360 problems -- worth it?

  • Thread starter BLITZ_69

Is buying a 360 worth the risk?

  • Yes, ive not had any problems with mine.

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, although it has acted a little strange once or twice.

    Votes: 10 43.5%
  • Its a preety fair deal.

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • No, Ive had a few big problems with it.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • Not at all, mine completely stoped working.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Hello all.

There is a slight chance that I will be buying a 360 when I get the money for one. I understand that it has many flaws and was wondering if the risk is worth the award. If it will more than likely break, than I don't know if I should.

What do you all think?
It is DEFINETLY worth buying. I will be going on my 3rd one within the last year and I dont regret it at all. The games and xboxlive are incredible. Well worth a little pain for a lot of pleasure. :sly:
My girlfriend still has her first 360 and plays almost as much as I do. They also have a 3 year free warranty that covers any 360 now that gets the 3 red lights of death.
You should add another answer to that poll.
"yes it has some problems but its well worth it"
I'll second that. Mine's being repaired by Microsoft at the moment, but nonetheless since I got it for Christmas last year, I've had some of the best gaming experiences in terms of XBOX Live and such. Before then, I'd never played online properly, but after playing PGR3, Pro Evo 6, Gears of War and more recently Forza 2, I don't think i've had a better time playing on a console ever.

Definately worth getting it, even with all the problems going around.
Well, accusations of Microsoft fanboyism on my behalf would normally permit me only to say "get one anyway," but I'm doing my best to be fair these days...

Basically what it comes down to is what you're willing to deal with. Given that not all 360s have failed, there is a good chance that the one you will get won't have any issues. That being said, there is always the chance that you will have an issue with the one you get. As Camaroboy has pointed out, he has gone through three of them, or if you look at GT, he has had a helluva time just getting his new 360 back from Microsoft.

I have an early-build model (late November 2005), and I've yet to have any major issues with it. There are thousands of people just like me who are well aware of the problems, and thusly we are all waiting for our turns on the 360 wheel of death.

That being said, its hard to ignore the fact that an X360 is still an awesome piece of machinery. The games alone, at least IMO, make it worth giving a try. Titles like Halo 3 and PGR4 this fall are going to be mindblowingly awesome, as well as the later additions of Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and the various outstanding multi-platform titles that are out there.

If you're considering a PS3, it is indeed a worthy comparison. The lowered price on the PS3 makes it a much better deal, and the upcoming games make it seem more and more worth it, but many of those are still a fair bit off in the distance. As far as I know, I've heard much less about PS3 issues by comparison to the X360, so thats more or less up to your own opinion there.

IMO, for the games and online experiences, nothing quite matches the X360. I'd say go for it despite the issues, but don't hesitate to pick-up the Elite over the standard box. I keep hearing about 360 price drops, but nothing has been official that I know of...
I also forgot to add that the next 2 quarters of the year there will be a LOT of great games coming out. Bioshock, PGR4, Halo 3, GTA 4, Half Life 2 orange box, COD4, Army of two, MOH Airborne, Mercenaries 2, Brothers in arms,
and many more all this year within the next few months!
If there is ever a time to buy a 360 it is right now.
Well, accusations of Microsoft fanboyism on my behalf would normally permit me only to say "get one anyway," but I'm doing my best to be fair these days...

Basically what it comes down to is what you're willing to deal with. Given that not all 360s have failed, there is a good chance that the one you will get won't have any issues. That being said, there is always the chance that you will have an issue with the one you get. As Camaroboy has pointed out, he has gone through three of them, or if you look at GT, he has had a helluva time just getting his new 360 back from Microsoft.

I have an early-build model (late November 2005), and I've yet to have any major issues with it. There are thousands of people just like me who are well aware of the problems, and thusly we are all waiting for our turns on the 360 wheel of death.

That being said, its hard to ignore the fact that an X360 is still an awesome piece of machinery. The games alone, at least IMO, make it worth giving a try. Titles like Halo 3 and PGR4 this fall are going to be mindblowingly awesome, as well as the later additions of Mass Effect, Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, and the various outstanding multi-platform titles that are out there.

If you're considering a PS3, it is indeed a worthy comparison. The lowered price on the PS3 makes it a much better deal, and the upcoming games make it seem more and more worth it, but many of those are still a fair bit off in the distance. As far as I know, I've heard much less about PS3 issues by comparison to the X360, so thats more or less up to your own opinion there.

IMO, for the games and online experiences, nothing quite matches the X360. I'd say go for it despite the issues, but don't hesitate to pick-up the Elite over the standard box. I keep hearing about 360 price drops, but nothing has been official that I know of...

