GT4 WRS Week 67 : "Touring Corollado"

  • Thread starter Tedehur


Staff Emeritus
Z spec
There's a long time we haven't had a race on dirt, and last time the car was way too fast to have time to look at the landscape. This long lap on the Colorado Plateau should be a pleasure for the eyes as well as a pleasure to drive (or drift).

Week 67 : Toyota Corolla Rally Car '98 @ Grand Canyon


Game mode :
Arcade Mode / Time Trial / Dirt & Snow / Grand Canyon

Car specifications :
Toyota Corolla Rally Car '98 :
(car can be purchased at the Toyota dealer)
  • +0% power(300 hp) ;
  • -10% weight (1107 kg) ;
  • any top speed ;
  • any driving aids ;
  • any transmission mode ;
Race rules :
Standard clean OLR rules :
  • 2 wheels on track at all time ;
  • rumble strips are part of the track ;
  • no contact with walls or objects, visible or invisible ;
  • if you're not 100% sure that your lap is clean, then consider it dirty ;
  • no hybrids ;
  • no cheating of any kind ;
  • nothing that goes against the spirit of the rules ;
  • save your replay ('save ghost' icon).
Thread rules :
The following info cannot be discussed in the thread (they can however be discussed on chats or by other means) :
  • lap time ;
  • any information which can be used to infer lap time.
Submission :
All submissions must be sent to me by PM (flat-out).
  • you can submit only once per race ;
  • please include in your submission PM your division, name and time(s) ;
  • deadline is tuesday 8th August 9pm GMT (L.A. 1pm, New-York 4pm, London 10pm, Paris 11pm, Tokyo wed. 6am, Sydney wed. 8am).
Time verification :
Save your replay and keep it at least a full week after the time has been submitted.
  • fastest times each week will be required to submit with verification ;
  • any submitted time is subject to a time verification request ;
  • when a time verification has been required, the concerned racer must provide a replay before next race deadline ;
  • failure to do so will result in the submitted time to be removed for the WRS results and/or GTPlanet Times Database ;
  • video replays are not accepted, only .max, .xps or .sps files can be verified.

Acceptable Use Policy | Weekly Race Series
Ruh Roh...Rally Time :D May have to put in more than an hour like this week, lol. Combo looks good imo and I'll prolly be 1 of 5 drivers that would say that too, heheh....

Colorado unless you are saying it in spanish, then I don't have a clue how it is spelled. Looks fun though, I like low power rallys. But It is my bane around.
("Corolla"do) is actually a pretty good pun............for a french guy. :sly:

Looks like a very cool combo Cyril. 👍 Might have to dust off the dfp for this one.
Ohhhhh *moan* That was horrible, so in the pun world, Ill give it a 9.9 :D
well you guys by now probably know how i feel about off-tarmac driving in gt4. so here's the drill:

i do laps until i come up with a very slow clean lap.
i submit early - probably first.
i wait for the week to be over.
i check wrs hourly after sunday for the new wrs to come (which is supposed to be very multi car challenging.

that'll be the week for me.
thank got i have another olr comp running (2.3).
never mind cyril, you can't pleasure everybody all the time.
alreayd have splits for everyone to punish.

Sorry for the pun.
The hard part of the job (at least as far a I'm concerned) is to find a title for the race. It has to be linked to the race in some way, and yet it's hard to find something that's not utterly stupid.
So yeah, this one was a last minute invention. :embarrassed:

Edit :
Nice to see old names back 👍 :cheers:
It'll be nice to hit the dirt again 👍 This is a nice long track so I suspect we'll get quite a spread of times this week.
Sorry for the pun.
The hard part of the job (at least as far a I'm concerned) is to find a title for the race. It has to be linked to the race in some way, and yet it's hard to find something that's not utterly stupid.
So yeah, this one was a last minute invention. :embarrassed:

I'd have to agree with you there, this week in the TTWRS I had to pull out a page from Bruce Springsteen's collection :lol:
This is what I was hoping to be selected for the BC6, or something close to it, a well handling mid-powered car on a new rally track, should be fun and I'll be chasing Jack's splits here it looks like u :sly: dawg... 👍

Bah I hate rally. But I will survive!!!!

Can't seem to pull off anything below a 1:43 yet and have been getting about 1:12.5 or so consistently, but I just started so we'll see how the rest of the week goes.

EDIT: I'm starting to catch up to ya Jack...;) I lost about .4 atleast in the final sector tho...D'OH!
T1 - 1:12.483
T2 - 1:42.748
Anyone else find the placement of these T splits to be as useful as a three legged something is missing (namely...MORE SPLITS, ARGH!)
All for today, bout an hour total, this is one great combo IMO :D

holl01 will be ahead by 3 seconds anyways. but this combo is playing very easy up to T2, maybe I'm 1.5s off til there and 1-2s off afterwards.
/\...ya, I'll take out one thumb if u take out the other, hehe.

I think I gonna die. (for you girls out there, you'll know what I'm talking about when I say it starts with a "P")

Ok, back on what we were all talking about.
A rally WRS hm? Don't think I've ever driven a rally before, have to give it a try. And get my bute kicked at the same time.
Looks like I'm going from top to bottom in div 2 this week :lol:

Oh well, it's a Toyota after all, so I'll be having fun 👍
First dirt WRS for me too.

I probably won't be posting a replay for this one. I don't want ten year old girls downloading it and then taking the p*** out of my driving. :D

Got to shave a few tenth's off of week 66's time before the deadline though.

*Bad pun Cyril. apology not accepted.* :sly:
Hmm another rally. Very frustrating to get right. I will work on it some tommorrow between working on my car.I am not expecting to have the same succes I had at the last rally event however. But I hope to learn, have a bit of fun and hit one of the photgraphers. Thats the best we can ask for isnt it?
Why the ages-long Grand Canyon? Personally, I never raced it yet. But with such a course, is it possible to have a totally-clean lap? Impossible.

But I'll better stop ranting, since I probably won't submit times for the next three weeks - off to a vacation with dad. And vacations normally don't have a PS2 with GT4 and a DS2. All those abbreviations are cracking me up.
But I'll see if I manage something.
i was wrong.
this is one impossible track to complete clean.
so i'm not even trying one clean lap.
just sit and wait for 68, which is supposed to be extra-double fun.
so don't feel miserable dear cyril.
i'll be in my corner feeling incompetent :nervous: :scared: :yuck:
Ruh Roh...Rally Time :D May have to put in more than an hour like this week, lol. Combo looks good imo and I'll prolly be 1 of 5 drivers that would say that too, heheh....


Ruh Roh alright, now where is Dan, oh wait ***looks off at dust trail in the distance*** there he is, whooping my ass...
Ruh Roh alright, now where is Dan, oh wait ***looks off at dust trail in the distance*** there he is, whooping my ass...

Didn't Dan retire??? :sly:

First splits:

T1: 1`14.747
T2: 1`45.986

This little Corolla is surprisingly agro! It just snaps into oversteer without warning...
Ooh scary, i was playing last night and thought "Bet It'll be Grand Canyon tomorrow" Cyril you're one freaky psychic frenchy! :D

Will give this a go, but you know me & clean laps...we just don't see eye to eye...