Thanks for the tag mate. Always interested to join a good looking series, unfortunately though any weekday night in EST is the next morning-midday for me and I'm at work so won't be able to attend. Will keep on eye on if you guys move it and will let you know for sure if I can join thenSo I'm wondering...... How many people would we have if we went to Wednesday instead? We figured a day in between for the Tuesday series but if not a lot of Tuesday guys are running that's not really needed. Just kinda thinkin out loud. @SGETI would Wednesday work better?
@123yokomo @azidahaka @Beau Albert @calvins48 @CaptTrueblood @Cobra75 @DaBomb330 @DaGiBUS @dangerzone @Dgriffin @Esgaloth @fastboysmith @FlipJ @Friday_GTRP @FutureF1 @Glenalz81 @ItzRacing @iwashere @Jack slayer @JohnScoonsBeard @JonoStan96 @k0nner @littleregret265 @Masterhec @micantony @mustafur @nba336 @NingDynasty @PASM @Pedroeol @Ph1sher @Pubs16 @rcb929 @rclark83 @Samsung1998race @Seth123 @sinister @SK8RBOI @SSRacing69 @TDZdave @TeamEdge702 @TNR_5zigen @Vitessekid @zer05ive. @irmopars.@vonslamstone
@Scorpion0001I would be interested in this league
right now Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday nights are not looking good for me..
Thanks for the tag @Zii1993 unfortunately I wouldn't be able to participate due to the timezone differences. It would be really early in the morning.
3am on a work night won't work for me, sorry..cheers for the tag though 👍
I currently cant do Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, and the timeslot is far to late for me, thanks though,
This could work for me, Tuesdays have been bad for me lately because i haven't been getting home in time to race but this series is later. could work out better. keep me posted.
To those who said time and day was an issue, and anyone on the fence there is a poll 4 posts above this. Fill it out and get the series you want voted to be on the day you want.3am on a work night won't work for me, sorry..cheers for the tag though 👍
Classes have been handed out to those who have signed up.