◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive


“The problems are solved, not by giving new information,
but by arranging what we have known since long.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein

“Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information on it.”

Samuel Johnson

By the end of this weekend, I have confidence that we will reach 50,000 posts. When we cross that line I can say I have read every single one of them. There are many members that can say the same thing. For most of us it has taken over two years to read them all. If one was to sit down and read them all from the O.P. to the last post made, it tells a story. That story has changed multiple times and has had more plot twists than a daytime soap. If you look past all of the daily chatter and read a little between the lines, you can really get a feel for what is happening with our League and what is important.

There are tertiary postings regarding practice rooms and folks just looking drive a bit to intense discussions about almost anything. There are well wishers and there is true compassion for those having a hard time. In the midst of all of this there is a huge amount of information getting passed. We have evolved into a community. Over 100 different personalities with a single common interest.

There has been some talk lately about breaking away from GTPlanet and forming our own web site. On the surface, it really does seem like it would be the best option. I have thought the same thing on several occasions. I have thought of how great it would be to have a SNAIL world all of our own. On many levels, I support this path.

On the other hand... (Did you just hear Randy Travis?) It is not time for that. Yet. GTPlanet is our foundation our heritage and our roots. Without this site, SNAIL would have never existed. GTP is what give us our identity. We are part of a much larger community with the same single common interest. A stand alone website would destroy part of what makes us, well, us. Being here is makes us unique.

Is there room for compromise? Absolutely! The newest generation of members are just as passionate and fierce as we old guys were (and still are) when we joined. All with ideas as worthy as the vets ideas are. Since the very beginning, our League has been steered by the thread. Active participation by all members past and present, coupled with exceptional leadership, is why we are here and still growing.

Maybe we could all meet in the middle. While the idea of distancing ourselves from GTP may not be a good move right now, the need for a better way for us to communicate is valid. We have grown to a point that the way we pass information is akin to going to a huge family reunion and using a single notebook of paper for everyone to speak their piece. Not very efficient but if it is all you have, you make it work. Its success or failure depends on every individual. Most of the time it works well and other times you get smacked in the face with a fish.

We also have to take a hard look at the reality of such a move. Someone has to pay for it. More so, someone (more like several someones) have to build and maintain it. Because our League runs so well, it is easy to forget that everyone that has a hand in keeping this all going is doing it all in their spare time. Everyone here has a real life, real family and a real job. Our League is run with all volunteers. Maintaining the League and this thread could easily be a full time job for several members. In reality, it is not. It is all done between work, kids, families and school.

Over the past several months I have been toying with the idea of creating a SNAIL Directory with links to every pertinent post ever made. Besides being a very daunting task, the problem of presentation is what has really held me back. I could probably make the thread work but it is very limited when it comes to formatting. Enter the website. This is just an idea to throw into the hat but maybe snailracing.org could be used as a bridge for all of the information that gets passed on the thread. Set up a website dedicated to SNAIL but have all of the links lead right back to the thread. One stop shopping for everything SNAIL. The SNAIL Directory.

No matter what road we end up on we will end up there together. One way or another. All we need to do is just keep on being SNAILs, respect one another and stay focused on why we are here. We are all here to:

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
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Well said Exo! I'd just like to mention that the 19th was my 2 year SNAIL birthday. I know I've been on several hiatuses over that time (some forced by circumstance, others because I need a break), but as a whole I can say that I've been here to witness just about every step this organization has been through, and I am proud to have been a part of it.

I'd also like to extend a huge thank you to everyone involved in this league. It get's said a lot, but it doesn't get said enough, you guys are great! I am a very, VERY competitive person, and I feel like racing with you all has helped me channel that in a productive way. Those of you who were around when I first joined know I was not always the poster child for good race craft (not that I always am now :lol: but at least I try to be). Joining this league has really taught me a lesson in self control, and I can honestly say that I believe SNAIL has made me, not just a better racer, but a better person.

Last, but not least, I think it's important to mention yet again how great the sense of community is with SNAIL. The many times I've been away from the league, it hasn't just been the racing that I've missed. I've missed the witty banter, the colorful personalities, and the opportunity to connect with people I would have never come in contact with otherwise.

In short, you're all awesome, long live SNAIL, rock on.
@Wolfsatz thanks for my new Avatar, great job on all your photo's!
@ExoSphere64 WOW! So well said Sir! You are for sure in touch!

