ATR Round 1!

  • Thread starter arora


Arcade Tarmac Rally Round #1


Peugeot 206 Rally Car 99'

El Capitan Rev Single Hotlap
+20% Power (361 hp)
-10% Weight (1107 kg)
Rs/Rs (r4/r4)
Any: Aids/Tranny/Top Speed

Standard OLR Rules Apply
All Tar, Concrete, etc is Track
Feel Free to Discuss T Times, and Anything Else OTHER THAN Total Lap Times
Keep Your Best Lap Ghost Replay Just in Case You Need It

PM Your Final Time to Me, Once Only Please​
Deadline is Friday May 11th at 11:59 pm GMT



Mr P 33.838 / 1'09.417
NielsG 34.085 / 1'10.583
jake73 34.436 / 1'10.727
WSSSUP: 34.174 / 1'10.802
Ren-Tec 0'34.038 / 1'10.832
arora 34.475 / 1'10.875
Kelly 34.465 / 1'10.915
sjaak68 34.152 / 1'10.945
Mad Max 3 34.810 / 1'12.067
azevedojose 35.459 / 1'13.654
gtbadboy 35.968 / 1'14.074
SERGE.DENAYER 35.718. / 1'14.625
We'll start off with tons of grip and a reverse version of a popular track, just in case anyone needs to shake off some rust ;)

Feel free to ask any question and/or correct my mistakes :dopey:
This is a hard little combo, well for me it is. I havn't driven a car with grip for a long time in GT4 and this car can bite down.
I got 1 clean lap in out of 10, and was wondering how people are going to tackle the little hill section near the T2. I am staying in 5th and just rolling over and still fighting pretty bad to keep the car straight.
Anyway here are my super slow splits.

34.737 / 1'11.968
Starting in the best possible way. Looks great, Erik. 👍

Looks like you're not the only one, who'll be busy. ;)
Those splits don't look bad to me Adam, I just dug out my test numbers...

35.560 / 1'14.220, I'll give a good run at it now and see what I can do in 30 minutes or so, it's already past my bedtime

Started the leaderboard

EDIT: :cheers: Niels, hope you put in a good one...

I ran about 8 laps and found that 5th is o.k. over the hill for now, I'm using 250 topspeed and brake just before the top to 100mph give or take.

34.930 / 1'12.212
My first session gave:


Had an handful of 34.4's but couldn't bring then home.

Great fun. :D And close racing . :dopey:
Nice kick off from the serie.👍

Took me a while for the first clean lap,lots of crashes :) ,but I like the combo.


Have I ever told that I like tar rally?
Not that I'm good at it but I like it :sly:
This thing is pretty twitchy :scared: but after some laps it settles down a bit :)
so far my best clean save has ..

34.003 / 1'10.340 ( seen 33.8 / 1'10.0 )

I will be running some more on this without a doubt 👍
btw ... running @ 250 gear setting and very early gear up for much more speed ;)

Cool combo Eric :cheers:
:eek: 1'10.x already Ron :) A fast one from Sjaak as I expected 👍 and Niels kicked me right of the bat as well :P , glad to see you guys like the first one, hope the others are fitting as well.

Board updated

I'll give this a shot with the DS2. Haven't used it on so long but it's a good way of getting back with it. Looking forward to trying this today.
No worries max, those times aren't bad 👍 and if you stick around a while you will get faster and faster, or smash your ps2 in anger :lol:
No worries max, those times aren't bad 👍 and if you stick around a while you will get faster and faster, or smash your ps2 in anger :lol:

:lol: Maybe, who knows. But I want to play another four rounds of this tournie. It is good comp but I have to learn tracks and behaviour of cars.
See you soon with better times :)
Wow, great combo. I haven't run El Cap in reverse since last September though. It's going to take me awhile to get something respectable.

Edit: is 250 the gear?

OK, here we go:

Ok iv had a nice run at this one now and im catching it a bit more at the bottom of the hill, dam compression bump :ouch:. Well anyway here is what iv got to date and its quite fun too :)


my middle sector was ok but i lost at least one tenth of my best and the last sector was not great but i got it home haha.
Eat my dust :dopey: BernieSjaaklestone :dopey:
I ordered it from 2 days ago and it arrived already. I can't believe how worn my old one had gotten. The new one is so quiet...
Nice times Mike and Jake 👍 Any time will do azevedojose :) I'm slow too :dopey:

Board update

EDIT: Ran a few more, this time with 260 topy, getting the hang of it although I dumped a ton over the hill, what else is new?

34.464 / 1'11.808

EDIT 2: Damn, I'm all over the place :dopey: choped a full second off...

34.78 / 1'11.56, I'm not gonna stop untill I get a 1'10.999 or very close.
Well that was not as hard as I thought which is :scared: because I now know how fast the lot will really run:

34.475 / 1'10.875

Had some better t2's but this was my fastest lap.

Close racing from the pack,👍
Updated max and sjaak 👍

Forget all that crap I said about quickly finding your limit :dopey: I keep finding more time. I had a 34.13x, nailed the hill, did not bother to see t2, I was really smoking, so happy I forgot to brake for the last right :lol:

34.574 / 1'10.979 that one shaved .35 of my previous best, soo.......
It's starting to get pretty frustrating. :crazy: Spend a good hour this morning and only cut off 0.25 :ouch:


Still leaving at least full second out there. :dopey:
Ran another session and my best save so far has ..

33.899 / 1'09.723 ( seen 33.7's / 1'09.6's )

I lost a good .3 after T2 in my best save so will be going back for more soon 👍

This sucker is tough in a few places :ouch:
I think this is going to be neck and neck with some of us :) Ron is out of site 👍

I'm gonna run some tonight, been working all day moving dirt :crazy: and 50lb bricks, not sure if my wrists still work or not.....

Updated Niels and Ron 👍
Can't stand anyone being at the bottom other than myself. :crazy:
Not my most favorite track but the car is wonderful. I had to do this with one eye! Seems I brushed against some poison ivey while driving the John Deere and my left eye is all but close.:dunce:

33.838 / 1'09.417 👍 thats almost as good as I can get I reckon! another few tenths scattered around for sure but probably out of my league :ouch:

Submitting now and thanks for a great combo Eric ;) ... good luck to all taking part :cheers:
Hi Ron B, glad to see you made it here 👍 hope you run the gamit as I have some cool stuff instore.....

Smokin' Ron, amazing 👍 and thanks to you, as you are the one responsible for my now insain habitual gt4'ing :dopey:
hope to see you next round.


EDIT: updated Ron and Ron :)