What is Your Idea of a Brand-New GT?

  • Thread starter JohnBM01


21 years!
United States
Houston, Texas, USA
Time to lead by inspiration again. This thread was specially prepared by some things people have said about GT4 from GT3. A number of people will say that GT4 was what GT3 should have been. Many more will say that GT4 is just the same as any other GT- uninteresting races, uninteresting cars, same old same old. Some probably think GT's current formula will only lead to much more dissatisfaction. If you're one of those people I mentioned in the previous sentence, then it's time for you to sound off. What constitutes a GT experience unlike any other? What would make GT5 look and feel less like its predecesors? Come on, "GT4 = GT3.5" types!

I really want to know what would make GT5 actually different and more interesting. The focal point is on the views that people think GT4 was only a minor evolution of GT3 or is just like GT3, only prettier and shinier. I'm not contributing anything in this first post. So the floor is yours.
EDITED: Theres a long list off what I want to see in GT5, in no paticular order;

Truck racing
Drift challenges
Drag races
exterior damage
Interior veiw
Better music
Tyre marks
More realistic tyre wear
After rallies the cars are dirty
Real weather and daytime effects
A grid off at least 30 cars for LeMans races 20+ for others
Proper rally track stages not lapped circuits
The cars flip over instead off hitting an invisible barrier at a 45 degrees angle
More realistic pit scenes
The ablility to respray your car
Much more Aggresive AI
3D Graphics (Trees, people etc)
Well that was an auspicious start. :P

I guess you know what I'm going to say. I'm an evolution, not a revolution kind of guy, because I don't think the formula is lacking at all. With some 80,000 members here, I think there's a pretty tiny minority of 20 or so mouthy malcontents, and with sales of GT4 off the charts, I think it's pretty safe to say that Polyphony has a working, winning formula.

However, the PS3 is going to be a huge step forward in power, so Gran Turismo 5 has to reflect that. Some of this you saw in the GT HD demo.

- More immersive, lifelike environments.

- More detail on the cars, so you can see their size plainly, as if you were standing beside it.

- More realism from all aspects of driving, from the engine sounds and the way they sound with performance mods, the handling and behavior of the car on the road, the squeal of the tires, the environment reflections, damage (give this one a rest damage freaks, sheesh), etc.

- More cars and more variety of different makes from across the globe, so that there are more European and American cars this time around. Include the Big Three.

- Race modification, but a race mod we do ourselves so that we choose the bodykits and paint it ourselves.

- More tracks and races, with tracks from all the previous games included, and a reflection of a more real life racing environment. Races with professional rules and restrictions. More realistic wear on the tires.

- More game modes with a more lifelike, simulation aspect to them, like Season and Career Mode. Many of those dreams for Gran Turismo Kazunori-sama expressed in past interviews should come to life this time.

- An expansive online component with lots of tools for creating race series, so even the dragsters and drifters can be happy. Downloadable content. More options than you can shake a controller at.

That's a pretty good start. ;)
Exporting Videos
Including video editor, uploading to PSLive

Create skins on the computer, edit them in game or choose from numerous stripes, racing numbers, colors, and preset tribal graphics. Also have decals for all tuner companies featured in GT5.

On used cars, aftermarket parts, replacement parts, race cars, prizes, resale value.

Touge Tracks

Opponents as Characters
That can be seen prgressing through racing just like the player.

Gotta get money if you wanna be big time. Ain't gonna do it workin at Burger King!

Less General tyre names... Choosing sizes and Dry, wet, All-Season, Ultra High Performance, etc

Over all, I really think it needs to be more interesting visually. I go back to remembering when I first played Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit. I admit, GT5 is most definetly not a NFS title, but the menus had flare and were much less static. I would like to see GT5 feel like I was in the GT world--not just going through menus.
GT4 really in my opion has a lot to offer with really great cars and good tracks. What it really lacked though was great execution. Missing online mode, fairly bland race events, very poor two player mode and lots of bizarre things such as non raceable and saleable cars. Give us more medium size races 25 to 50 laps or mini-endurance races. Let us save anytime durring the race by using pause. They really need to simpify moving around or getting to differnt areas, if possible almost one or two button moves for everything.

