Tuning Competition - Week 8

  • Thread starter DuckRacer
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Welcome to the eighth Tuning Competition on GTPlanet. Here is everything you need to know to participate.

How it Works

I start the competition every Sunday, listing the name of the car you are to tune, and which track the settings will be tested at. You will not have to tune at that track, but it is highly recommended, since the judges will be testing there.

The judges are:
  • Dark Elite
  • noobie 4 ever
  • Marouan
Once the judges are finished testing all the settings, they will rank each of them on the following categories:
  • Turn-in (entry to corners)
  • Mid-Corner response (whether the car under/oversteers mid-corner or holds the racing line well)
  • Corner exit (how quickly you can exit a corner whilst staying in good control)
  • Stability (rear end staying in line, car not 'jumping' or feeling skittish in turns)
  • Grip (start-offs, how much power can be used without the drive wheels losing traction? Does the car oversteer excessively?)
  • High-speed controllability (whether the car becomes 'frantic' and turns far too sharply at high speeds)
  • Handling while braking (are you able to easily turn the car while braking, and without going into oversteer?)
  • Acceleration (how good is it? Is there a lot of traction while doing it?)
Each category will be rated on a scale of 10 (with 10 being the best). Once the ranking is complete, all of the seperate ratings for a set-up from each judge will be compiled together for that one set-up. This is done with all the other settings, and the one with the highest ranking wins.

The judges will also write a mini-report about the settings, and how they felt driving them.

What to Tune, and Where to Tune At

You will have to tune the Subaru Impreza Sedan Spec C @ Tsukuba. You must use S3 tires, and no ASM.


  • No ASM, ballast, or nitrous is allowed.
  • You can tune the car in any way you wish, as long you use a reasonable amount of parts (ie don't slap on a sports suspension and a 1.5 LSD and expect to be rated high)
  • You must list every single part you used in the PM to me with your settings. Failure to do so will result in a deduction of points.
  • You must PM Me your settings, do not post them here. PM them in the following format:
Tuner: (your username)

Car: Subaru Impreza Sedan Spec C

Part List:
-Spring Rate: 12.0 / 12.0
-Ride Height: 100 / 100
-Bound: 6 / 6
-Rebound: 8 / 8
-Camber: 2.0 / 1.0
-Toe: 0 / 0
-Stabilizers: 3 / 3
-Initial: 10
-Acceleration: 40
-Deceleration: 20

Amount: 30 / 30
[B]Driving Aids[/B]
-TCS: 0
[B]Brake Controller[/B]
-Brakes: 3 / 3
Gear Ratios
Final Gear:

Autoset 10

Deadline is Monday, August 14th.

Good luck!

Quick question - where are we tuning this week?

Not so quick question that doesn't exactly belong here, but I don't want to start a new thread for it until I know if anyone's interested... I've been playing around putting together some sort of leaderboard for the competition, based on average scores for each tuner. Would there be any interest in this - I think it could be interesting to see how we're all doing against each other. More details can follow if there's any interest :)
My best set up evARRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!:D

It was fairly easy but with minimum power upgrades, it will be a little har to get rid of the understeer. Oh well, the what the VCD is for:)
I got my setup spot on, but this thing pushes so bad that it kills my line and blows my chances at getting a sub-1 minute lap time
Aaaah, thanks noobie - just waiting for Du?k to confirm it then ;)
Yep, it's Tsukuba. Forgot to add it in. :ouch:

Not so quick question that doesn't exactly belong here, but I don't want to start a new thread for it until I know if anyone's interested... I've been playing around putting together some sort of leaderboard for the competition, based on average scores for each tuner. Would there be any interest in this - I think it could be interesting to see how we're all doing against each other. More details can follow if there's any interest
I think that would be really neat. 👍

i ll judge if you need 1 more if not i am gonna compeate :)
Well, I have enough judges for now, but if I need one more, I'll ask you. :)
Spec C eh? that thing beats evos as stock, so it shouldn't need tuning. I'm in, and I hope that I'll have better luck this time.:nervous:
My best set up evARRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
:lol: Glad to hear that :P

I wonder how many people will go full-tune with this thing... There's some form of glitch that makes this car vastly superior to anything else in the game. 270mph+ with under 550bhp? How insane would you like it to be? :sly:

22B is faster and more nimble.. but after all, it's Subaru's only supercar. still fiddling with the settings.
interesting stuff with the tuning-competition, i've read all the weeks before and i'm curious about who'll be the winner for this week. 👍

good luck to all, maybe the 22B is someday to tune Leo 👍

Struggling with this one - I've never been a big Impreza fan and this week hasn't changed my opinion by very much. That said, a tuning option that gave me quicker steering would help - with luck, in GT5......

