◆ SNAIL Marketplace

  • Thread starter zer05ive
I just confirmed via the iTunes terms and conditions that a Canadian iTunes card can not be used by an American account. I would like to withdraw my bids for this item if it is, in fact, a Canadian card.

I would suggest ending the auction and restarting it and clearly state that we are bidding on a Canadian card and it can only be used by a Canadian account.

If the card is not purchased and can in fact be a $50 iTunes card for the US market then I am interested and would like my bid to stand.
I bid 168 $hells for mike lobbans $50 iTunes gift card.

Edited to remove my text from the quoted text.
I don't have a lot of experience with iTunes but there does appear to be a difference between Canadian and US region cards. If the card is already purchased, is it for the US region or the Canadian region?

Well, just in case it's a US ITunes card, I bid 200 $hells for Mike Lobbins $50 card ;)
I guess that one is over so...

I've been a part of SNAIL for a long time now. I want to do something to show my appreciation for all of the work that goes on behind the scenes, so I'm putting up a $25 gift card for auction. You choose where the gift card is for (within reason) and I'll get it to you.

This auction has no minimum bid and no reserve price!

Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place the first bid, please reply to this post and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding.
If you want to outbid someone else, please reply to the post that you are outbidding and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding. 👍
IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.

How To Win
Once someone's bid lasts for 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner!

Terms and Conditions
This item is open to members worldwide since nothing has to be shipped (the gift card number will be PM'd to the winner).

Bids will only be accepted here in the SNAIL Marketplace. Any bids posted in other threads are not valid.

I guess that one is over so...

I've been a part of SNAIL for a long time now. I want to do something to show my appreciation for all of the work that goes on behind the scenes, so I'm putting up a $25 gift card for auction. You choose where the gift card is for (within reason) and I'll get it to you.

This auction has no minimum bid and no reserve price!

Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place the first bid, please reply to this post and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding.
If you want to outbid someone else, please reply to the post that you are outbidding and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding. 👍
IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.

How To Win
Once someone's bid lasts for 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner!

Terms and Conditions
This item is open to members worldwide since nothing has to be shipped (the gift card number will be PM'd to the winner).

Bids will only be accepted here in the SNAIL Marketplace. Any bids posted in other threads are not valid.

I bid 7 $hells
It looks like I'm the next one to offer a gift card of some sorts in this Christmas series. I saw the controversy with validity in the States or Canada, so I'll make it $25 USD or $25 CAD or E25 (Euro's) (or $25 Mex Pesos....LOL (250) of a Card of your choice (Amazon, Visa, Home Depot, I-Tunes, whatever is going to suite you) I'll contact the winner by PM and we will work it out.

As a reminder:

Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place the first bid, please reply to this post and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding.
If you want to outbid someone else, please reply to the post that you are outbidding and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding.

IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.

How To Win
Once someone's bid lasts for 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner!

Terms and Conditions
This item is open to members worldwide since nothing has to be shipped (the gift card number will be PM'd to the winner).

Bids will only be accepted here in the SNAIL Marketplace. Any bids posted in other threads are not valid.

It looks like I'm the next one to offer a gift card of some sorts in this Christmas series. I saw the controversy with validity in the States or Canada, so I'll make it $25 USD or $25 CAD or E25 (Euro's) (or $25 Mex Pesos....LOL (250) of a Card of your choice (Amazon, Visa, Home Depot, I-Tunes, whatever is going to suite you) I'll contact the winner by PM and we will work it out.

As a reminder:

Proper Bidding Etiquette
If you want to place the first bid, please reply to this post and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding.
If you want to outbid someone else, please reply to the post that you are outbidding and clearly state how many $hells you are bidding.

IMPORTANT: Do not bid more $hells than the number of $hells you currently own.

How To Win
Once someone's bid lasts for 24 hours without being outbid by somebody else, the auction will close and the highest bidder will be declared the winner!

Terms and Conditions
This item is open to members worldwide since nothing has to be shipped (the gift card number will be PM'd to the winner).

Bids will only be accepted here in the SNAIL Marketplace. Any bids posted in other threads are not valid.


I bid 80 $hells for Rednose58's gift card!