged the crap from BOTH sides...interesting times...:) ...BTW nice booty IMO . Although i much prefer the sicilian I married... (she has a knife to my nuts please save me )...

Thank the atrs she cant read ...OUCH>>>>>>>>>>