Can someone please explain to me why...

  • Thread starter Danny


Code Red
United Kingdom
Are you kidding?
The Opel/Vauxhall Speedster Turbo/VX220 Turbo weighs nearly 200kg more than the Normal VX220/Speedster?

Surely the turbo charger doesn't weigh nearly 200kg.
Or is there something else?
The Opel/Vauxhall Speedster Turbo/VX220 Turbo weighs nearly 200kg more than the Normal VX220/Speedster?

Surely the turbo charger doesn't weigh nearly 200kg.
Or is there something else?

More safety equipment ? (i.e. more airbags, rollbar etc.) Just a wild guess...
Figures given in the game are different from the figures given by Opel.
880 kg for the 2.2 16v (850 in the game) ; 930 kg for the 2.0 Turbo (1050 in the game).
Strange indeed.
Maybe it's a programming error, or maybe a turbo setup/engine mod can weight that much. The body might also be strengthened.
Either way, it's enough to make the difference between "This series is impossible!" and "Man, that was fun!"
The base Speedster I believe has a removable top like the Elise it stole the chassis off of, whereas the Turbo has a fixed steel roof, and that leads to extra bracing and other things.

My theory, anyway. :D

The Turbo has a removable top too :


and all sources I find mention 930kg for the Turbo.
I don't know where the 1050kg in the game come from.
Actually, the removable top [would] weigh more because of the lack of a roof would lead to more body twisting, so they would strengthen the chassis to make it stronger, and therefore heavier.
PD make loads of wee errors like that. It shouldn't really surprise anyone.
Just imagine what it's likely to be like if the car count increases in future incarnations of the game

Well, after this has been sorted out, and maybe PD takes notice, they'll double check everything, and not pull another GT2 :ill: That would be awful.
Well, after this has been sorted out, and maybe PD takes notice, they'll double check everything, and not pull another GT2 :ill: That would be awful.
Or... PD takes notice of all the rants over small details that are easily understandable considering the vast amount of programming data involved in a project like GT. Then decides that by making the game less complex, less real, less detailed, and with fewer cars and tracks, it will then allow them to make sure there are no programming errors in the game.

I certainly hope not, nor do I expect that to happen, but who could blame them considering the vast amount of criticism they get for a few minor glitches that represent a small percentage of the entire game.

Personally, I am more than happy to live with some relatively small errors, especially when I consider the vast amount of gameplay to be superb, with a great deal more options and depth of gameplay than any other game on the market.

But hey... that's just me. I try and focus more on what's very good, rather then dwell on the few things that are not. :)
Someone PLEASE take an Opel Speedster Turbo to Infineon and win in B-Spec mode. I hate that I had to give in and buy the non-turbo version so that Bob could continue on.
I wrote Scaff personally and asked him to give it a go. He said he would upon his return from vacation.
Either way, it's enough to make the difference between "This series is impossible!" and "Man, that was fun!"

Won the series twice in a Turbo on two game saves, and it was fun, close racing and 200 point races. But not impossible.

Impossible is the Hyundi race for more than 125 points.
I won the series with the turbo as well. But not in B-spec, I had to drive it A-spec... and I refused to buy the non turbo after spending the cash on the turbo BEFORE reading not to buy it...I can be a little stubborn I'm told...:grumpy:
The Turbo has a removable top too :


and all sources I find mention 930kg for the Turbo.
I don't know where the 1050kg in the game come from.

Full tank of gas?
PD make loads of wee errors like that. It shouldn't really surprise anyone.

Actually, it continues to surprise me. The entire GT series since GT2 has seemed like it's designed by someone with OCD (and from the interviews I've read with Kazunori Yamauchi, it probably was). There's such "perfection" with the multitudes of everything JDM. Every variant is there, but there's a difference I'm sure UK natives may have noticed: no UK-only special editions. No FQ EVO's, no Impreza P1 or S202/S203/etc., but there's every version of Skyline, so long as it was sold in Japan.

When it comes to European & USDM cars, there's not only many important and/or interesting models left out, but those they do include are often incorrectly-specced. It goes so far as to get the fundamentals wrong (since when is the F150 Lightning four-wheel-drive?). I really don't think this is bias. Well, maybe it is, but it may not be conscious bias. Yamauchi is a big Anglophile, and has often expressed his love of American cars, too. How many times has he expressed love for his Ford GT?

And then there's this absolutely childish refusal to pay the licensing fees for Italy's finest. Almost 10 years of people asking "Where's Ferrari?", and 10 years of other companies eating into their market share, it all can't be just nationalistic pride.
Harry, the AWD Lightning was fixed for PAL and NTSC NA I think. I'm pretty sure it was only the Japanese NTSC that has the AWD one, because everybody noticed it as soon as it was released.
And then there's this absolutely childish refusal to pay the licensing fees for Italy's finest. Almost 10 years of people asking "Where's Ferrari?", and 10 years of other companies eating into their market share, it all can't be just nationalistic pride.

Actually, it's Entertainment Arts and others who are being childish by not sharing some of the world's finest. PD shouldn't have to pay,

....but i wish they would pay! :)
I guess I can look past a couple errors as long as they don't affect gameplay too much, but it bugs me that there are errors in the cars' specs at all. PD is a big company, they make lots of money for Sony and have a large budget, and they pride themselves on accuracy... they should not be making these kinds of simple mistakes. I mean, are they just making up numbers because they ran out of time to actually look up accurate figures? Did they decide to make the Turbo heavier than in reality for gameplay reasons? Are they using an inaccurate source? I don't know why they use inaccurate information, but it's kind of annoying and it detracts from the overall fit and finish of the game.

Obviously there are other flaws in the game that bother me a whole lot more than a few tiny inconsistencies in car specs, but it seems to me that if they can't get these specs right, what else could be wrong? And it's not like it's that much data to take care of. Figuring out how to make each car behave as much like the real-life version of the same car is a lot harder than inputting the correct number in a field somewhere. The weight is one number per car - not that much when you're a major game studio with a large budget and lots of people whose job it is to research these cars and make sure everything's right.

You wouldn't be happy if you went to a restaurant and they got your order wrong, would you? Maybe the restaurant was busy and the cooks were overwhelmed. An understandable error, but that doesn't mean you'll necessarily put up with being served the wrong food. After all, it's their job to get it right. It's the same with games.
Parnelli Bone
Full tank of gas?

Usually not.
But the tank is only 38 liter, so 1,050 has to include to driver and his dog too.
car = 930 kg
fuel = 27 kg
driver = 80 kg
dog = 13 kg

Total = 1,050 kg
Did they decide to make the Turbo heavier than in reality for gameplay reasons?

That's a good possibility I was thinking of - perhaps they are trying to achieve a certain 'balance' - goodness knows what. A bit like the prices of the vehicles are wholly unrealistic, to make it hard to get the fast prototypes.

If you are unhappy with the weight of your Opel, might I suggest a Stage 2/3 weight reduction, and using ballast to fine-tune?

(Also - who notices the presence of the Vauxhall Astra DTM/Calibra DTM - none of which existed! Only Opel versions ever ran)
Maufacturer quoted weights aren't achieved using common standards across manufaturers. Some will make it as light as possible, some will do it with a full tank, some won't, some with a person in, some won't. Some will even quote the sprung weight as the car weight IIRC

With this in mind, I would almost believe that PD had standardised weights seeing as they had access to every car in the game. But this is PD we are talking about.
Usually not.
But the tank is only 38 liter, so 1,050 has to include to driver and his dog too.
car = 930 kg
fuel = 27 kg
driver = 80 kg
dog = 13 kg

Total = 1,050 kg

Maybe the driver is just kind of fat.