NO I have only went through 2 of them. I am about to buy the third one tonight. I dont care how much the 360s die. I still love it and will keep buying them!!
Yeah, but do you get refunded each time?
100% refund each time. :) I send in the old one and when they recieve it they send me a check in the mail. Thats why as soon as I leave work I will be buying another one. Then just send my junk one to the warranty place. They even pay for the shipping to send my broken 360 to them. I havent had to spend a penny since the first 360 I bought exactly a year ago. Well worth it but I also bought the warranty. If I hadnt bought the warranty then it would a pain in the butt. GET THE WARRANTY.
This basically means I never go a single day without a 360 even if they die.
I would think it's worth it, but not after considering this first.

The PS3, does seem expensive, but there are little or no costs to add to the experience. Online gaming is just as good and free (compared to at least £40 per year on 360), built-in Wi-Fi (£60 for 360) and a decent hard drive is standard (60GB compared to the 360's 20GB). Plus it's much more than a gaming machine, with the Blu-Ray player, HDMI and Hi-def audio, so all around it's the better buy. 👍

But, the 360 is so appealing because it has such a broad range of games already. I know many people who have bought a 360 because of this. But in the future, most games will be coming out on both platforms, so it's up to you whether you want to enjoy the games already for the 360, and put up with the reliability issues and costs, or get a PS3, wait for the games come out and have a better overall experience. Only just you won't be able to play KOTOR like you mentioned, because it IS a PS3. :P And no exclusive games like Halo and Gears of War. But then if you bought an Xbox, you'll be missing out on exclusive titles like Heavenly Sword, Killzone 2 and the future Gran Turismo 5.

Unless, of course, you're planning to own both consoles real soon!

On a side note, I suggest buying a 360 from a store which replaces it for you on the spot if it ever goes wrong. I'm sure fellow Americans here will know the names of those stores. It just saves you having to put up with sending your PS3 away to a repair facility, waiting for weeks on end for a replacement.
Once more and more games start coming out on the PS3 then I will even consider getting one or 2 of those (1 for me 1 for Heather). But I dont see that any time within the next year because there just simply arent any games out any time soon that make me interrested in the PS3. Those that know me know I am open minded and if a system has what I want, I will buy it. So the PS3 could eventually become a part of our gaming library but it will probably be at least a year or longer. They just need to start pumping out some games I want. For now the 360 has EVERY game I want.
I voted for the first option. I havn't had a single issue with my 360 since the day I bought it. I've only had it a year, but as far as I know, it's a launch console. I know that any day now it could crap out on me and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, but now with the 3 year warrenty, I know i'll get a new one (or at least newer one) for free. 👍 I say go for it. The games are great, xbox live is great (although I think it's a tad overpriced) and the media center functionality is great too. It will even work with your Mac via a little program called Connect360. :)
I voted for the first option. I havn't had a single issue with my 360 since the day I bought it. I've only had it a year, but as far as I know, it's a launch console. I know that any day now it could crap out on me and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised, but now with the 3 year warrenty, I know i'll get a new one (or at least newer one) for free. 👍 I say go for it. The games are great, xbox live is great (although I think it's a tad overpriced) and the media center functionality is great too. It will even work with your Mac via a little program called Connect360. :)
$4.16 a month is overpriced? Thats only about 90 cents a week. I know it just feels more expensive when you pay the $49.99 all at once each time of the year. Mine just renewed too.
$4.16 a month is overpriced? Thats only about 90 cents a week. I know it just feels more expensive when you pay the $49.99 all at once each time of the year. Mine just renewed too.

We really shouldn't get into the whole "it costs ____ cents per week". Because $4 a week doesn't seem like much, right? Price of a Starbucks. But it amounts to $200 a year.

And I do agree that compared to PSN, when you're paying for online play only, that $50 a year really isn't worth it when you get less games with dedicated servers (lag-free play). You're basically paying for the unified friends list and the ability to jump into the lobby your friend is in at any given moment.

But it's the only way to play online on the 360, and there's tons of Marketplace content each week, so I'm fine with it.

As to answer your question, Blitz, the only problem I've had was with my first 360, it started scratching discs after a few months. Now, a year later, it's been perfect ever since. If you decide to get one now, the most common problem is it RRoDing, and that's covered by the 3 year warranty. But I'd imagine it sucks not having your 360 for a month, so what should you do? The X360 "Falcon" that's going to be used this fall with the better quality hardware and the 65nm chips will drastically improve the hardware. Not to mention there's some rumors floating around that the 360 will get a $100 cut in the next few months, so if you could wait and get a cheaper, far more reliable 360, that'd be the cat's meow.