What it should of had was great race events and perhaps more of them grouping more cars that are equals together. Arcade mode should just be scrapped and maybe have one icon for multi player races on the world icon map. Family cups should just be like single races in arcade. Unless they can put together a worthy Arcade mode, customize your own race events, pick your own options for race pre-request, or even pick opponent cars, and race A.I. in two player mode.
Well I thought GT2 lacked evolution. Drag cars without a proper drag course (give or take the Test Course's strip)? A race track that was just left to rot (Rome - Night)? Could have had more interesting races, not to take away from the diversity of events? And let's not forget the 98% completion when you thought you had won everything? The Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR being AWOL (granted you don't cheat)?

GT2 was the real eyesore of the series even with all the cars and all the tracks. GT4 executed more than GT2, which is why I loved this game over GT2 and even GT3. GT3 was more like GT2 made prettier. That's not to mention how GT3 was more of a work in progress as you see a bunch of race series just not there or just not very interesting. GT4 did almost everything right for me. The reason I brought this thread up was because I was wondering what exactly would make GT5 a much different game rather than people calling GT4 as "GT3.5." I read your posts. I listen to what you say on TV and stuff. As much as I'm opposed to mainstream nonsense, I listen. If you say "f:censored: GT4, forever Forza," I'll listen. I just also want to know what it is that would make you happy if GT4 was such an embarassment. I remembered Gamespot's review of GT4 saying there was a "...lack of evolution, especially in terms of the AI." I think I even read on (another message board) that "fanboys" were liking the fact that Gamespot rated Forza better than GT4, saying that Forza won over GT4. But in my view, Forza didn't win s:censored:. This was just one source out of 500,000+ other sources.

If you're going to belittle GT4 or any other GT, I want to know what it is would make you happy about an upcoming GT game so that we can silence as many hypocrites and haters as possible. I do not work for Polyphony Digital or Sony Computer Entertainment of America. But I am a member of a Gran Turismo community that circles Mother Earth. PD may read our comments, they may not. But we do at least want our voices heard, even if our voices are limited to Emoticons and text. If people think that the Forza team listens to their fans, then we need to show that PD is interested in their fans as well. This is a new racing rivalry between two great racing games. So BRING IT to discussions like these, you dig?

Part of comments are more of "GT is good, but could be better," another part is more of "GT needs drastic changes so I can tell one GT from another." Tenacious D described this best in saying that a lot of people on this board, there are those few bad apples that spoil the bunch in saying that GT is the best racing game series of all time. I'm trying to limit as many bad apples as possible and have more satisfied people. If people think games like GTR and Forza are absolutely perfect, then we need to do something so that us GT fans re-take the lead in the racing game war. So keep the comments going.
where do i start
larger variety of races, make vs make for example, country vs country
races should be exciting, not boring
car damage
realistic tyre damage
real racetracks, no fake ones
the gt3 wheel system, having one set of wheels for each type of tyre is a joke
better ai, i cant stress this enough. theres no excuse for (mr plough) gt4
realistic money, buying, selling, modding
racing mods/more mods in general, turbos, tt's, blowers, displacement, available on all cars, more detailed tuning, better info on tuning, dyno tuning, paint and body shop. better history of car companys, history of all cars, better cars, its all well and good to have 700 cars but you should have 700 good ones not 300.
loose the tcs and over/understeer setting, if you want them on turn them on yourself 💡 and get rid of the 5 second penalty :grumpy:

dont forget better menus, drifting and drag comps would be good too
Comparisons with Forza are interesting, and inevitable. Forza is much more like GT3.5 than GT4 is, since it's a smaller game by far. Even the "endurance" races are only about 30 minutes long. But they did bring a few substantial new things to the table.

- A dynamic Racing Guide line, that showed you the by-the-book racing line, and the braking and acceleration parts clearly. And being dynamic, it responded to the way you were driving.

