Is GT5 still planning on having motorcycles in it?

  • Thread starter URBsmkr
Yeah I would like them to blend in stuff like more SUV's, Bikes, Buses, and Trucks. Then you would have a real driving simulator. Right now, GT4 is showing false advertising with Real Driving Simulator. They should stop focusing on the damned graphics and work on how good the gameplay is. Come on, like we all haven't been bored on GT and wanted some unusual stuff added. It would be cool to hit a bike with a truck. It would make a cooler Crash and Wipe Out thread here. GT4 is boring and addicting at the same time. :odd: Why not add some out of the world things. Also add some more in depth tuning like Toronado once stated, like in NFSU2. Also add realistic sounds and make it feel like you are actually hitting 100MPH.

-Language Warning-
EDIT: Also why do car companies B:censored: about stuff like roll overs. Them dumb asses act like a roll over would affect anything. Bull:censored:! How you expect us to play a "Real Driving Simulator" if we can't roll over a F:censored:G CAR!?!? They are the ones that kill the games more than PD does.
I think its a reasonable assumption that GT will become a micropayment game.
You'd be correct maybe 6-9 months ago...PD has already backpedalled on that, and although none of us know for sure yet, I still wouldn't call your statement a "reasonable assumption," myself.

oh and motoGP bikes are comparable to F1 cars.
They are both prototype classes, the bikes arnt doing the same lap times largely because you cant have aero on a bike in the same way as you can with a car.
That and the whole F1-cars-have-twice-as-many-contact-patches-thing. Probably larger ones too.

I'm sorry, but doesn't the mere fact that MotoGP bikes don't post similar lap times prove that they aren't comparable to F1 cars?
You'd be correct maybe 6-9 months ago...PD has already backpedalled on that, and although none of us know for sure yet, I still wouldn't call your statement a "reasonable assumption," myself.
Where have they backpedalled? (I haven't been keeping up it seems)
even if they have, 2008 is a way off and i think micro-payments are going to be a continuing trend that sony clearly want roll with.
micro-payments make a lot of sense for a game like GT, like a monitized version of the rfactor world

That and the whole F1-cars-have-twice-as-many-contact-patches-thing. Probably larger ones too.

I'm sorry, but doesn't the mere fact that MotoGP bikes don't post similar lap times prove that they aren't comparable to F1 cars?

no, obviously they arnt pushing the same times.
but they are both the state of the art. its fair to compare them because they are both the fastest around a track in their respective fields.

As for the tires, i would argue that a F1 car without the aero effects couldnt do the same lap times as a GP bike.
Why keep them separate?

I think its a reasonable assumption that GT will become a micropayment game. Paying for tracks and vehicles, quite possibly with the "game" being free.
As has already been said, shortly after Sony started releasing details of the micro payments scheme there was a lot of bacfire on the net. People (myself included) worked out that to buy everything in GT4 using this micro-payments scheme would have cost hundereds of pounds. It's little coincidence that it was shortly after this internet backlash that Sony made a statment saying that had scrapped thoes plans.

In this world bikes and cars should be in the same game.
The big question is why?

so what if you shouldn't race them together, its silly to race JGTC cars with the leno tank car, doesn't mean they shouldn't be in the same game.
This is true, which is why I tyhink the race seires in GT5 should be more varied and have a wider variety of terms for entry. However, the key thing here is that regardless of that, the Jay Leno Tank car, even if in GT5 you could race it in the JGTC, is still a car. Bikes are not.

as for the physics, comon, does anyone seriously think having 2 different models in the same game is a stretch for these guys?
Yes, especially if it means running both at the same time, allowing bikes and cars to race together. You'd be putting one hell of a strain on the processor and the complications of doing so (and I'm talkinga bout PD creating a realistic bike sim and a realistic car sim not half a single engine that covers both half arsed) could be astronomical.

As for tourist trophy as a separate brand, they have invested little in it and it isn't worth much at this stage, just keep pumping GT..
How do you know what they invested in it, they wen't out and tested the bikes just like they do with the cars for Gran Turismo. I've never seen any figures for what PD have invested in Tourist Trophy. Ofcourse, as a rfanchise it's new it's not established yet, they need a sequel to establish it. But it would be better business sense to make Tourist Trophy 2 for the PS3 before they decide to kill the series before it's really started.

oh and motoGP bikes are comparable to F1 cars.
They are both prototype classes, the bikes arnt doing the same lap times largely because you cant have aero on a bike in the same way as you can with a car.
They are only comparable in that they are prototype classes, in terms of what both are capable of, they are not comparable at all. LMP class GT cars are prototypes and they arn't comparable to F1 cars in capablitity. Also as has been said, the aero is not the only reason the bikes arn't as fast, the bikes also have higher centers of gravity, they have less contact for cornering (this is why bikes are so much slower at corenrs than cars) and they have a lower power to weight than F1 cars do.
no, obviously they arnt pushing the same times.
but they are both the state of the art. its fair to compare them because they are both the fastest around a track in their respective fields.

As for the tires, i would argue that a F1 car without the aero effects couldnt do the same lap times as a GP bike.

Firstly aero's no aero's whatever you want to believe, Moto GP bikes can't even compete with f1 cars, LMP's, GT cars, they are even slower than JGTC cars round most tracks. So how can you call them comparable.

Of course the whole game isn't just about these cars however, Consider your typical 10,000Cr starting money, think of the starter cars you can normally buy, if your lucky you may get a 20 year old skyline. Enter the Sunday Cup and you should win it fairly easily without any tuning. Enter the Clubman cup and you may struggle. Now think of a bike you could pick up for the same amount of credits. You will win every event until you reach the GT world championship, after that you won't be able to win any event afterwards with any bike, including the GT world championship.

