◆ SNAIL [Race Car] Series - Finished - Thanks to everyone who raced during the past 12 seasons!

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Below is the current version of the Season 4 Spotters Guide

As with last season, I'm working on the Season 4 Spotters Guide. As part of the process, I need to know the actual paint chip names for your Body and Wheels you plan to use this season. I have included the info from last season however please confirm what you are using this season

One thing I would like to add. As most of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a way of showing support, I encourage anyone who wants to join @Fallen_log and myself by running Matte Pink or GT6 Polarized 009 Rims this season. Everyone in the RCS who joins us in this support, I will donate $1.00 for every driver who joins the cause by running with Pink Rims all season in the name of the RCS. Thanks for your ongoing support.

Special thanks to @Wardenclyffe , @AndrewMorrell, @Rockhound18 and @turnupdaheat (turn updaheat will be donating to the Irish Cancer Society) for matching the above offer!​


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Below is the current version of the Season 4 Spotters Guide

As with last season, I'm working on the Season 4 Spotters Guide. As part of the process, I need to know the actual paint chip names for your Body and Wheels you plan to use this season. I have included the info from last season however please confirm what you are using this season

One thing I would like to add. As most of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a way of showing support, I encourage anyone who wants to join @Fallen_log and myself by running Matte Pink Rims this season. Everyone in the RCS who joins us in this support, I will donate $1.00 for every driver who joins the cause by running with Matte Pink Rims all season in the name of the RCS. Thanks for your ongoing support.

Special thanks to @Wardenclyffe and @Rockhound18 for matching the above offer!​




I will stick with gt polarized 19 for the body, the #18, and of course switch to the matte pink rims!

Voting for Season 4 Track Selection is complete!

Here are the tracks we will be racing on in Season 4.
Actual schedule will be finalized Thursday.

Special Stage Route 5
Deep Forest
Brands Hatch Indy 80's
Cote d'Azur
- All Star Race

Below you will find the voting results. Thanks to everyone who voted. Going to be another fun season.



Below is the current version of the Season 4 Spotters Guide

As with last season, I'm working on the Season 4 Spotters Guide. As part of the process, I need to know the actual paint chip names for your Body and Wheels you plan to use this season. I have included the info from last season however please confirm what you are using this season

One thing I would like to add. As most of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. As a way of showing support, I encourage anyone who wants to join @Fallen_log and myself by running Matte Pink or GT6 Polarized 009 Rims this season. Everyone in the RCS who joins us in this support, I will donate $1.00 for every driver who joins the cause by running with Pink Rims all season in the name of the RCS. Thanks for your ongoing support.

Special thanks to @Wardenclyffe and @Rockhound18 for matching the above offer!​



Just to add, if you cant find Matte Pink, you can use GT6 Polarized 009 as an alternative. Its the same shade only shiny

Lobby will open for Season 3 All Star Race participants ONLY at 8:30pm Eastern. Qualifying will start @ 9:00pm.
@brntguy will once again stream the race live on twitch.tv for those interested in watching the race.​

Below are the drivers that I believe will be participating in tonight's All Star Race.
  • WiiFreak
  • GrimGrnninGhost
  • turnupdaheat
  • gotdirt410sp
  • zii1993
  • JVick1397
  • Euclid58
  • brntguy (not racing but will be in the room to live stream the race)

The below driver are qualified for the Season 3 All Star Race but have indicated that they will not be able to attend. If any of the below drivers do plan on attending, please let me know.
  • erazer13
  • JWalker_SSR7
  • dragonwhisky
  • Parcells2
  • CoachMK21
  • Wardenclyffe
Thanks everyone!
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Lobby will open for Season 3 All Star Race participants ONLY at 8:30pm Eastern. Qualifying will start @ 9:00pm.
@brntguy will once again stream the race live on twitch.tv for those interested in watching the race.​

Below are the drivers that I believe will be participating in tonight's All Star Race.
  • WiiFreak
  • GrimGrnninGhost
  • turnupdaheat
  • Wardenclyffe
  • gotdirt410sp
  • zii1993
  • JVick1397
  • Euclid58
  • brntguy (not racing but will be in the room to live stream the race)

The below driver are qualified for the Season 3 All Star Race but have indicated that they will not be able to attend. If any of the below drivers do plan on attending, please let me know.
  • erazer13
  • JWalker_SSR7
  • dragonwhisky
  • Parcells2
  • CoachMK21
Thanks everyone!
I am not able to do the all star race tonight; have fun guys!
Main Menu > press start > go to Options > go to Network > go to Cleae Cache and say yes.

