Is GT5 still planning on having motorcycles in it?

  • Thread starter URBsmkr
I was just wondering if anyone may have any information on the subject. Because to me, it seems like they were adding motorcycles to offset the disappointment with the original GT that was supposed to be released at the PS3 launch. But I don't see why they would'nt have had at least a couple of them in the GTHD demo. Also it seems as if adding motorcycles would hurt the sales of their motocycle simulator, Tourist Trophy.
GT5's never been planned at least not publically to have motocylces in it. PD are hopefully, smart enough to know not to kill a franchise before it's started ie Tourist Trophy by blending it with a game that wouldn't really beenfit from having motorbikes included. The only time motorbikes have been seen with cars in GT was in that old GT:HD demo which was nothing more than a last minuet showcase demo PD knocked together, nothing since has remotely hinted that the blend will happen.
It would not make sense for PD (in PD's eyes) to have both bikes and cars in one game because it will kill Tourist Trophy before its even started! It is more likely that there will be a TT2 for PS3 with the tracks from GT5.

Ofcourse we the consumer would love to have it all in one game, it would be quite cool to have bike Vs car races and time trials etc but I really don't think that its going to happen...

I don't think it's possible, the amount of space that it would require would be insane. Not to mention a totally different physics engine to run the bikes.
I don't think it's possible, the amount of space that it would require would be insane.
PD has a 50GB Blu-ray disc at their disposal. They can fit everything.

It's not like it'd require much space, anyway. They'd just be adding 50-100 bikes or so and maybe a few new tracks specifically for biking.

Not to mention a totally different physics engine to run the bikes.

They went over that hurdle by making Tourist Trophy.
No they can't. Space will always be used. Hideo Kojima said that he though he'd have it easy space wise doing MGS4 for the PS3 but then the high definition textures take up a lot more space than before and what really eats space is the better quality sounds. To create cars and bikes in a single game that is also a simulation would require a physics engine or magnificent proportions to pull off. Yoiu can't have a race with two seperate physics engine operating at the same time, one for cars and one for bikes. You'd need a single engine that would simulate cars and bikes together. Secondly cars and bikes don't race together, again with GT being a game in the simulation gener that would greatly take away from the realism. Something would have to give, you couldn't have cars bashing riders off bikes, a lot of car manufacturers would pull out for that. So how do you do the crashes, do you make it so that bikes simply cannot be knocked over, yeah, that's good. Secondly, bikes are generally a hell of a lot faster on your average race track than cars. I think it was 5th gear where they demonstrated that a 10k road bike could only be beaten by a 300k+ supercar or something like that. So what your left with is a game with bikes and cars but both are seperated, so they simply do not race against each other, at least not directly. Wich then leaves PD one franchise short of what they had.

Personally, even if you took away thoes problems, PD should imo keep the two franchises seperate anyway. Cars and bikes simply do not race against each other, and I woul not like to be racing in the GT All Stars in my McLaren F1 with a grid half made up of superbikes, or even one. Talk about killing the sense of immersion realism wise.
I can see them having at least 4 motorcycles, I don't think that that is enough to change someones mind about buying Tourist Trophy, it might even help as far as advertising goes.
50 gigs isn't a whole lot when you think about the size they want to use, all of those cars, with crash modeling for each one, the physics engine, textures, etc. I for see the space going quick.

Plus we all know when games try to do it all they end up being so-so. You need to specialize in an area to have a great game. Sure they could put bike and cars in the game, but you'd have iffy physics, less vehicles, less tracks, shotty game play, or a combination of any of them.

I'd rather play a game that focuses on one area, not multiple, that way you'll play it and have one of those Woah moments. GT5 will be the deciding factor on whether or not I buy a PS3.
As far as physics goes, Tourist Trophy really is just a tweaked version of the GT4 engine, and despite this, they managed to take something I despise and turn it into something I love (even though TT still falls short on realism). If they take the same approach again, I believe they could easily implement bike vs car races (just using different values for each). It's not like it'd eat up a lot of processing power, because PD has demonstrated since GT3 that pretty graphics are a higher priority anyway.

Even if PD decided to start over from scratch on a new physics engine, one that actually calculates the relationship between every component in real time (instead of using simplistic values and equations as they have thus far), it could still probably be written to differentiate between a car and a bike just as effortlessly as two cars with different drivetrain layouts. That kind of "two different things at the same time" work is what the Cell was made for anyway, right?

As for the subject of licensed cars bashing riders off of their bikes, Midnight Club 3 had real cars and real bikes racing together, along with the ability for riders to fall off. Of course, there were far fewer licenses and the riders had the superhuman ability to hang on in all but the most extreme crashes, but it's still an example.

I myself agree with Robin /////// and Dave A (in his first post), in that the Tourist Trophy series deserves more than to be blended in with GT5.
*snip* Secondly, bikes are generally a hell of a lot faster on your average race track than cars.

I would have to disagree with you here. Dollar for Dollar a bike is a good performance value but when it comes to lap times cars will always be faster. If you compare the highest level for each sport here is what you get for example at a Suzuka 1'28.954 F1 vs. 2.04.604 MotoGP.

