◆ SNAIL Marketplace

  • Thread starter zer05ive
$hell earned for top ten finish in Donkey Kong Challenge 2505

*EDIT - Appears you cannot receive $hells when you are not on the active drivers list. Join up (hint, hint)
**EDIT - $hell paid after form was revised.
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$hell earned for top ten finish in Donkey Kong Challenge 2505

*EDIT - Appears you cannot receive $hells when you are not on the active drivers list. Join up (hint, hint)

Will check into this when I get home.

Alright. ChatGPT and I got the S.N.A.I.L. Marketplace and Team S.N.A.I.L. Marketplace to pull every SNAIL that has ever been recorded in our current google sheets data store and populated the names, all lower case, all 936 of them, in the "Select your GTPlanet Username." and Select the "GTPlanet Username of the person you are sending $hells to." fields. You can fairly easily jump to the specific name, once in that field, by typing the first few letters of that person's GTPlanet ID, ie jamc or conn should take you to jamcarOne or connorwolf respectively. Here's hoping, once this list is in full use, it doesn't ass up the totals sheet. We'll see how that works out later.

@JamCar0ne let me know if you're able to transfer to connorwolf successfully please.
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Anyone who notices you now have 2 entries in the
Current $hell Balances sheet, one with your actual GTPID with upper case lettering and the other all lower case, please let me know. In order to pull all SNAILs listed in the form, the script had to convert all lettering to lower case.

I've already "fixed" myself, @JamCar0ne and @ConnorWolf 's entries to reflect this necessary change.
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To all Snails, past, present and future, mostly present,
I'm not certain how many are aware, there are ways for Snails to collect $hells that don't involve "official" duties and some of you are doing these things often enough to have a $hell balance start adding up. All you need to do is gather up the post numbers, usually from the main thread, although other thread posts are accepted too, and enter the claim at this form.

Below are some of the non league "duties" any SNAIL can "earn" $hells for;

HOST (UNOFFICIAL PRACTICE) - Announced that Unofficial practice lobby has been opened. Must use SNAIL in lobby title (2 $hells)
WELCOME POST - Replied to "Request To Join" post with official welcome message (1 $hell)
RECRUITER - Recruited a new member (enter the post number made by the new recruit or the post number in which you welcomed and tagged him or her) (10 $hells)
SERIES DIRECTOR - Advertised or promoted a SNAIL series or event (max 1 post/week) that you created and/or direct (10 $hells)
STREAMER - Posted YouTube/Twitch link streaming SNAIL (1 $hell)
SOCIAL MEDIA - Posted a link to any social media post in which you mention SNAIL Racing or @SNAIL_Racing (1 $hell)
VIDEO PRODUCER - Posted a SNAIL video with proper tags (3 $hell)
PHOTOGRAPHER - Posted 5 or more photos (w/o commentary) from any SNAIL event (2 $hell)
PHOTOGRAPHER - Posted 5 or more photos (with commentary) from any SNAIL event (5 $hells)
GRAPHIC DESIGNER - Created a graphic design or banner and posted it on the thread (1 $hell)
PODIUM RESULTS - Posted podium results and statistical summary of all divisions (2 $hells)

I bring this up for a couple reasons. The first is, at any time someone may offer up something for auction, or just to sell for $hells, if you have no $hells, you can't bid or buy. The second reason is, there are a lot of inactive SNAILs holding $hells at the top of this list and it disappoints me there aren't more active SNAILs up there. I think some of you may be a little surprised how quickly you jump up that list if you were to go back and collect all your $hell eligible posts. Please be advised, the claims do get audited from time to time and the claim can be denied/revoked if the post numbers/content cannot be verified.

If you have questions about specific items in the above list, or the process, please contact myself or @zer05ive and we'll answer as best we can. A couple of these things are simple copy/paste, make a few edits and hit the post button. That Welcome post item is open for any and all SNAILs that take the time to do it and it's a simple copy/paste of a previous official welcome post, making the appropriate edits for member name and fire away.

Go get your $hells folks! You can betcherass I'm gettin' mine.

zer05ive is at the top of that list because he sold/auctioned off a bunch of stuff. Which is another way to acquire $hells. So far as I can recall, he's never once put in a claim for any "job" that earns them.
After some discussion and consideration, there have been changes made to a few "job" payouts and descriptions. These changes are effective immediately.

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