Weekly Endurance Series Qualification Thread.

  • Thread starter Tyre King
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Tyre King

Sleep! Who needs Sleep?
United Kingdom

Welcome one and all, to the qualifying race for the Weekly Endurance Series!
This is open to all who wish to participate in the WES, and will be a permanent fixture so late-comer's can join in any time they want.
Therefore there is no time limit, or closing date.

The format is very simple, and should be easy for all to participate in.

All you have to do is this:
1: Go into GT Mode.
2: Select the License Centre.
3: Select the Special Licenses section.
4: And finally, select test number 5.

Once you have done all that, DO YOUR BEST!​

The Gold, Silver and Bronze award times in the test should be a good indicator of how well you are doing. These times however, are NOT necessarily where the divisional boundaries will be, especially as an awful lot of us already have completed the test and gotten Gold.
But if you get a Gold time, you can rest assured that it should be a good one and you will probably be in one of the top two divisions.

You CAN discuss your splits fully if you wish, and your full lap-times to the second and one decimal place (eg 1:34.2xx). But please keep your actual final submission time to yourself.
If after a period of time the majority wish to see how they stacked up, I may publish the results but not where the divisional cut off are.

Not that I distrust anyone on the Long Race Series board (or for that matter on GTP), but, I want you to prove your times.
As the game takes care of the semi-cleanliness of the lap, and won’t let you wall ride or cheat in any way…….As long as you have completed the lap, that’s that.
All you then need to do is provide me proof of your time.

Any of the following is acceptable:

1: A Max Drive save of the fastest lap you have done.
2: A screen capture of the final time up on screen.
3: A digital photo of the screen with the time displayed.
4: To be honest, any method you can find to get a display of your time will do, but the first 3 above are preferable.

To get the Max Drive save, you need to save your fastest lap by using the ‘Save Ghost’ icon as usual. Then do the Max Drive thing and get it onto your PC.

Then, you need to E-mail your .max file, photo, screen capture etc to neil@stumpyharland.fsnet.co.uk

In the case of taking a digital photo or a screen capture, the time you have done is shown on the screen as soon as you have finished the lap. And stays there until you choose whether to retry or exit.

The best advice I can give, is to put some serious time into this! If you don’t, and don’t do yourself justice, you will find yourself in a lower division than you deserve to be in. You will completely out perform the rest of your division, and everyone else will KNOW that you sand-bagged the qualifier just to get points on the leader-board.
I can’t think of a bigger shame, than to have all the guys think that about me. So don’t do it! OK?

Let's have fun, do the best we can, and get this series going strong for a long time!

Whooohoooo!!! Great job Neil!! Glad this series is off and running.

Great to see Drew back too 👍
Interesting. I shall compete:sly:
Nice... Glad that this series is off!! Is there a time frame we are working with? I guess since its the qualifiers, it will stay in place forever, but could you tell us when are we looking to start the first race, so that we have some idea...
It's open to everyone mates! 👍

The only time scale for the qualifier is when you think you have honestly done your best! And it will stay up permanently, and free to enter for all!👍
The series proper will start when enough guys and gals have done this test, so that I can set some divisional parameters, or,
I may even start it up without splitting the drivers at all, and set the divisions up later.

But I am looking to be running the first race within the next week or so.

So start your pick-up engines, and get that pre-historic rear axle a tramping!

Alright Stumpy I'm ready! For my recovey I've been doing nothing but license tests for the last 2 weeks, but It'll be much more fun running against you guys. Gonna go do a few laps right now, I'll report back soon.

EDIT: Did about ten attempts, got a 1'33.9xx, there's lots left if I can find it. I HATE,HATE this piece of crap Ford, no brakes and drives like it's on ice with over-inflated tires. Has been my least favorite car since GT3. Had to stop for tonight, a new episode of South Park comes on in 8 minutes, that's the only show that'll drag me away from driving.
hmm...haven't been around much, took a break from GT4. can i play too? please?

but one question. why not have a shorter enduro for a WES qualifier? just curious.
hmm...haven't been around much, took a break from GT4. can i play too? please?

but one question. why not have a shorter enduro for a WES qualifier? just curious.

Of course you can Chris! This is open to all.
And I thought about a short enduro race as a qualifier, but this is so I can split the drivers down into divisions based on how fast they can drive this (let's face it) P.O.S. car round one of the more skill-demanding tracks.
And also, there is no set-up, no power/weight adjustments or lap counts to adjust, no chance of getting the options wrong. It's just find it in the license section and drive. Simple!