As for having them in the game, they should remain separate. I think they would take too many short cuts and leave one or the other wanting more. I want a full bike game and a full car game, don't give me half and half.
That's why I said generally, a MotoGP bike is hardly comparable to a Formula 1 car. But in terms of road bikes v road cars and that sort of thing, it takes a lot of car to compete with a run of the mill superbike. I agree completely with not having half and half.
I'm sorry...I thought thats what you were doing with this quote. :confused: I wanted to give you a sense of what might happen in your example

Dave A
and I would not like to be racing in the GT All Stars in my McLaren F1 with a grid half made up of superbikes, or even one.
Ahh, I means this type of McLaren F1 not the Formula 1 McLarens.
As for having them in the game, they should remain separate. I think they would take too many short cuts and leave one or the other wanting more. I want a full bike game and a full car game, don't give me half and half.

Combining too many types of racing into one game would mean they would have to compromise somewhere - just look at how poor the rallying is in GT4 compared to the tarmac based racing.

I'd say keep the Motorcycles in a seperate game with physics optomised for motorcycles, and stick to what they do best with the Gran Turismo series. Heck, why not move the special conditions racing into a third title optimised for offroad races and fill it with trucks and SUV's.

At the same time, PD could ensure that the track and vehicle data in each game was of the same format, and give us the ability to import/export tracks and vehicles between the titles. Thus they would have three titles optimised for different types of motorsport, and the fans would have the chance to drive their favourite SUV at a motoGP track given that they had bought all three games.
Combining too many types of racing into one game would mean they would have to compromise somewhere - just look at how poor the rallying is in GT4 compared to the tarmac based racing.

I'd say keep the Motorcycles in a seperate game with physics optomised for motorcycles, and stick to what they do best with the Gran Turismo series. Heck, why not move the special conditions racing into a third title optimised for offroad races and fill it with trucks and SUV's.

That's not a bad idea, I mean three games each one with a diffrent type of racing. It may end up costing a bit, but it would be a lot of fun.
Ya so do I, although I still would like some sport trucks and SUV's to be in GT.
Although bikes would be a nice thing to have in GT5 , it's unlikely. I'm not going into detail because others have done that , but bikes in GT5 would kill a possible Tourist Trophy 2. Also , they need to try and make TT as big as GT if they want it to be known. When you say Tourist Trophy to some one, they say " Whats That ? " But when you say to someone Gran Turismo they say " I've got all of the GT's " or " I've got that ". So they should not include bikes in GT5 , but instead they should have some Tourist Trophy ad's in the game.

If, there's anything from TT it certainly won't be bikes. It might be the chracter customization (Helmet select and Race Suit etc.). PD want to try and keep TT and GT seprate games. TT = Bike Sim , GT = Car Sim.
Personally, even if you took away thoes problems, PD should imo keep the two franchises seperate anyway. Cars and bikes simply do not race against each other, and I woul not like to be racing in the GT All Stars in my McLaren F1 with a grid half made up of superbikes, or even one. Talk about killing the sense of immersion realism wise.

I have to agree with you there, it annoys me in arcade mode, when I have a a few AI opponents who are well matched then there is one idle pick-up truck, which throw the entire balance of the race as it fumbles around trying to survive the corners then tears past you on the following straight. Cars and pick up trucks should not be combined in the same way cars and bikes should not be combined.

Another problem is that you can get a much more speed from your first purchase from a bike rendering the starter cars useless, then once you get into race car territory the bike can no longer keep up and that renders the bike useless.(before you start telling me not all race cars are faster than race bike, I am aware of this, however the JGTC's lap Malaysia faster than a MotoGP. Which has got to be one of the fastest commercial racing bikes around) basically you will reach a cut off point where bikes don't have the pace to keep up and once this happens. The bike will be rendered useless.

So to keep things sensible the only option is to separate them completely, what better way than to give them there own separate games.
There are trucks and SUV's that can run with cars though, and as long as they keep to these street trucks I see no problem with keeping them in the game.
There are trucks and SUV's that can run with cars though, and as long as they keep to these street trucks I see no problem with keeping them in the game.

I don't mind them being in the game, in fact I like them in the game, they add contrast however I do think they should be segregated.
Why keep them separate?

I think its a reasonable assumption that GT will become a micropayment game. Paying for tracks and vehicles, quite possibly with the "game" being free.

In this world bikes and cars should be in the same game..
so what if you shouldn't race them together, its silly to race JGTC cars with the leno tank car, doesn't mean they shouldn't be in the same game..

as for the physics, comon, does anyone seriously think having 2 different models in the same game is a stretch for these guys?

As for tourist trophy as a separate brand, they have invested little in it and it isn't worth much at this stage, just keep pumping GT..

oh and motoGP bikes are comparable to F1 cars.
They are both prototype classes, the bikes arnt doing the same lap times largely because you cant have aero on a bike in the same way as you can with a car.

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