"This is just an idea to throw into the hat but maybe snailracing.org could be used as a bridge for all of the information that gets passed on the thread. Set up a website dedicated to SNAIL but have all of the links lead right back to the thread. One stop shopping for everything SNAIL. The SNAIL Directory"
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I have internet finally!! I should be able to participate in to days shenanigans! Also I'm hosting a practice room right now if anyone wants to join!

Room ID: 1472-6118-3658-4760-5834
SNAILs I have two ideas I would like to put out there for discussion.

Idea Number 1💡

1. With all the what is the combo where is this chatter going on what if we tried to use the TotP posts to have four icons that link to the most asked for info. I am currently working on this idea for the DTC series. Below are the rough icons that I am using for the moment. The links will be to the following:

1. The car will link to the sign up sheet to help people choose there lineup
2. The calendar will link to the details for the next event.
3. The gear will link to the detailed explanation of the series
4. The tracks will link to the current eligible tracks.

For SNAIL i would suggest these links:

1. Sign up - How to Join
2. Calendar - This weeks lineup
3. Gear - All about SNAIL Link page
4. Either OLR or Results

Obviously the icons would be designed for SANIL. If each of the main people that aim to grab the TotP had these icons/links they could add them to the post and then nearly every page would have a quick link to those important details.

Idea number 2💡

My second idea has to do with recognizing outstanding SNAILs. I feel it is time for us to have a SNAIL of the Month! We could have people post recommendations and then have a secret vote. The winer could have a quick Q&A session that could be posted in the thread. Perhaps there could be a small prize or some bonus Shells! I would suggest that only SNAILS that have been around for 1 year or SNAILs that are apart of team SNAILS could make the recommendations. Anyone could be nominated and every SNAIL would get a vote.

For instance I would Recommend @Drgreenthumb977 :cheers:

Why I nominate him - Of all the fast racers I get to race with I feel none show the patience he does. He never tries to drive through me. He adjusts his speed and lines to mine until he is able to seize an opportunity to pass cleanly. I see him doing this with others as well. He is encouraging to others and is quick to try and stop negative behavior in rooms. He does not let the fact that English is not his first language be a barrier. Basically I think he is one hell of a SNAIL!

So those are my two ideas for the day. What do you all think?
Just a heads up for everyone. Due to the influx of new members in divisions 6 and 7, there will be some movement of drivers across multiple divisions. An announcement via private conversation will be made to all those affected sometime after 9pm PST tonight.
good to go foor sunday, good races on my other league last night, racing in cars for under 15,000 credits. Going to be practicing for a while this evening, I'll make sure to post a room number later on
SNAILs I have two ideas I would like to put out there for discussion.

Idea Number 1💡

1. With all the what is the combo where is this chatter going on what if we tried to use the TotP posts to have four icons that link to the most asked for info. I am currently working on this idea for the DTC series. Below are the rough icons that I am using for the moment. The links will be to the following:

1. The car will link to the sign up sheet to help people choose there lineup
2. The calendar will link to the details for the next event.
3. The gear will link to the detailed explanation of the series
4. The tracks will link to the current eligible tracks.

For SNAIL i would suggest these links:

1. Sign up - How to Join
2. Calendar - This weeks lineup
3. Gear - All about SNAIL Link page
4. Either OLR or Results

Obviously the icons would be designed for SANIL. If each of the main people that aim to grab the TotP had these icons/links they could add them to the post and then nearly every page would have a quick link to those important details.

Idea number 2💡

My second idea has to do with recognizing outstanding SNAILs. I feel it is time for us to have a SNAIL of the Month! We could have people post recommendations and then have a secret vote. The winer could have a quick Q&A session that could be posted in the thread. Perhaps there could be a small prize or some bonus Shells! I would suggest that only SNAILS that have been around for 1 year or SNAILs that are apart of team SNAILS could make the recommendations. Anyone could be nominated and every SNAIL would get a vote.

For instance I would Recommend @Drgreenthumb977 :cheers:

Why I nominate him - Of all the fast racers I get to race with I feel none show the patience he does. He never tries to drive through me. He adjusts his speed and lines to mine until he is able to seize an opportunity to pass cleanly. I see him doing this with others as well. He is encouraging to others and is quick to try and stop negative behavior in rooms. He does not let the fact that English is not his first language be a barrier. Basically I think he is one hell of a SNAIL!

So those are my two ideas for the day. What do you all think?
idea 1 is perfect
SNAILs I have two ideas I would like to put out there for discussion.