- Racecar modification, which was open to the user defining how he wanted his car to look, including a variety of bodykit options, and decals that were specific to the car. Then a surprisingly powerful paint shop to complete the look you were after.

- A Drivatar that you actually taught how to drive, with a potent A.I. system. The way it adapted to making mistakes was a little slow, but mistakes showed you where it needed more training.

Does Gran Turismo need things of this caliber to up the ante? Maybe. I think a few innovative things would be nice. B-Spec was underwhelming in comparison to the Drivatar, but the racing line to me in GT4 became obvious, so I didn't need a neon line to follow. The almost full bore user definable racing mod is outstanding though. The only thing it lacked was true race modding, so you could take a street Porsche and turn it into a GTS Class racecar.

I think rather than such arcady/cartoony trickery, Gran Turismo simply needs to up the realism and scope. I think it should go all the way to adding simulation aspects in entirely new Modes of gameplay, while some like John think the sim aspects aren't what Gran Turismo is all about. I think that's a question I should visit in my own thread.
Personally, I'd like to see an improvement on some of the smaller things.. Such as tyre marks on the road, tyre smoke, reverse lights even.. They're all missing.

Of course I think the biggest step they can take is damage modelling, the first picture any damage model I see, I think I might wet myself.. :P
--In car view and/or hood view from within the car
--Damage (cosmetic and internal if applicable)
--Racing grid with 20+ cars
--Adjustable difficulty with AI that recognizes you

Unfortunately, I don't think they care all that much about the racing part of it. My prediction is that when they release their next full-blown, PS3 release, it'll be just like GT and GT3---lots of eye candy and the "driving experience", but not much more.

Hope I'm wrong though.
Less driving sim, more on the racing sim side of things. Environment interaction and conditions. Better sound. Better AI, maybe even the ability to race against your BSpec guy or an alter ego. The ability to make a car my own. They can call this game what ever they want, but in the end, Ibeleive it's the tuning and the racing that keep the people comming back for more... Hence the need for online. It's not like people are going to go online just so that they can drive around with others on a track... They're gonna want to race... That's the heart of thef franchise, and in my opinion it's the one major factor that's been left by the wayside for so long... Imprrove this aspect, you improove the game.
1) Accurate fuel Economy (most diesels, etc, would stop less if at all depending on which track).

2) Being able to make use of 800-1000+ cars by choosing which cars I would like to race against in Arcade mode (for example).

3) Being able to determine the rules before a race for example in Arcade mode:

- Damage: On or Off
- Flags (Green flag, Yellow flag, Black flag, etc) : On or Off
- Grids: 10 cars-40+ cars, as well as changing round the grid (reverse grids, etc)
- Tuned Cars competing (for example if my themed race is 180+BHP Hot Hatchs and I haven't got enough to complete my grid, I would be allowed to make a Fiat Bravo HGT eligable by tuning it to give out 180+BHP from 155BHP.
- Speed limiter: If I wanted to make a race more equal or prevent a certain car being a rabbit car, I would use a speed limiter (though you would be able to overtake via slipstreaming).
- Laps/Hours: from a minimum of 1 lap to a maximum of 24Hours.

Thats all I could think of for the moment.
Me, I tend to look at the "bigger picture" thing. What GT needs is to start over from scratch. Now, don't look at me funny, that's not what I meant. Most of the GT games so far have been "upgrades" of previous GT games. They take what they already have, and they tweak it. For all intents and purposes, even GT4 is effectively GT1. This is why we still have dumb AI and poor engine sounds.

What they need to do is throw out the old code and re-write the entire core game engine from scratch, specifically designed around the PS3 architecture, instead of simply "adapted" to it. This will give them opportunity to address every issue that's ever come up. We'd have better everything.. physics, AI, graphics, sound, the lot.