Not sure exactly what it does, but it's along the lines of clearing out memory to speed up online communication speeds / minimize lag / reduce risk of visibility issues.

I would also recommend deleting all your SEND/RECEIVE messages, then restart your ps3 and put a huge box fan in front of it for smooth racing! LOL < but I'm not really laughing, It's what I do!

Lobby will open for Season 3 All Star Race participants ONLY at 8:30pm Eastern. Qualifying will start @ 9:00pm.
@brntguy will once again stream the race live on twitch.tv for those interested in watching the race.​

Below are the drivers that I believe will be participating in tonight's All Star Race.
  • WiiFreak
  • GrimGrnninGhost
  • turnupdaheat
  • gotdirt410sp
  • zii1993
  • JVick1397
  • Euclid58
  • brntguy (not racing but will be in the room to live stream the race)

The below driver are qualified for the Season 3 All Star Race but have indicated that they will not be able to attend. If any of the below drivers do plan on attending, please let me know.
  • erazer13
  • JWalker_SSR7
  • dragonwhisky
  • Parcells2
  • CoachMK21
  • Wardenclyffe
Thanks everyone!

I confirm I will be there tonight.

Also, the colours I will be running for season 4 are Lime Green Metallic with Matte Pink wheels and I will gladly make a similar donation to the Irish Cancer Society. A member of my family was affected by this curse but, thankfully, it was in the very early stages and all is well with her. It is heartening to see such spirit of kindness within this group and I am now even more delighted to be part of the community. 👍
Hey I am a snail d2 driver! I got moved up to d1 I won't be able to race Sundays for the time being! So I am looking to race durin. The week!

Wednesday Nights @ 9:00pm EDT
Knock-Out Qualifying Lobby opens at 8:00pm EDT

Season 3 Promo Video

Special thanks to @brntguy for the video!

Open to Everyone!

Welcome to the S.N.A.I.L. Wednesday Night “Race Car” Series. The goal of the series is to provide an enjoyable and competitive night of racing using only purpose built stock race cars on some of the best tracks GT6 has to offer. We will only use race cars that allow driver numbers to be added/modified and that can be painted. Each night will consist of two 40 minute races (each requiring a pit stop) as part of a 4 week season. Although strongly encouraged, you do not need to be a S.N.A.I.L. driver to participate and is open to all clean and respectful drivers.

Series Director / Host - GrimGrnninGhost
Advisory Counsel - brntguy, CoachMK21, Dragonshisky, Parcells2, Wardenclyffe, zii1993
Scorekeeper - GrimGrnninGhost
Statistician - GrimGrnninGhost
Replay Uploader - Wardenclyffe
Series Photographers - jazznoisehere
Series Videographer - BrntGuy
Series Writer - TBD
Series Stewards
- GrimGrnninGhost, brntguy, zii1993

Season 2 Highlight Video

Special thanks to @brntguy for the video!

Season 1 Highlight Video

Special thanks to @brntguy for the video!


All cars are to remain stock except for required Oil Change and Brake Balance & Torque Settings (4WD Only) adjustments (if desired)
Must use tire compound as stated above. No other tire compound will be allowed. Using wrong tire compound will result in a DQ.





Race Format
  • Two - 40 minute timed races.
  • 10 minute break between races.
  • Grid position for first race determined by 10 minute qualifying season prior to the start of race one.
  • Grid position for second race determined by reverse finishing position from race one.
  • Do not leave the lobby between races. Should you leave or be disconnected and come back in between races, you will need to fall to the back of the field SAFELY prior to turn #1. (rule added 6/29/14).
  • All competitors must complete a minimum of 1 pit stop per race.
  • Drivers coming off and on pit road always stay on the correct side of the pit road line (DO NOT cross the solid line).
  • All races will be run under clear weather conditions (no rain) however some races may be at night (refer to schedule for specifics).
  • If you get disconnected or decide to quit during a race you will get a DNF and finish last.
  • If more than one person quits or gets disconnected during a race, your finishing position will be determined by the number of laps completed.

