◆ S.N.A.I.L. [Oval] Racing Series -- Back by popular demand. Racing August 31.Open 

  • Thread starter JLBowler
I was out running errands so the deadline got pushed pack past what I had said. If you haven't confirmed by the time of this post, you're not racing tonight.

It looks like we have 31 drivers for tonight. This should be a lot of fun. I will get the exact format and schedule up ASAP.

@fzappa @JoeW Can I get both of you to host rooms for the heat races tonight in order to keep things moving. Once we get to the main events, they will have to be done one at a time.

You got it.
Race schedule is now posted in the second post of the thread. Groups of drivers will be posted shortly. They will be completely random with the exception of @fzappa @JoeW, and myself will all be in different groups for hosting purposes.
just returned home. Did not realize needed to re-confirm. i know i am way past the confirm deadline, yet if anyone backs out at the last minute, would like to participate.
just returned home. Did not realize needed to re-confirm. i know i am way past the confirm deadline, yet if anyone backs out at the last minute, would like to participate.

It's your lucky day. Schmiggz just pulled out and I have an uneven number. You are in and will be in group 3.

Everyone should take a look at posts 2 and 3 and make sure you know what is going on. You will also need to have this thread open during racing in order to see further instructions. I've greatly reduced the number of in and outs we will have but you still need to know when to be in the room and when to not be in the room.
** Never mind - figured it out.......finally.
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Im really sorry to say this at such a late notice, but I'm afraid I can't make it tonight, my parents screwed me over and invited guests to come over without me knowing...
I hope this counts as confirming[/QUOTE
Driver groups for Aug. 31 racing.

Group 1

1. JLBowler - host
2. Vertigo
3. Tex36
4. Kgffy
5. UserID_77a23
6. Falango
7. Wardenclyffe
8. racingchamp30
9. Nicktune
10. Dabneyd
11 MuddPuddle76

Group 2

1. fzappa - host
2. GGGMotorsport
3. Grandpamoney
4. CoachMK21
5. Eucllid 58
6. Nail27
7. JohnD3
8. Chatva
9. MattSierras
10. goofytyler
11. Dangerzone641

Group 3

1. JoeW - host
2. MajorBlixem
3. Martin20az
4. FallenLog
5. Chevron
6. Dacana
7. Handlebar
8. Jayc2K
9. Shocky_well
been off line repairing my ps3 all afternoon...I must have missed something..can I still tag along....using the SPARE ps3 lol

Edit: reread thread...see you all at the appropriate hour.
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@JLBowler @JoeW
:idea:To eliminate uninvited people, maybe we should set the room up to only allow 11 people in since there is 11 people in each group.
This will also eliminate people from coming in during the races.
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@JLBowler - Is it safe to assume that if you need to pit you can enter the pits coming off turn four and that you must take the pit lane all the way to the exit of turn 2 and exit the pit lane on the back stretch, correct?
@JLBowler - Is it safe to assume that if you need to pit you can enter the pits coming off turn four and that you must take the pit lane all the way to the exit of turn 2 and exit the pit lane on the back stretch, correct?
I'm positive that is correct, if you need to pit.
Start time is normal time 930pm est?
And do we need to friend the hosts

Start time will be 9:30 PM ET

@JLBowler @JoeW
:idea:To eliminate uninvited people, maybe we should set the room up to only allow 11 people in since there is 11 people in each group.
This will also eliminate people from coming in during the races.

Good idea. I will go over that with you and Joe in my room before you guys open your room. I'll let you guys know when I'm opening the room and you should join me there to go over any last minute items.

@JLBowler - Is it safe to assume that if you need to pit you can enter the pits coming off turn four and that you must take the pit lane all the way to the exit of turn 2 and exit the pit lane on the back stretch, correct?

That is correct. Enter coming out of turn 4 and reenter on the back straight. In tire testing a pit stop was not necessary though.
Just for clarity, since this is my first SNAIL race, no tuning allowed, but is an oil change allowed?
Just got on to see that my internet is down.. :banghead:
Don't think I'm going to be able to make it tonight.

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