It's not really a qualifier as such, it's more like a skill-set sorting tool so that the faster guys end up racing against each other, and so do the slower guys. So that everyone can get the chance of a divisional win without having to beat the fastest guys around. Imagine if the WRS was without divisions? Everyone trying to beat Holl or Hot (et 'al), and not getting any joy EVER because they are just faster than all the rest.

You CAN discuss your splits fully if you wish, and your full lap-times to the second and one decimal place (eg 1:34.2xx). But please keep your actual final submission time to yourself.
If after a period of time the majority wish to see how they stacked up, I may publish the results but not where the divisional cut off are.


'Nuff said. :)

Maybe it is not his final submission time.:)
Actually I hope it is.
I've got an 1'31.0xx,but I will try to brake into the 1'30.'s somehow.

I'm under 1'31.0xx...but can't submit this one.I have a close encounter with the wall.:indiff:
No visible touch but I feel I can do it cleaner.
I'll give it one more shot in the following next days...
Me too!! I am just not able to get to the 34s...

One point. Is the picture posted on top of this thread really a screenshot? Coz its wierd. In my game, the gold time is 1'34.200 rather than the 1'33.750 in the screenshot. The silver and the bronze times are the same... I hope its the screenshot and nothing different about my game!

I have got a 1'33.1xx, and know that there is more out there. So I'm still giving it a couple of goes every day or so.
But I don't know if I will be able to get under 1'31, that's an awesome time Laz! :scared:

As to the wall touch issue, if the game says it's clean and doesn't fail you.......then it's a submittable time! 👍👍 So don't fash yourself about it, OK?

That was the whole point of doing it this way, no issues about settings, cleanliness, wall touches or stuff like that.

And as to the picture at the top, yes it's a screen shot off the PAL European version that I am running.

Hmm... so I guess I have a little different version...

So do we people running the NTSC version get a bonus of 0.45 sec in our time!!?? :dopey:
Ha Ha! Nice try! :lol:

You boys are just gonna have to tough it out. Realistically I would say that if you can reach your gold time (or somewhere around there anyway), you can bet on a second division place.

But, honestly, just try your best.
There will be promotions up the divisions available throughout.


There’s a little more left but I’m tired and I’m sick of the GT so I’m not going to go chasing it. Near enough is good enough. ;)
I'm down to 1'33.8. I am not sure that I love this car/track but it is one helluva challenge. If it were easier, the fast guys would be light years out in front and those of us fighting for "best of the rest" would be a distant memory.

About how much more time shall we put into this?
That, my friend, is up to you!

If like Blake, you are getting sick of the GT, then call it a day.:ill:
If you are getting no-where fast, and are chasing thousandths every time, then call it a day.:ouch:

Whatever, once you reach either your limit, or the end of your tether with the test, send me your time and proof.:)

The more times I get in, the sooner I can start this thing.👍

Whatever, once you reach either your limit, or the end of your tether with the test, send me your time and proof.:)

The more times I get in, the sooner I can start this thing.👍


I’ve tried to e-mail you my time twice and both times it appears to have failed.
Oh...thanks but what i was getting at really is when do you think we should submit, you know, like a deadline. I work better under pressure...
I’ve tried to e-mail you my time twice and both times it appears to have failed.

Just tested the link in my first post with mozilla thunderbird, and I received the test e-mail within 20 seconds.

Don't know about outlook express, I stopped using such out-dated and bug/back-door ridden sh;te years ago!
Maybe it's your IP? Or whatever, but the address is working, I have gotten some times off others.

If the problem persists, I'll consider a PM if you can provide a link to image-shack that shows your final time in a pic.

Hey, I'm easy! Just ask the misses! :D;)

Oh...thanks but what i was getting at really is when do you think we should submit, you know, like a deadline. I work better under pressure...

Sorry, the only person that should be giving you pressure, is yourself!

If you know you can do better, then do so!
If you don't think you can, then submit!

You are your own arbiter in this. If you can live with how you have done........then send in your time!

I will send my replay to you about Friday,Neil.
I gave myself this deadline.:)

Well,I finished.Have a nice result,I am very happy with it.
Just tested the link in my first post with mozilla thunderbird, and I received the test e-mail within 20 seconds.

I used Gmail for all three e-mails I sent. I’m going to assume you got the third one…
I used Gmail for all three e-mails I sent. I’m going to assume you got the third one…

Yup! 👍
Got it mate, that makes 4 times in so far.

Get those laps done guys, looking to get the ball rolling over the next weekend.

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