Idea Number 1💡

1. With all the what is the combo where is this chatter going on what if we tried to use the TotP posts to have four icons that link to the most asked for info. I am currently working on this idea for the DTC series. Below are the rough icons that I am using for the moment. The links will be to the following:

1. The car will link to the sign up sheet to help people choose there lineup
2. The calendar will link to the details for the next event.
3. The gear will link to the detailed explanation of the series
4. The tracks will link to the current eligible tracks.

For SNAIL i would suggest these links:

1. Sign up - How to Join
2. Calendar - This weeks lineup
3. Gear - All about SNAIL Link page
4. Either OLR or Results

Obviously the icons would be designed for SANIL. If each of the main people that aim to grab the TotP had these icons/links they could add them to the post and then nearly every page would have a quick link to those important details.

Idea number 2💡

My second idea has to do with recognizing outstanding SNAILs. I feel it is time for us to have a SNAIL of the Month! We could have people post recommendations and then have a secret vote. The winer could have a quick Q&A session that could be posted in the thread. Perhaps there could be a small prize or some bonus Shells! I would suggest that only SNAILS that have been around for 1 year or SNAILs that are apart of team SNAILS could make the recommendations. Anyone could be nominated and every SNAIL would get a vote.

For instance I would Recommend @Drgreenthumb977 :cheers:

Why I nominate him - Of all the fast racers I get to race with I feel none show the patience he does. He never tries to drive through me. He adjusts his speed and lines to mine until he is able to seize an opportunity to pass cleanly. I see him doing this with others as well. He is encouraging to others and is quick to try and stop negative behavior in rooms. He does not let the fact that English is not his first language be a barrier. Basically I think he is one hell of a SNAIL!

So those are my two ideas for the day. What do you all think?
Idea 1. I gotta say, all of that is covered in post 1 and 2. I mean literally everything you mentioned is there in those 2 posts. Making a whole new post just to highlight something already addressed in a post seems redundant. I will say, and had said a week or so ago, that we need a quick link section added to the bottom of the first post. So you don't have to go reading through the first post just to find the events list or snail olr or drivers list.
Idea 2, we've had this talk before, a good racecraft award or honorable mention our something. I like it and see it as a good tool to promote clean driving.
Idea 1. I gotta say, all of that is covered in post 1 and 2. I mean literally everything you mentioned is there in those 2 posts. Making a whole new post just to highlight something already addressed in a post seems redundant. I will say, and had said a week or so ago, that we need a quick link section added to the bottom of the first post. So you don't have to go reading through the first post just to find the events list or snail olr or drivers list.
Idea 2, we've had this talk before, a good racecraft award or honorable mention our something. I like it and see it as a good tool to promote clean driving.
I totally agree with you on one hand Rally. I am just trying to make it easier. The first two posts have one heck of a lot of text to wade through. By having 4 simple icons/links we will make it easier for new recruits to find the info they need. I think us old timers get frustrated because we have heard the same question over and over. Most people only ask the question once. Could this be a way to help the new people and prevent a few fish slaps?
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“The problems are solved, not by giving new information,
but by arranging what we have known since long.”

Ludwig Wittgenstein

“Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves,
or we know where we can find information on it.”

Samuel Johnson

By the end of this weekend, I have confidence that we will reach 50,000 posts. When we cross that line I can say I have read every single one of them. There are many members that can say the same thing. For most of us it has taken over two years to read them all. If one was to sit down and read them all from the O.P. to the last post made, it tells a story. That story has changed multiple times and has had more plot twists than a daytime soap. If you look past all of the daily chatter and read a little between the lines, you can really get a feel for what is happening with our League and what is important.

There are tertiary postings regarding practice rooms and folks just looking drive a bit to intense discussions about almost anything. There are well wishers and there is true compassion for those having a hard time. In the midst of all of this there is a huge amount of information getting passed. We have evolved into a community. Over 100 different personalities with a single common interest.

There has been some talk lately about breaking away from GTPlanet and forming our own web site. On the surface, it really does seem like it would be the best option. I have thought the same thing on several occasions. I have thought of how great it would be to have a SNAIL world all of our own. On many levels, I support this path.

On the other hand... (Did you just hear Randy Travis?) It is not time for that. Yet. GTPlanet is our foundation our heritage and our roots. Without this site, SNAIL would have never existed. GTP is what give us our identity. We are part of a much larger community with the same single common interest. A stand alone website would destroy part of what makes us, well, us. Being here is makes us unique.

Is there room for compromise? Absolutely! The newest generation of members are just as passionate and fierce as we old guys were (and still are) when we joined. All with ideas as worthy as the vets ideas are. Since the very beginning, our League has been steered by the thread. Active participation by all members past and present, coupled with exceptional leadership, is why we are here and still growing.