And I second ITR with Connect360, since you have a Mac. That's the best thing since sliced bread, you don't even need to transfer media on a memory stick and put it on your hard drive, you just view it from your computer. Yes, it's $20, but it's quite possibly one of the best pieces of software I have bought. 👍
$4.16 a month is overpriced? Thats only about 90 cents a week. I know it just feels more expensive when you pay the $49.99 all at once each time of the year. Mine just renewed too.

I guess so. I mean, you're pretty much just paying for the content because all the online games are hosted via the player and not servers provided by Microsoft. I don't download many demos and the only DLC I've downloaded was the Oceans 13 picture pack, Crackdown dlc, and TDU dlc. I guess it depends on how much you download wether you think $50 is worth it or not.
I think it's definetely worth it. You could argue about value continously, but you basically HAVE to pay that Live fee to play something like Gears or Forza 2 or whatever you want to play online. Previously I'd been playing a lot Forza 2 and Gears and Call of Duty 3 online. Now mostly Forza 2. In regards to the online experience with these games, it's been totally worth it.
I find the live service worth the $50 a month. I use the DLC quite often, and it is a good way for me to keep in touch with friends that I wouldn't otherwise talk to. Game wise, its pretty easy to use, and most of the time you don't have too many issues with the system... That being said, Forza2 has had a lot of issues since Europe and Asia came on, but when you've got that many people playing, its understandable.

If you don't want XBL right away, it isn't a necessity, but its nice to have. I like being able to turn on my X360, see if Mark or Karl is playing, and then decide if I want to play Forza with the GTPers, PGR3 just for the hell of it, or maybe turn off the lights and sneak around in RS:V.
I voted for the second option as I have had some very small problems with my 360. A couple of times the disc tray has failed to open. I have had the three rings of death before, but I switched the console off and it worked fine after. Apart from that I absolutely love the 360, the range of games is brilliant, X box live arcade is awesome especially with the new and improved version of Prince of Persia.

I will get a PS3 as soon as the price comes down. Probably just after Christmas. I still have plenty of games to look forward to, GTA4, Ace Combat 6, Pro Evo 7, COD 4.

You should definitely buy one, the benefits outweigh the bad points by a ton.
$4.16 a month is overpriced? Thats only about 90 cents a week. I know it just feels more expensive when you pay the $49.99 all at once each time of the year. Mine just renewed too.
$50! damn, that's about £25 over here! for us in the UK, it's £40 for a year subscription, which would be about $80 over there i think. So its true that some things are technically cheaper in america than in the uk :P
I would vote "Yes, as long as you have a good warranty because they are absolutely junk." But seeing as that isn't an option, I'm abstaining. :P
Getting mine for $200 new without a doubt I say yes. Even with all the problems and all the stuff you have to pay for I've still enjoyed it for the most part and it's more because of the games not the 360 itself. The 360 is pretty rubbish but then again it's M$ so what do you expect...?
Getting mine for $200 new without a doubt I say yes. Even with all the problems and all the stuff you have to pay for I've still enjoyed it for the most part and it's more because of the games not the 360 itself. The 360 is pretty rubbish but then again it's M$ so what do you expect...?

Agreed. I would have sold one of my replacements by now if I didn't like the game library.
We really shouldn't get into the whole "it costs ____ cents per week". Because $4 a week doesn't seem like much, right? Price of a Starbucks. But it amounts to $200 a year.

And I do agree that compared to PSN, when you're paying for online play only, that $50 a year really isn't worth it when you get less games with dedicated servers (lag-free play). You're basically paying for the unified friends list and the ability to jump into the lobby your friend is in at any given moment.

But it's the only way to play online on the 360, and there's tons of Marketplace content each week, so I'm fine with it.

As to answer your question, Blitz, the only problem I've had was with my first 360, it started scratching discs after a few months. Now, a year later, it's been perfect ever since. If you decide to get one now, the most common problem is it RRoDing, and that's covered by the 3 year warranty. But I'd imagine it sucks not having your 360 for a month, so what should you do? The X360 "Falcon" that's going to be used this fall with the better quality hardware and the 65nm chips will drastically improve the hardware. Not to mention there's some rumors floating around that the 360 will get a $100 cut in the next few months, so if you could wait and get a cheaper, far more reliable 360, that'd be the cat's meow.

And I second ITR with Connect360, since you have a Mac. That's the best thing since sliced bread, you don't even need to transfer media on a memory stick and put it on your hard drive, you just view it from your computer. Yes, it's $20, but it's quite possibly one of the best pieces of software I have bought. 👍

You said $4.00 a week but its actually $4.00 a MONTH. Your way off. Especially saying $200 a year. lol
Its $49.99 a year for xboxlive. Thats only about 90 cents a week or $4.16 a month.