≣PURE | Super GT Cup - Congratulations to GT500 champion GTPGhost and GT300, PASM!Finished 

  • Thread starter Wardez
@Wardez or other officials, I need to become a Reserve driver and race when I can, already had plans to hangout with my girlfriend on Sunday, good luck to everyone on Season opening!
Room open for qualif and training : 1472-4711-0510-9355-2194

Steward available plz ?
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Rough draft of the team list, the full final list will be compiled on the SGTC mini-site soon. For now, here's what's up:

I've randomly assigned everyone that hasn't submitted their teams or been included in pre-made teams. If you'd like to change your team or protest please let me know and we can accommodate you.

It's not too late to form teams, so if you'd like to form a team, just let me know and I'll arrange things. Besides that, if you're ok with your team and would like a team name, let me know (otherwise your team will be simply referred to as a number in the team championship list). Team mates are not required to share color schemes, but you can definitely work with your team mates to run one color if you'd like.

GT500 -

Team #1
92 @Leoni Dias infodevil Black Midnight Purple
50 @Twissy GTP_Twissy Black Red
79 @Jash jashugan01 Rosso metal white
48 @Third Reign Third_Reign Mt. Black Light Blue

Team #2
44 @ByGGy ByGGy Giallo Modena Tektitgrau
58 @jamiro666 inflamesvrsa yellow red
13 @SuperSic tony1311 Black Black
85 @REBELRCN85 mrcorleone85 black black

Team #3
86 @Green GTP_GREEN Green Yellow
32 @FreakFromADR XnfsfreakX Red Black
69 @OwensRacing OwensRacing Sterling Silver Met. Black
97 @Michouw ORC_Michouw Spirit Green Metallic Black

Team #4
95 @MSP_JUJU MSP_JUJU Laser Blue Black
39 @maxking39 maxking39 Orange Black
2 @CSLACR GTP_CSL Lime Green Black

Team #5
77 @Goruk Goruk77 Blue Orange
27 @erickmx gtp-erick botanical green rosso corsa
83 @rustyMercedes FrasierCrane blue silver
93 @Müle MULE_9242 Blu Dino Purple Chrome

Team #6 - Name: One Direction
40 @PhaedrusSocrate PhaedrusSocrates IthacaVerde Black
11 @Wardez Wardez Yellow Black
14 @GTPGhost GTP_Ghostdriver Matt Black Matt Black
41 @Adventuruss Adventuruss Matt Blue Gran Prix White

Team #7
96 @K1utch Klutch_D moonlight grey bronze
57 @redsoxboy80 redsoxboy80 red black
70 @WasherFluid Tite-wad Green White

Team #8 - Name: Team GTF
16 @andp132 AndroR35 alpine white blue
26 @mirial GTRP_mirial Gulf Oil Blue Black
8 @lozzaiscool lozzaiscool White Blue
9 @nissman IRT_NissmanR32 White Blue

GT300 -

Team #1
80 @gippone gprili Red Black
3 @SkengD Skengdigi Yas Marina Blue Pearl Orange

78 @BlackMamba BlackMambaFD Black Black

Team #2
15 @twistedfirework twistedfirework Orange Orange
36 @coronelsito Coronelsito Blue Gold
20 @R1600Turbo R1600Turbo Black Green
1 @Squirrel1star squirrel1star GT6 Metallic 016 Alpine White

Team #3
89 @wonder865 wonder865 Black Red

12 @VELOCI_2NR VELOCI_2NR Orange White
29 @Osr20_L OscarL OL_APEX Blue Black

Team #4
91 @Pichon617 Pichon617 Indy Yellow Pearl Formula Red
30 @GrayFox32 GrayFox32 WR Blue Mica Matte Lime Green
71 @Sensey RepDomAAM white Midnight Purple
66 @jsjakesaid Jake_Said Black Black

Team #5
46 @basse101 basse-101 Blue Yellow
43 @Adan Santana el_pong Blue Gold
18 @Mr Evilution Mr4G63T red white
42 @nzo278 nzo278 Matte Light Red GP Racing White

Team #6
23 @GTPvw_slc SLC_VR6_V-Dub Purple Yellow
19 @Yaodrift yaodrift red gold
99 @WiiFreak WiiFreak Lavender Black
17 @Devilb0y Devilb0yAce blue black

Team #7
90 @SpigiCro SpigiCro Yellow Red
45 @Cafonte cafontes99 Blue gold
37 @57sunburststrat GTP_STRATfan GT Chrome 010 Bleu Hyperion

Team #8
31 @pablosky31 pablosky31 gray red
72 @hognhominy hognhominy Plum Crazy Metallic Reflex Spice
24 @FakeGangstaDIE Cam_from_nj Gt6 Metallic 016 Gt6 Chrome 001

Team #9
21 @Ph1sher GTP_Ph7shr mettalic Blue mettalic Blue
47 @PASM GTP_PASM Dark gray Orange
61 @Madkart Madkart Blue Black
55 @RunRookieRun RunRookieRun Light blue Yellow

Team #10
52 @Holty GTP_Holty Green Black
5 @Georgemclay billy-thestig- blue black
98 @GTPMcBride TRL_CAGE Crystal L'Silver Black
33 @MJRL MJRL_PT Blue Mica Black

Team #11
87 @Alien96 GTMX-El_Aliens87 Black Gold
35 @harrison1476 harrison1477 TBD TBD
81 @l30n l30nkeune Yellow Blue
7 @ryannjames shoot_d_informas black orange

Team #12 - Name: Tuesday Night Legends
10 @Voxalizer Voxalizer Orange Dark blue
28 @toplad topladTAY orange black
68 @mad man sam 1 madmansam1 pearl orange black
75 @CEDDARS CEDDARS Orange Black

Team #13 - Name: Team Six Stop Strategy
34 @L_Hamilton GTP_L_Hamilton Silver White
4 @ozwheels ozwheels3 Red White
76 @Andil Moieman White Black
88 @KamyKaze1098 KamyKaze1098

Team #14 - Name: GTSurgeons
22 @s2000HR balkanyou White Red
6 @GTmaniac ZokyCRO White Red
25 @Petros tpe-rus Dark White Red
38 @romano2603 romano2603 White Red
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Submitting a team, Wardez:

Name: Crash Team Racing
Colours: Green with black wheels
Members: GTP_Holty #52
billy-the-stig- #5

Hi wardez, sorry to be awkward but ^^ :)

If anyone wants to join us, feel free!
Hi wardez, sorry to be awkward but ^^ :)

Thanks! Doh! I knew I forgot to trawl through the thread, but that's why I had this clear in the op:
"Teams register by contacting me through PM with their team name, color, and members (4 per team)."

Makes things a lot easier. Appreciate you pointing me to it though, cheers.
Thanks! Doh! I knew I forgot to trawl through the thread, but that's why I had this clear in the op:

Makes things a lot easier. Appreciate you pointing me to it though, cheers.

Sorry about that, my fault! :banghead:

lap 1 2:13.509
lap 2 2:13.287 clean


lap 1 2:14.955
lap 2 2:13.832 clean
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Just put me at the back of the grid please, because my weekend "free" time is still in chaos... Should be better next week, hm, should x)
put me in back of grid I will be racing in PURE NASCAR also so if i can do my qualifying time after that race would be cool.
Am intrested in NASCAR, but do you guys bump draft or do you guys use the current rules??

P.s sorry this is the wrong thread for this but am sure someone can help explain rules?