Maybe we could all meet in the middle. While the idea of distancing ourselves from GTP may not be a good move right now, the need for a better way for us to communicate is valid. We have grown to a point that the way we pass information is akin to going to a huge family reunion and using a single notebook of paper for everyone to speak their piece. Not very efficient but if it is all you have, you make it work. Its success or failure depends on every individual. Most of the time it works well and other times you get smacked in the face with a fish.

We also have to take a hard look at the reality of such a move. Someone has to pay for it. More so, someone (more like several someones) have to build and maintain it. Because our League runs so well, it is easy to forget that everyone that has a hand in keeping this all going is doing it all in their spare time. Everyone here has a real life, real family and a real job. Our League is run with all volunteers. Maintaining the League and this thread could easily be a full time job for several members. In reality, it is not. It is all done between work, kids, families and school.

Over the past several months I have been toying with the idea of creating a SNAIL Directory with links to every pertinent post ever made. Besides being a very daunting task, the problem of presentation is what has really held me back. I could probably make the thread work but it is very limited when it comes to formatting. Enter the website. This is just an idea to throw into the hat but maybe snailracing.org could be used as a bridge for all of the information that gets passed on the thread. Set up a website dedicated to SNAIL but have all of the links lead right back to the thread. One stop shopping for everything SNAIL. The SNAIL Directory.

No matter what road we end up on we will end up there together. One way or another. All we need to do is just keep on being SNAILs, respect one another and stay focused on why we are here. We are all here to:

Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.
Awesome Pit Board, Exo. You're able to express things in a way I only wish I could. You're right about this thread tell a story.. our story. And while having many different topics of conversation on one thread isn't necessarily ideal, there's something fun and unique about it too. Everyday I read and see things on our thread that I wouldn't have have come across any other way. It's also what allows us to learn about each other and not just about the combos that we're racing.

One thing to note about the first post.. Several of you have commented that it's a wall of text that requires time to search in order to find what you're looking for. I agree with that. However, please keep in mind that the first post isn't really for active members as much as it's for non-members to learn about the league. Granted that means that we don't have a good resource for existing members, or at least one that idea. I know some of you (like @Oshawa-Joe) bookmark important posts on your web browser, but I'm sure the majority of you don't.

I like @intoflatlines' idea of having S.N.A.I.L. subforums right here on GTPlanet. That would of course be the ultimate solution, but also the least likely because that's not our decision to make. However, it's worth noting that there are new things coming to GTPlanet. I highly recommend everyone listen to @Wardez's interview with Jordan on this month's edition of the Real Podcasting Simulator. If you don't have time to listen to the whole interview, skip ahead to the 18-minute mark for a teaser on things that are coming our way. 👍

Speaking of features coming our way, does anyone remember the "Community" features" that were touted for GT6? Read towards the bottom of this link if you don't know what I'm talking about. Don't those feature sound a lot like what we have here on GTPlanet? I would hate to see our community here split up by a rival forum hosted by PD, but perhaps that's one of the reasons Jordan wants to upgrade the online racing sections here. It's impossible to say for sure. In fact, it's impossible to say whether those "Community" feature will ever see the light of day. After all, PD is still trying to finish GT6.. :rolleyes:

That brings us to Exo's idea for a SNAIL Directory, and I've gotta say that I think it's the best option for us right now. It would provide us with a resource for existing members without moving our conversation away from GTPlanet. I definitely like the template that @OxideKart17's put together. I know it's just a rough draft, but it definitely shows the potential of how something simple could organize what has become a very complex array of topics, lists, rules, data, contests, forms, and instructions. Thoughts? Suggestions?
If I could make a suggestion, pictures of the R32 Skyline TC at the Nurburgring are too dark. I recommend turning up the exposure level a bit to get much better lighting.

they are not dark, it is the effect given to the pictures that give it that tone. With no effect usually are not dark.
I have taken a few with the exposure set to 0 with no filter, the lighting is way off.
I found many of the photos to also be too dark. So much depends on how your monitor is setup. I took a look at them on my wife's color corrected monitor and they are dark.
Isn't there suppose to be an Elise?

That banned can continue from last week. I tend to only create banners for the new combos unless an image truly jumps out at me for the third combo.
I found many of the photos to also be too dark. So much depends on how your monitor is setup. I took a look at them on my wife's color corrected monitor and they are dark.

That banned can continue from last week. I tend to only create banners for the new combos unless an image truly jumps out at me for the third combo.
Ya I just thought that there where three because I don't see the banner for the Elise.