Awesomely Powerful Super Stardust HD Thread

The name fits. Deal with it.

So, who can beat my high score?

Arcade Mode: 29 Million

Planet Mode:

Lave - 8 Million

Those are the only two I've done thus far, but I'd be willing to squash anyone's score if you think you can hang. Okay, enough geek time, post and let me know. I'll put up some strats and pointers for those who are having trouble breaking past a few million (*cough* Duck *cough*). Later.
I'm at a mere 1.4 mil, so obviously you'll not have to worry about any high score threat from the likes of me ;)

Anyone else find the gold melter the best overall general purpose weapon?
You're giving out Strat's?

38 million. :D

Although, the bosses at the end of world 4 and 5 are 'fricken hard...
Good score. 👍

But you were on 29,000,000 over an hour ago. :P

Yea, lol, had a social gathering last night and dedcided to cook out, then we played Rainbow Six: Vegas for a while and went out, so I didn't get much of a chance to play. I played this morning and did phenomenal my first playthrough, and then the second time around everything is simply insane. Just chaos, it's crazy, SO MANY ASTEROIDS. If you think there's chaos in the first playthrough, you haven't seen anything yet. I'm still in awe of how much they can fill the screen with, it's like more and more and more just keep on coming.
Ah, I'm not looking forward to the second cycle... I remember one or two times on the end of the 3rd world things would get a bit hectic. I'd hate it to be like that constantly. :lol:
So, I got it last night and stupidly decided to attempt it after driving home for five hours. My first attempt came out to be like a little over 100,000. :indiff: Then I tried it a few more times and broke over 750,000. Then after a little more, and reading the instructions, I broke the 1,000,000 mark and decided I was just too tired to concentrate. It was amazing how much quicker my multiplier grew and how much faster my times were when I learned a few common knowledge maneuvers that massively increase scores. I wanted to keep going but between being 10pm and having interruptions from my laundry I just had to stop.

I'm wishing I had an HD set so that I could bask in the beauty. My regular projection screen is incredible looking, so I can only imagine what it must be like with HD.

So, how often do you all use your bombs? I know you get a time bonus, but it also says there is a bonus for not using bombs. Which is the bigger bonus?

Mind if I add you guys to my friends list so I can keep track of how pitifully I am doing? That way you don't have to sift down into the 8,000s rankings to find me and laugh.

Note: Admitting my pitiful gameplay does not mean I am still not stepping up to the challenge.
I'm 3,000 under 51 million now. I haven't even reached the second cycle yet...!
I added you FoolKiller.

Honestly, I try not to worry much about chains as much as I do simply staying alive and not dying.

THat multiplier is INSANE when it comes to time bonus. I've racked up 2 million on a few stages JUST on the time bonus.
OK, played a bit more last night and got over 8 million. For some reason Lave gives me fits, but once I get on Covenina I am good to go. It is just getting there.

For example: On planet mode I got just over 2 million on Lave after multiple attempts, but I played Covenina once and got 5.5 million.

I did notice that once that multiplier kicks in you can really roll in the points. I remember when I broke 2 million and was approaching 3 I got caught up in the action and next thing I knew I glanced up just as I was closing in on 5 million. Next thing I knew I died, expecting something in the 5 millions as my score and I had over 8 million.
I d/led it but didn't get a chance to play it because my PS3 is at a friend's house. I went over there today and he tried it for the first time and got around 6 mil. Me... I'd get no where close to that. :dunce:
I got it today. Its a lot more fun than Blast Factor and nothing about it reminds me of Geometry Wars. $8 is not a bad deal but where is the online play? That would be cool for this game. Looking forward to that other shooter coming out this year.
134 million.

I managed to get to the 3rd cycle on "Elite" difficulty. The rocks move very quickly. You've got to have a very fast retraction time!

I agree with the lack of online mode. I was hoping the Co-op mode would be for players online, but it's only local...
Online will never happen because it's near impossible to have tons of asteroids crumbling in any given way at any given time without lag. And this is a game where if you have lag, you'd kill the experience and fun.
Online will never happen because it's near impossible to have tons of asteroids crumbling in any given way at any given time without lag. And this is a game where if you have lag, you'd kill the experience and fun.
I had this wonderful dream, and then you came and woke me up.

Don't be sad. I had a wonderful dream of being the best SSHDer on GTPlanet, but that was taken away – nay, smashed – when G.T just got more than 130 million points today.
Yeah, I gave that up too. I can live with that.

What happened there? I'm still waiting to log on and find myself back at the bottom of the points list.
134 million

I was checking to see if the Sony Store was up and running with content from E3, and so went to check the leaderboard and there you are in the top 100 world wide scores!

:bowdown: PZF_ = 135M & JR (THA_CON) is right up there to with 105M!

The scary thing is the #1 score is close to a billion points! :eek:
1 billion already? I have a break for a couple of days and the #1 score is beaten by another 500,000,000!

I must have another go at playing it tomorrow. :sly:
I made one run through on saturday and got 105 million, and I had 5 lives left, but had an appointment with someone for photo's and I couldn't miss it :( So unfortunately, I 'died' so that I wouldn't lose at least what I had already gotten.

Hopefully I'll get more time to play this weekend. I'm pretty confident I can match or surpass 134Mil.
Well my arcade HS is now at least up to an almost respectable 9 million, puts me just in the top 25%.

Just noticed that o-moni- appears to be the 1st to top 1 billion. :eek: And I thought the top GTP guys getting 100 million+ was crazy.
I must say now I'm struggling to top my previous top score. The best I done the other day was 5 million short, and have declined a little ever since...

I'll get there eventually though!
209 million. :D

Almost finished the last world on Elite difficulty. Things got a little too hectic and ran out of bombs... I'm quite pleased nonetheless.

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