◆ S.N.A.I.L SPEC [NASCAR] Racing Wednesday 9PM EST. (OPEN TO EVERYONE)Open 

  • Thread starter Pichon617

Should Daytona be the last race for championship?

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  • Poll closed .
If winner is still picking tracks, I have two choices im in the air about. Cape Ring Inside: Because ya'll know I love the road courses, or Daytona, since we haven't done an oval in over a week. Suggestions?
Yes winner picks track
Just gonna be honest here... The chatter drove me nuts yesterday. I literally ripped my earpiece off and threw it.
Is anybody else running ABS0 for kicks?
I have been using it a little mor than normal. With practice you will become a much better braked with or without abs. Don't usually use it in races unless I have to because I'm not 100% comfortable and Texas already breathes down my neck as is ;)
How would you guys feel about doing two shorter races per week. Like a 30 lap rd course race and a 50 lap oval. Winner picks the opposite type for next week?
Oooh! I like that idea a lot Troggy!

I enjoy ABS0. Sure, I'm probably faster with ABS1, but I feel like I'm learning more with it turned off. I think I'm just gonna keep it off and see how I progress.
Ah man, this is gonna be interesting. Personally, I LOVE Monaco. Always have, mostly due to my fascination with the Grand Prix I suppose. I put down a few laps real quick for fun this am. Gotta be super delicate, especially coming out of Casino.
Did a few more laps. 1:37.1xx DS3 ABS0. I'm pretty happy with that. There's certainly more on the table, but not sure I'm good enough to get it. I might be able to find 36s.

I have a bad habit of re-positioning my steering thumb on the stick after I return to center in the midst of a side-to-side transition. I gotta work on that.
Sounds good to me. How many laps at Daytona? I'm thinking like 40?

As is always the case, Monaco is going to be all about qualifying and a good in/out lap. Passing isn't very realistic here unless somebody goes way wide. It's super tight so there's a very high possibility of getting collected too. We'll certainly need to utilize the caution to clean up the track as it's too narrow to turn these cars around.

So... do we go back to double file manual starts this week?
What are everyone elses thoughts on the two race format? I'd like to hear everyones opinions.

If we are going that direction (two races) I choose Monaco as my rd course default to Oxide for the Oval choice, since he won HSR on Monday.

If you guys would rather stick with the 1 race format then we will be racing at Cape Ring Inside.
Hey, you guys. Pichon and Troggy are really looking for our insight so they can help mold this into something we can all enjoy. I know it's new right now and there are inconsistencies and frustrations and general lack of "procedure", but we need to pitch in if it's going to grow and become more competitive.
Yesterday, I ran 44 laps at an Enduro Race at Grand Valley. Finished tired and eyes scratching. Would even find it difficult to keep concentration and pace at the last laps.
Maybe it is just me. Maybe not.
I would vote for a more compact format with 20 laps for rd courses and 40/50 laps for ovals.
Monaco is awesome but I would restrict for tracks that would resemble a minimum to Nascars schedule.
I guess we are also trying to emulate the Nascar Championship right?