But, as far as the little things go... I'd be happy with good sound and a cockpit view.
I'd like to see some of the good tracks from the first two games return for GT5, I always liked Red Rock Valley, the original SSR11, Rome Night, Grindlewald etc...
Plus I'd like to see Smart AI, realistic collision physics (even if the cars don't get damaged, if you could move the AI cars an inch it would be nice), weather and time effects, a more varied range of races and tracks used in racing series, return of the HP restrictions, and deletion of El Capitan, New York, Grand Canyon and Infineon. Also, as much as I like japanese tracks in the game i think they badly outnumbered other tracks in GT4 so tracks like Spa-Francorchamps and Monza would be cool. Oh, and I have to say that i never knew that the road surface at Monaco was made of polished marble... perhaps they could add some bumps? I remember Deep Forest was a terror on GT2, pretty easy now though.
And another thing!

Every GT series has had some totally dominant car or class of car that ruins the game by the 25% complete mark.

GT1: 3000gt LM
GT2: Suzuki Escudo
GT3: Formula One cars
GT4: Minolta Toyota 88C-V

I have a GT2 save where after 14days I have already won the deep forest enduro and got the Denso supra. Off to the GT all stars to win the speed 12 then...

The game needs a more sensible progression of prize cars and more races early on for 200-400hp production cars.

Enduros should also be more evenly spread regarding car type.

I'd like to see realistic tyre wear and fuel consumption too, e.g. 25laps on R1's or something.

The enduros need to be reworked.
Tires and fuel, the two elements that you have to pit for, need to (for all races actually) last longer, they simply don't seem realistic, hell, supersofts (which have always costed a hefty $40K) are effectively USELESS in GT4. Also, if more 12-24hr races are featured, they need to have proper day/night cycles. The ability to save the game in the pits would be nice for the 3+ hour enduros. Hopefully the 20 car promise will prevent the lonely stretches many of us experience once the cars have spread out, where the nearest other car could be up to several miles away if it's La Sarthe or Nurbirgring. The rolling starts need to feature a pace car, and when the flag goes down, it would be cool to see the pace car pull away.
Well, first there needs to be an appreciable difference in graphics and sound, especially because it'll be switching to the PS3, just like there was a difference between GT2 and GT3. GT Visions and GTHD haven't shown much in that area, but it's still very early on in the development of GT5, so we'll see.

Then, there needs to be an appreciable improvement in and sophistication of the physics engine, just like there was a difference between GT1 and GT4...Gran Turismo's physics haven't improved a whole lot over the years, and PD's rivals have leap-frogged them by a substantial margin.

Adding trivial and gimmicky features or details such as a half-implimented pit crew element, B-spec mode, or archaic oil simulation should take the back seat to more important details -- such as a basic paint shop, more weather and time-of-day options, and interior views for all of the cars (PGR3 has set the bar here, and PD should at least give us accurate gauge-faces for each individual car) -- or should be set aside until they can be implimented fully (such as the animated pit crews and convertible/open-top cars).

The GT formula is flawed and needs to be reworked -- proof of this is the popular "win and then sell this prize car over and over" money-whoring technique, and the fact that many people enjoy letting B-spec drive their GT Career for them. Start the player with a bit more money -- enough for a moderately-fast and enjoyable car like a brand-new GTI, Civic Type-R, or Cobalt SS...give them prize cars that they can actually use and will probably want...make the completion of the license tests a bonus rather than a requirement (multiply the prize money by X amount depending on the license)...equalize the prize cars and winnings for the races so that individual money-whoring hotspots don't pop up...there's more to be done, but I'll stop here.
make the completion of the license tests a bonus rather than a requirement.

Great post, but I have to point this out.
You really do need racing licenses IRL, and, IRL, thewre actually IS a Super License, even. these must be kept a requirement.
Now, if you meant getting all Silver or Gold giving a bonus, other than a car or something, that could be a nice change 'o pace
Great post, but I have to point this out.
You really do need racing licenses IRL, and, IRL, thewre actually IS a Super License, even. these must be kept a requirement.
Now, if you meant getting all Silver or Gold giving a bonus, other than a car or something, that could be a nice change 'o pace

I'm aware of the requirement of racing licenses in the real world, but it's really one of those things that only a dedicated or experienced racing-game-fan can appreciate, and any player who can appreciate GT4's license system will be glad to complete GT5's license tests for a prize money bonus.

