◆ S.N.A.I.L. Weekly Kart Races (everyone welcome)

  • Thread starter kcheeb
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Alright, thanks everyone, the lineup is set for this Tuesday 👍

And the gearing is done :)

In an effort to keep things simple, I used the MPH slider and then if need be, altered the final gear to allow for draft. If you have questions on how to get your Kart set to what's in the spreadsheet, ask away.
Alright, thanks everyone, the lineup is set for this Tuesday 👍

And the gearing is done :)

In an effort to keep things simple, I used the MPH slider and then if need be, altered the final gear to allow for draft. If you have questions on how to get your Kart set to what's in the spreadsheet, ask away.
I need the gear tuning for Luddite Codgers, please. :dopey:

When I set the stuff, where do I start, and which do I set first?

Also, I haven't used the shifter karts yet... is there anything I should know? I mean other than that they shift, obviously.
I need the gear tuning for Luddite Codgers, please. :dopey:

When I set the stuff, where do I start, and which do I set first?

Also, I haven't used the shifter karts yet... is there anything I should know? I mean other than that they shift, obviously.

Take the High Speed Ring - Reverse settings for example.

Spreadsheet says, final gear - 4.55 and Slider MPH - 124.

1. Stock transmission, final gear set to 4.62, move the MPH Slider to 124 MPH.
2. Go down to the Final Gear setting and change it to 4.55.
3. Race fast :D

The Shifter Karts aren't really a whole lot different than the regular Karts, except you get off the line quicker because of the transmission 👍 and they have more HP, Torque and PP.
Would like to check out your league. I would like to race on the 17th. Have raced several karting leagues in the last few years. GT_LEGENDS_44

Good stuff murphsmoose 👍

I post the room name and number about a half hour before race time, keep an eye out for it!
I need the gear tuning for Luddite Codgers, please. :dopey:

When I set the stuff, where do I start, and which do I set first?

Also, I haven't used the shifter karts yet... is there anything I should know? I mean other than that they shift, obviously.

It might be easier to describe how to change it while in a room together. Basically, you go in to car settings, select the transmission item, there will be a top speed adjustment slider, a final gear slider and individual gear sliders. Make the adjustments as described in kcheeb's spreadsheet. He kept it mostly simple by adjusting the top speed slider to get the gearing near to the point of achieving top speed with a little RPM left over for drafting. If we didn't feel there was enough we'd usually adjust the final gear to a smaller number until we had the RPMs available to use the draft effectively.

Tree'd by the 'cheeb. ;)

Ain't the first time, won't be the last.
It might be easier to describe how to change it while in a room together. Basically, you go in to car settings, select the transmission item, there will be a top speed adjustment slider, a final gear slider and individual gear sliders. Make the adjustments as described in kcheeb's spreadsheet. He kept it mostly simple by adjusting the top speed slider to get the gearing near to the point of achieving top speed with a little RPM left over for drafting. If we didn't feel there was enough we'd usually adjust the final gear to a smaller number until we had the RPMs available to use the draft effectively.

Tree'd by the 'cheeb. ;)

Ain't the first time, won't be the last.

Ninja'd, man it's been way too long since I've done that :lol:
I'd like to join, I've always thought that online kart racing would be a blast!

It is :D

I post the room name and number about a half hour before race time, keep an eye out for it!

Hmmm, with all of this interest lately, I may have to put a drivers list together and coordinate who's going to be racing each week.
Hey everyone,

I'm a little concerned we'll be overflowing tonight and would like to try and accommodate everyone if possible. If we needed to set up a second room, that would be pretty simple and I'd be more than willing to help direct the second room, but having me hosting is not a good thing :scared:

If we get to the point we need two rooms, is there someone that has a decent connection that can host, ie. you're comfortable making changes to the room setup, track and number of laps?

If we can't get this organized, or it's not needed, I'm cool with just running one room. No worries.


Not a problem, I've been in your shoes where the room wasn't big enough to meet demand and know how difficult that can be to manage. 👍

EDIT: @kcheeb if interest stays strong and there are enough people for another room I could volunteer to run a second room. But I get up early for work and I'm usually done racing by 9:30 or 10 so I'd probably need to open it an hour earlier. Not sure if that works for you guys or not, I know SNAIL usually runs later time slots.
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My PSN is kolio123. I would like to show up tonight. Also my dad would like to also. May I place his name here too?

EDIT - My dad's PSN: Kips_Haulin_:censored: Another word for donkey...
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My PSN is kolio123. I would like to show up tonight. Also my dad would like to also. May I place his name here too?

Sure, just want you to know we may be forming two rooms tonight if the demand warrants it. Keep an eye on the thread for details.
Sure, just want you to know we may be forming two rooms tonight if the demand warrants it. Keep an eye on the thread for details.
Thanks, will edit my first post.
S.N.A.I.L. Weekly Kart Announcement

We'll be running two rooms tonight but are looking for a host for the second room.

@OwensRacing will be hosting and @dabneyd will be score keeping in room one.

I'll be keeping score in room 2 but am looking for a host that's comfortable with setting up a Kart room and making the track and number of lap changes between races. Please post here if you're able to host room 2.

If we can't find someone, I'll host room 2, but have been known to have issues with some drivers.

So... 8:30 pm EST to... ?

I have a good connection, but I am bushed. I will race, but if things drag, I am worried I will have to bail out, and I do not want to leave you hanging.

10:00... Can do. 10:30 or later gets dicey.
So... 8:30 pm EST to... ?

I have a good connection, but I am bushed. I will race, but if things drag, I am worried I will have to bail out, and I do not want to leave you hanging.

10:00... Can do. 10:30 or later gets dicey.

Hey handlebar,

I totally understand. The racing is roughly two hours 9:00 P.M. Eastern to 11:00 P.M. Eastern. And the hosts would need to be on about 15 minutes early.

I think we have it covered, just working out some details with @dabneyd. Will let you know shortly if you're needed, would prefer not to impose on you if possible 👍
I'm really wanting to *try* to make it tonight. But that depends on a force not myself, that I have access to the ps3 by 9pm :nervous:
It will be apparent probably before 9pm & meant to mention it either way before then.
But I just wanted to be clear that I'm not 100% sure. *sigh*
I have been the Host a few times - wired connection. But am not a good Race Director. Let me know if I can help.
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I'm really wanting to *try* to make it tonight. But that depends on a force not myself, that I have access to the ps3 by 9pm :nervous:
It will be apparent probably before 9pm & meant to mention it either way before then.
But I just wanted to be clear that I'm not 100% sure. *sigh*

No big deal if you can't make the first race. We have four join when you get access, this is about fun not points :D

I have been the Host a few times - wired connection. But am not a good Race Director. Let me know if I can help.

Thanks Tex will let you know how it shakes out.
@TEX36 you and I will be dealing with room 2 👍 All you'll need do is the initial room setup, call it 'snailracing.org - Weekly Karts 2' and switch the track and # of laps between races. I can take care of the rest. If it's possible could you open the room up around 8:30 Eastern and pm me the room number. I'll hop in and do a quick check, then we can go live :)

Attention Karters: Procedure for tonight.

We will have two rooms going tonight, you're more than welcome to join either room, there will be plenty of competition in both!

However, I want the numbers in each room to be as close to each other as possible. Dabneyd and I will be monitoring numbers in each room and posting how many are in each. If need be, I'll make a post directing people to a specific room. Please check this thread before entering a room.

Here's a post that describes how to make the changes to the Karts transmission. It's pretty straight forward, if I can do it anyone can :)
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