Eligible Drivers
  • Although encouraged, you do not need to be a S.N.A.I.L. driver to participate.
  • Current Top 10 drivers are potentially (see Knock-Out Qualifying for specifics) locked into the Main Events (Main Event Qualification and both A & B Main Event Races).
  • Prior to 8:00 pm eastern on race night:
    • All current top 10 drivers, Recent Series Champion and Grim must have confirmed in the official GTPlanet thread (this one) that they intend to race.
    • Simple post of “I plan to race this week” will meet this requirement.
    • Grim will track these and update the anticipated starting grid accordingly.
    • Any top 10 driver and recent Series Champion that fails to do the above by 8:00pm eastern on race night and wants to race in the Main Event will need to earn their spot on the grid by participating the Knock-Out Qualifying.

Application Procedure
  • GTPlanet ID
  • PSN ID
  • Racing Number – Refer to Driver List below (Active and Part Time Drivers) for Available Numbers.
  • Car Color - Body and Wheel colors (paint chip name) you plan to use.
  • By submitting your application you agree to the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR) along with following The Good Racecraft Guide.

Knock-Out Qualifying

GrimGrnninGhost will count the locked in Main Event drivers (per the above procedure) and announce how many grid spots are available for the Main Events both in the GTPlanet thread and in the Lobby.

8:00pm – 8:40pm (EDT) – Knock-Out Qualifying (Practice Mode)
  • 8:00pm eastern - Official Practice Lobby opens for drivers outside the top 10 in points and any current top 10 driver and recent Series Champion who did not confirm participation per the above procedure.
  • Entry into the Knock-Out Qualifying lobby is reserved to the first 15 Active Drivers that enter the lobby.
  • Part time drivers may enter provided there are less than 14 Active drivers in the lobby.
  • You must not leave the lobby as your lap times may be erased.
  • Drivers participating in the Knock-Out Qualifying may join at any time during this 40 min window. No requirement to run the full 40 mins however you do need to give yourself enough time to get on the track and log a lap time.
  • Can run as many or as few of laps as needed.
  • Remaining grid positions for the Main Events to be determined by fastest practice times during the Knock-Out Qualifying Lobby up until 8:40pm eastern.
  • A photo of Best Times will be taken by Grim at 8:40 to lock in the best times.
  • Grim will announce who has made it through Knock-Out Qualifying and qualified for the Main Events.
  • In the event we have more spots available than participants at the conclusion of the Knock-Out Qualifying, then everyone will advance to the Main Events!
  • Knock-Out Qualifying lobby crashes - In the event of the lobby crashing in the final 15 mins of Knock-Out Qualifying, grid positions will be awarded based on first come first serve into the original Knock-Out Qualifying lobby. If lobby crashes within first 25 mins, a new lobby will be set up and drivers will need to post new times in an abbreviated session.
  • Main Event locked in drivers should not enter lobby during this time.
  • If the KOQ lobby is full prior to 8:25pm and an Active Driver is trying to get in (that person MUST send me a msg via PSN that they cant get in PRIOR to 8:25pm), I will look at the current lap times (no earlier than 8:20pm) and the driver(s) with the fastest time(s) will then be locked into the Main Event races and asked to exit the KOQ lobby so that the waiting driver(s) can enter.
  • The above process will only be allowed for a max of 2 drivers trying to get into a full KOQ lobby prior to 8:25pm.
  • Anyone trying to get into a full KOQ lobby after 8:25pm will be considered too late for that week's race.