You never know though, I might end up with a setup I'm happy with :indiff:

[Edit] Oh - and I'll post my first leaderboard in the week 7 results thread when it goes up. Seems to make sense to put it there and in subsequent result threads.
I got it, maybe for next week consider the 22B.
Please consider the poor judges, I'd have to test seven or eight cars that are pretty much the same for this week, and then next week do it all over again in an only-slightly-different car :ouch: :lol:

That said, a tuning option that gave me quicker steering would help
I'd never thought of that before, but it would indeed be useful. Any number of rally games have this option, so I wonder why PD left it out?

Ahhh!!! I will return to competion with this one me thinks! Should be interesting as Ive just spent the last few days working on an Evo III.
Duċk, why do you put ASM and Balast in the template, when you disallow them in the rules? :dunce:

If you still need a judge I can do it, though I see someone else also volunteered above. 👍
Dark Elite
I'd never thought of that before, but it would indeed be useful. Any number of rally games have this option, so I wonder why PD left it out?

I only got thinking about it after I got frustrated with the Impreza, and decided to take the Formula GT for a spin (literally, as it turned out, a few times :lol:) and could barely drive it - one reason being the supremely responsive steering. Wonder if we'll ever see the FGT in the tuning comp....

I'm a bit happier with my Impreza now, but whatever I end up with tonight will be my final tune as I'm away this weekend. Hopefully I'll get it adjusted to a point I'm happy with.
I think the FGT is going to be very hard to tune and differs from person to person. That and the fact that it only has 904hp and cant go up or down:tup:👎
I like the way he says 'only' 904bhp :lol:

Actually, now it's mentioned, using the FGT would be interesting as it means one element is taken out of tuning - actual part modifications - so it's purely the setups. It'd make it easier to judge as well :P but I don't think it will ever be used on account of being extremely difficult to get.

Personally, I wan't to see the Tommy Kaira ZZ-II at El Capitan come up. If you were to see the setup I run on my ZZ-II, you'd think I was crazy, but then when you see a recording of me driving it at El Capitan... :dopey:

If that does come up though, I'd almost certainly want to be judging it. 👍
Du?k, why do you put ASM and Balast in the template, when you disallow them in the rules? :dunce:

I put it in to make sure people are paying attention to the rules.

Just kidding, I actually forgot to take it out. And I don't need any more judges, but if you want to volunteer for Week 9, that'd be great (I haven't figured out what to use though).

I might use the FGT, but if so, it'd be in several weeks, for kicks. The thing handles like it's on rails, and if you're a decent driver, it's all normal.
Oh well, my settings are in. Interested to see what the judges have to say, as I've found this one very difficult - the 4WD aspect threw me off a bit I think.

Challenging is always good - and for that, good choice Duċk 👍
Not that I want to or need to use ASM but I actually believe all of the aids and ballast, even NOS should be allowed. Give more points to tuners who can get good results without aids but allowing aids will give more people a chance to compete and also allow people to truely master the more powerful and untamable cars with a wider scope of tuning tools. What do you guys think?
Not that I want to or need to use ASM but I actually believe all of the aids and ballast, even NOS should be allowed. Give more points to tuners who can get good results without aids but allowing aids will give more people a chance to compete and also allow people to truely master the more powerful and untamable cars with a wider scope of tuning tools. What do you guys think?

Nitrous is obsolete, since laptimes aren't measured.

The only time I'd let tuners use ASM if there's a 4000hp FWD Civic in the game, but since there's not, I'm not allowing it.

Ballast will be allowed if I use the RUF Yellowbird in the comp.

Using ballast and ASM requires no skill at all. They're like steroids in the Tour de France. And even if I get 4 extra participants because I allow aids and ballast, I'm not going to put the judges through testing set-ups that are extremely dull.

Even though you can give more points to people who don't use ballast or ASM, I don't think all the judges would remember that.

So long story short, no is the answer. This is a Tuning Competition, and I wouldn't want entrants submitting half-assed set-ups that really aren't "tuned".
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