◆ SNAIL [Pack] Racing - Boost Racing - Where the excitement never ends!

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Daytona? I don't do ovals in Pack Racing, sorry. We've been over this. Also, since when did you join Monday nights? I asked you to awhile ago and you said you couldn't.
Daytona? I don't do ovals in Pack Racing, sorry. We've been over this. Also, since when did you join Monday nights? I asked you to awhile ago and you said you couldn't.
Ah dude daytona in the roadsters is so fun and a great way to finish the night. I've been running the last 2 weeks My wrist gets sore as hell after doing both monday's and sunday's but I've got tuesday to recover :)
1472 6399 8537 0918 1819

Edit: Booted off of PSN.

New Room
1472 4711 0038 4890 8135
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It's just a parade race unless someone messes up or gets tapped when side by side, causing a slight dip in speed. I say we change up the cars. Upgrade to the newer premium Miata just to mix things up.

It's getting to the point where something needs to change so we can breathe new life into the combos.
I do agree we need to add another car like the newer Miata, but disagree with your passing opinion at Tsukuba.
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Yea, I said the new premium one. The only other premium is the '07. Maybe the Roadster TC is better for Tsukuba since you'll actually need to use more throttle control?

Is boost on weak or strong? If the former, why not try strong boost with a stronger car? I don't know if you guys tested how strong boost works when setting up the series, but it may open up the option for some faster cars. This is about racing in a group. Who says we can't do it with all kinds of cars? GT300 maybe? Caterham Fireblade? WSR Senna F3? Just some ideas.
Room is open
1472 6118 3787 3246 7697
Roadster RS (NC) 07 boost weak
398PP/172HP after oil change

Using the 89 roadster first since this series started with it.
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Room is open, going to go to Rome with the 89 Roadster and then going in reverse on track will go to the 2007 Roadster.

1472 6118 3787 3246 8046

@Xradkins I put the room on non fixed host so when i need to leave later, it won't shut down the entire room.
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