≈ The DriveTrain Challenge - Come Join us Fridays for some relaxed racingOpen 

  • Thread starter jobyone


Thanks to everyone that has shared their cars. You all get +1 pts tonight. . .

Just kidding. If anyone else needs help sharing their car let me know. Once I have your image in the spotter guide you can remove the car if you want. I will be working on the NSX guide now so if you have not already shared that one please do so.

I think it makes a nice looking lineup! Most of you are not half as ugly as I thought you were;)
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Wow, I thought I would see at least one other green car...on another note I will show up tonight IF I can get some problems with my video output on my ps3 fixed....and I've been up for about 34hrs straight so I might actually be fast instead of back of the pack lol.
Wow, I thought I would see at least one other green car...on another note I will show up tonight IF I can get some problems with my video output on my ps3 fixed....and I've been up for about 34hrs straight so I might actually be fast instead of back of the pack lol.
Take a quick power nap;)
Oh great...I just remembered why my ps3 isn't showing anything...hooked it up to a friend's HDMI cable and it swapped to HDMI output...can someone tell me how many clicks to the right it is from the "user select" section to the system settings and then from there how many down to the video settings? (I don't have a tv with an HDMI input or I wouldn't have this problem :irked:)

Edit: For anyone else who has this problem hold down the power button for 5 seconds while the ps3 is off...
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I hate to drop on short notice but something's come up. My connection doesn't seem to be up to the task anyway. But next week should be guaranteed.
I see nothing either and I sorted by track. Nothing in club lobby.

Edit: I see it now.

Edit 2: Stuck at track loading screen.
Is the new lobby fixed host because now I cant even get int he lobby. In any event, Im out for tonight. Going to be too late for me as I need to get up early tomrrow
I'm done, GT6 is refusing to let me into lobby or club now so rather than hold up tonight more, just start when everyone else is in.
Sorry guys. After all that, The power went off in my neighborhood. I hear lots of sirens so someone probably hit a telephone pole.
Well it sounds like connection issues showed up again which sucks for all involved. But I hope the new guys had fun. Lets hope PD can fix the connection issues for next week.

Would you guys mind if I host next Sunday. I think many of you know I've hosted a lot of Sunday night races with minimum or no connection issues.

I was really looking forward to racing the BMW and was disappointed not to have raced.

All I ask is that everyone, before entering the room, to reboot your modem/router, restart your PS3 and clear your cache in GT6. Also, send a Pingtest to Los Angeles from where you live and if you are over 100 Ping, you might have an issue but not always. It's always best make sure you have a NAT-2 connection on your PS3 and you can check by going to settings then internet connection.

I will commit to hosting duties for at least the next 4 Sundays.