My suggestion is intended to be a way to please both casual and dedicated players.
I actually thought the prize cars in licenses was a plus. While I do believe in challenges, I also believe in fairness. Get all-bronze in the B-License tests, and you get a VW Golf from 2002. This isn't a bad car to start off with to be honest. You get a good amount of power to work with. It is also a nice piece of German engineering even if it isn't Mercedes-Benz or Porsche (though they are part of the VW/Audi group if I'm not mistaken). I think some people don't like the idea since people would rather work towards all-gold than all-silver or all-gold. I love rewards as long as they are useful. Here's an example of rewards not amounting to much. Sega GT had you clear some license tests and races. If you win some races, you win money from the race purse and from sponsors (if you have any of the 13 in the game). You win cars in some race series. Others, you just win car bodies that you can use to make cars in the game. So am I digging this- race my ass off in a series... and win a car body I can use in the Factory Menu? That's messed up, player. Give a brother something to ride with. Even "Tourist Trophy" had rider gear in addition to winning a new bike. I STILL never acheived all-gold. That's a goal that's tough to acheive for many gamers. For me to clear all-gold is like acheiving a perfect season in Pro-Sim Mode on the absolute hardest level in the championship season in GTR. I still never acheived all gold in that A-License test in GT3 (never played that Camaro at Seattle test in a while, much less playing GT3 in a while). I especially hate trying to acheive all-gold at Nürburgring Nordschleife's one-lap runs. All this in considering that I have my long course fears. If you don't know what they are, I'll explain below:

My one problem with really long courses is that it's easy to screw up in one section and mess up your entire lap. It is also a torture test in that you have to have extreme concentration for an extended period of time. I looked up { http://www.etracksonline.co.uk }, and came across Pescara { http://www.etracksonline.co.uk/Europe/pescara24.html }. This track was conceived back in 1924, and had it still been around, it would have been longer than the Nürburgring Nordschleife. The Pescara course is 15.879 miles long, longer than the Nürburgring Nordschleife's 15.773. I don't really see why stupidly long tracks (longer than Le Mans) are favored by most people. At least Nürburgring Nordschliefe is actually significant. But that's just a phobia of mine- extremely long and challenging courses.

The key point is made by Wolfe2x7 - pleasing casual and dedicated with whatever we suggest in this thread. So think about experienced and inexperienced types in your suggestions. But always remember, there will be GT purists with whatever course you take.
Yeah I'm pretty sick of doing a whole new set of licenses every time I buy a GT game...perhaps a way to transfer ALL my licenses from previous games?? I work really hard at getting all golds on GT2...all that for a GT-ONE, and then well, nothing really, because 'it don't mean squat' on GT3...same again when I got to GT4...well I can nick a few quid...but I dont want a few quid because I enjoy building up my automotive empire the hard way...thats what makes it Gran Turismo...oh yeah, day-night options, more international tracks, SS R11, and cockpit views...oh and Cheaper goddam steering wheels...whats with charging £80??? Everything else I've whinged about is on a different thread...Which put together is actually quite long.
I always thought that the way Polyphony gave both the casual and hardcore players something was Arcade Mode, but we'll see when some substantial news comes out, hopefully before fall.
Just like to add a quick note here this morning. I'm okay with new License Tests for GT games. I always start anew. You ever heard the expression, "tomorrow is a new day?" Well, the next GT is a new GT. The sequel to a game is a new game (in at least some respects besides its name). So I go with a fresh start for GT games. Nothing wrong with building up a new racing resumé for a different installment of a game, right? You may hate it, but this is a challenge many take. And it isn't like License Tests completely take away from all the racing. Even if you're the best GT gamer, you still have to get accustomed to new challenges that the sequel will provide. Did you get off to an easy start when you went from GTA3 to Vice City? Vice City to San Andreas? GTA3 to Vice City to San Andreas? Then why Gran Turismo?

Just a thought.