What we had last night, IMHO, was a brand new online driver, who, just like me 9 months ago, viewed an opening, any opening, as fair game. We know, by experience, that this is a much more complicated action requiring advance planning, split second decision making and lightning fast reflexes....and more importantly....absolute situational awareness of who, what, when where, and how.
This is initially taught at the beginners level as a clear cut go...no-go situation, but in reality it is a fleeting moment of opportunity....a target of opportunity, where if the decision is not made, or not made at the precise moment in time...is lost.( just like Connor's example when the attacking driver was too late...and should have tucked in behind and waited for the next opportunity.)
It comes back to the new SNAILism...."survive the corner in order to contest the next or the next"
As some of you know from my war stories I was a military aviator in a previous life. After flying for many hours you achieved a state of performance in which operation of the machine became rote/automatic. You no longer worried about its vector or velocity...you took care of that at a subconcious level...which let a new window in your mind open to see beyond now...and into what comes next. You were in front of your aircraft or race car
Planning the next, the next, and the next what if...before it became ...too late. When that happens...the ability to analyze on the fly and take action...BEFORE it is too late....to back out or continue without harm or foul....it is pure BFM ( Black fing magic).
Most of us will never attain that performance level...I certainly have not in a sim racer....but like all of us...my situational awareness is improving. That is the only point of this series...to improve your SA. In order to pass, or even to be passed cleanly, you have to know where the other guy is....should be...might be....could be.
Oh gee sorry I did not know you were there.... is a ONE TIME excuse for lower level drivers. Remember when you were in D7 or 8 and just making it around between the grass was a major victory....well now you are racing around the entire lap surrounded by up to 15 other guys, all of whom may or may not be concerned about where you finish. It has become critical to KNOW where you are vis a vis every other driver at all times. It is a VERY tall order but every week it becomes a tad more natural and then one day you will exectue that absolutely perfect pass ( the one where the guy who was passed congratulates you...) and the feeling will be sublime. Oh yeah...like winning...once you have done it...it is easier the next time.
Old Fhart ..OUT.
Max.. if you had not been a new guy they would have been, shall we say, uglier.
This series is where I wish Icould have raced when I started out....one 20 minute race here will get you to make more driver interaction decisions than all six races on most Sunday nights.