¤XFEL Cat & Mouse. LOOKING FOR PARTICIPANTS! Week 3 this fridayOpen 

  • Thread starter ERAUfan97

What time would be best for you on Friday?

  • Total voters
I agree wholeheartedly with the 600 PP level for the cats. It introduces the use of so many more cars, and I have noticed that the cars people use as cats has as much bearing on the rounds as the mouse does. That's awesome!
I agree wholeheartedly with the 600 PP level for the cats. It introduces the use of so many more cars, and I have noticed that the cars people use as cats has as much bearing on the rounds as the mouse does. That's awesome!
Well the pp of the cats must go up if the pp of the mouse goes up because the cat must be faster
I could not break barrett's test lap times in my ZZII at Autumn Ring when we were practicing. Driver skill does affect things like that. I think that's one of the better reasons to change mice, because it did become clear that I adapted to the 2CV rather quickly in the opening races this month. Because I favor FF and AWD vehicle, I adapted quicker than people who drive mostly FRs and MRs.

In the case of the little Ring, I think an FR car would have had a better chance because of it's better turning ability. I have my ZZ tuned to turn as best as it possibly can and not affect handling or tire wear, but on such a small course, I'd be near impossible, except with a similar car. A Civic or SRT Neon would probably be better.
I will be unable to start a room this Friday because I will be out of town representing my school in a soccer game and won't get home until 10:30-11 eastern. Would anyone be up to the task of hosting?
I will be unable to start a room this Friday because I will be out of town representing my school in a soccer game and won't get home until 10:30-11 eastern. Would anyone be up to the task of hosting?

Grrrr... I would love to try it but it won't work. However, if no one else can, I will try and see.
I will be unable to start a room this Friday because I will be out of town representing my school in a soccer game and won't get home until 10:30-11 eastern. Would anyone be up to the task of hosting?
I can host but I doubt the room will have many people.
Well perhaps this time ER might put the word out to his people that he's coming, although he will be late? I'm going to let my people know tonight. Then too, we might be able to get some people to join us after dread's races.
I'll see. It depends how fast I can get this homework done
Hey guys, I don't know if I was supposed to be the one who started the room last night, but I kind of got worn out by dreads races. Sorry if I came up short on that one. I'm going to have to figure that out because that would have been a lot of racing last night. I mean, if it comes down to it for me, I will make sure that I come to Cat & Mouse every week, but I don't know if I will be able to do both every week. @kz204 and @MOPARbarrett5 how did you guys feel after the races last night? My hands and eyes were pretty tired.
Hey guys, I don't know if I was supposed to be the one who started the room last night, but I kind of got worn out by dreads races. Sorry if I came up short on that one. I'm going to have to figure that out because that would have been a lot of racing last night. I mean, if it comes down to it for me, I will make sure that I come to Cat & Mouse every week, but I don't know if I will be able to do both every week. @kz204 and @MOPARbarrett5 how did you guys feel after the races last night? My hands and eyes were pretty tired.
It's ok, no body really had the responsibility of doing it. But I came home and started one up and we did all 8 races surprisingly
Hey guys, I don't know if I was supposed to be the one who started the room last night, but I kind of got worn out by dreads races. Sorry if I came up short on that one. I'm going to have to figure that out because that would have been a lot of racing last night. I mean, if it comes down to it for me, I will make sure that I come to Cat & Mouse every week, but I don't know if I will be able to do both every week. @kz204 and @MOPARbarrett5 how did you guys feel after the races last night? My hands and eyes were pretty tired.
I somehow stayed on til about 1 or whenever Er got off because I just got on when dread was on and took a break when I lagged out so I was fine until I started getting pissed off when the retarted red team assembled lol!
Hey guys, I don't know if I was supposed to be the one who started the room last night, but I kind of got worn out by dreads races. Sorry if I came up short on that one. I'm going to have to figure that out because that would have been a lot of racing last night. I mean, if it comes down to it for me, I will make sure that I come to Cat & Mouse every week, but I don't know if I will be able to do both every week. @kz204 and @MOPARbarrett5 how did you guys feel after the races last night? My hands and eyes were pretty tired.
I went to sleep before you all were done.
I went to sleep before you all were done.

I was down by 10:30, but I'm sorry I missed it. I have to admit that I was sort of dreading staying awake to create a room that may or may not have been filled up. If I had known for sure have tried to hang out. But I don't quite have the organizational skills that ER has for it, so everyone probably would have left me anyway. You gonna be around next week ER?