You would be better off just creating an entirely different GT mode, probably called TT mode, but why when it is a game that is, and always has been aimed at car enthusiasts. It would make more sense for people who want a car game to have cars in, and people who want bike to have a bike game. It would make things so much easier.
I would say that have motorcyles in the GT5 would be a big advantage for game sales. I doubt if TT sold more then 25% of GT5 sales.
It would certainly be a huge feature that other games would not have. Granted as long as it did not take anything away from the core of the current method of GT game play. Meaning bike events and car events would be seperate in Simulation mode. However if bikes was included I certainly would want the ability to use them against cars in Arcade mode just for the fun of it. Or heck they could include seperate mode all together if needed for the bikes basically TT and GT5 on the same disk. I would speculate that doing this would sale more GT5 games and make more money then having two seperate games. With very little known about what GT5 will or will not have, It would be best if they include all that they can. What I am trying to say is including them would be a much bigger benefit then not including them. It would be a huge feature that no other race driving games would have at least not on one title. However only if it did not take away any of the other great features that GT5 should have.
I think that GT5 should have at least ten bikes in it, or better yet how ever many vehicles can participate in a single race , They should have THAT many motorcycles in the game to choose from,If for nothing else but to advertise TT to the people who have not yet purchased the game while also making GT different by adding new features.
I still like the idea of three GT games because this gives PD the ability to work on the realism of the games and the space for more or better cars, bikes, suvs, tracks and the games should not be singel but in a box set with the name The real driving sim or something like that.
I think that GT5 should have at least ten bikes in it, or better yet how ever many vehicles can participate in a single race , They should have THAT many motorcycles in the game to choose from,If for nothing else but to advertise TT to the people who have not yet purchased the game while also making GT different by adding new features.

I agree, It wouldn't even affect GTs formula IMO (as long as you keep them away from tournaments). Say a handful of bikes makes it to GT5, i think they should be unlockables, or a random special prize.
At e3 in 2006 in the gthd demo I got a taste of what it would be like with bikes and cars on a track at the same time...This is a fantastic idea that shouldn't be hard to implement....(tourist trophy)...Being that it was an e3 demo I see no reason to why bikes should be left out....I mean...I have already played a joint car bike gt....why remove such an inovative feature that will embaress other tittles....Blueray can store the extra info....
Bikes wouldn't be a problem if they were an option in arcade mode, however they would ruin the GT mode for me, perhaps a TT mode would be in order as well, but like I said before why not just have it as a different title.
If GT5 has bikes(even if only a hand full), damage, reverse lights, vinyls, skid marks, chrome rims(colorable, and sizeable), on top of the stuff that are already to be added(online play, higher numbers of cars in a race). GT5 will be the best racing game EVER!!!!
Except it probably won't have all of that. I don't care about reverse lights, skid marks, or vinyls. That stuff will just detract from the actually driving aspect of the game.
Why not just put a demo of an upcoming TT2 on the disc?
I agree with UnoMOTO and Stevisiov90 -- that's probably the most practical idea yet. 👍

If disk space were an issue it could be included as a second disk, too, a la the Metal Gear Solid 2 demo that was included with the first Zone of Enders.
Why not just put a demo of an upcoming TT2 on the disc?

Because it costs money...I bet you that it will just be a download in stores(makes more sense no?)...If they are making a TT2...But gt5 with blueray should be able to fit bike info too? I mean storage on blueray isn't bad....way better then hd-dvd
So does putting motorcycles in the game, I don't understand your point. They could easily put a demo on the game disc with 8 common bikes, a few racing versions and a few street versions. The tracks would already be on the game disc and the bikes wouldn't take up a ton of space.
So does putting motorcycles in the game, I don't understand your point. They could easily put a demo on the game disc with 8 common bikes, a few racing versions and a few street versions. The tracks would already be on the game disc and the bikes wouldn't take up a ton of space.

I agree it doesn't take much to add demo to the game disc...BUt seeing how sony is really into the ps store and downloads...I would expect the demo to appear in the ps store with the other game demos...besides..they can update the demo more readily if it were a download vs disc... I am sure it would save money too.

But I see gt with bikes cause I have already played a version with both cars and bikes on the track at the same time.
I agree it doesn't take much to add demo to the game disc...BUt seeing how sony is really into the ps store and downloads...I would expect the demo to appear in the ps store with the other game demos...besides..they can update the demo more readily if it were a download vs disc... I am sure it would save money too.
Yes, but the Tourist Trophy demo would receive much more attention if it were included with GT5. You can't be sure every PS3 owner uses the store or even has the internet (much less broadband), and you can't be sure that every PS3 owner who does have broadband and uses the store will download the demo for a game they've never heard of, even if it was created by PD.
Bottom line, anyone without a net connection isnt a priority custom for sony.. the PS3 is a network device..

as for 3 seperate games? are you serious?
3 ??? We are only talking about GT5 and TT2. What is this third game you speak of?

Beat me to the post! I was going to ask the same question.
Or do you mean a third game mode? as in Arcade mode, GT mode and TT mode?
please clarify.
what about this?


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OK...Everyone please pay attention!!!

"What about this?" was a presentation put together by Sony for E3'06 because they wanted something on the GT series shown at the last minute so to speak.

Motorcycles will not be in Granturismo 5 and anyone that continues to ask IMO should be shot with a ball of their own poop (joke). :)
I don't ride bikes but would be OK with being able to win one like the other useless cars (Nike) in
GT4, that way I think you could race it in arcade mode.
no bike hopefuly its a car game, you could mabey have 1 as a pace bike in 1 race but would look out of place and not as good as the cars

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