8:40pm – 9:05pm – All Main Event drivers enter lobby and prepare for Main Event Qualification

  • 8:45pm eastern – All Main Event drivers enter lobby and prepare for Main Event Qualification. Practice Laps are allowed by all.
  • Drivers knocked out during the Knock-Out Qualifying will need to leave the lobby. Sorry.
The below schedule of events remains unchanged
  • 9:05pm – 9:15pm - Main Event Qualifying (10 Min Qualification Mode)
  • 9:15pm – 9:55pm – “A” Main (40 Min Endurance Race)
  • 9:55pm – 10:05pm – Intermission (Break) - Do not leave the lobby!
  • 10:05pm – 10:45pm – “B” Main (40 Min Endurance Race – Inverted Grid)

General Rules
  • We expect all drivers to follow the S.N.A.I.L. OLR(which is a modified version of the GTP OLR) and pursue good racecraft at all times.
  • If you're not sure what good racecraft is, watch this video.
  • It can be summed up in one simple 'Golden Rule' of motorsports: It is the responsibility of the overtaking driver, meaning the car that is attempting to execute the pass, to make sure that the pass is made cleanly and incident free. If you don't agree with this rule or don't think it applies to you, this is not the series for you.
  • "Blue Flag" expectations can be found here.
  • Drivers who fail to participate in any of the previous season's races will be moved to Part Time Driver Status
  • Part time drivers will be allowed to re-apply to Active driver status at the start of the following season based on case by case request.
  • All drivers will refrain from doing donuts, burnouts, drifting, driving backwards/reverse or any other activity that would be a distraction to other drivers on the track during all Official RCS Sanctioned Events (practice sessions, KOQ, Main Events, etc..)
  • Additionally, if you are going to park along the track edge to "watch" please make sure you are as far away from the racing surface as possible so as to no cause a distraction to other drivers.

Lobby Configuration

Room Privacy: Public
Room Comment: SNAIL-Wed Night Race Car Series
Race Type: Race for Real
Fixed Room Host: No
Max Number of Participants: 16
Race Quality: High
Voice Chat Quality: Off
Course Settings: Refer to Schedule Above
Start Type: Grid Start w/ False Start Check
Boost: Off
Penalty: Weak
Visible Damage: Off
Mechanical Damage: Light
Slipstream Strength: Real
Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Season 3 - Fast (except during All Star Race which will be set to NORMAL)
Grip Reduction: Real
Minimum No. of Pit Stops: 1
Required Tire Compound Change: Off
Tire Restrictions: (Various - Must use Tire Compound per Current Car)
Nitrous: Prohibited
Vehicle Tuning: Prohibited
Driving Aids: Only ABS 1 allowed

Racing Incident Report

  • If you ever feel like a driver is not following the rules, please wait until league night is over, and then file a Racing Incident Report using the below process
  • Review the replay from the race to get a fresh perspective on the incident.
  • If you still wish to submit the incident
    • Send the Series Director (@GGGMotorsport) and the other driver(s) involved a PM here at GTPlanet (by 10:00pm Eastern Thursday) respectfully detailing the incident.
    • Be sure to include the race, lap and time stamp of the incident.
    • Should the offending driver agree with the account and does not wish to dispute it (reply with this agreement in the PM), the penalty will be reduced in half.
    • Should the offending driver not agree with the account, respectfully state your perspective of the incident within the PM.
    • Our Stewards will review the incident and enforce the appropriate penalty on the driver(s) in question.

Season Selection Process
Part 1 - Car Selection:
  • I will provide three cars to choose from (including tire compound and fuel/tire ware setting to be used).
  • I will also list the 7-8 potential tracks to be considered for next season (these tracks will be voted on in Part 2 to determine the schedule).
  • Number of votes cast per driver will be the total of races you participated in (same as current process).
  • Drivers will have 48 hours to vote for a car.
  • Car with the most votes win.
  • In the event of a tie, the Individual Series Champion from the most recent season will break the tie.
Part 2 - Track Selection:
  • Once the car has been selected, I will then put the tracks up for a vote.
  • One "vote" for a city track (will provide 2-3 tracks to choose from)
  • Three "votes" for the other tracks (will provide 5-6 tracks to choose from)
  • Number of votes cast per driver (for all four votes listed above) will be the total of races you participated in (same as today's process).
    • If you race in all 8 races, each of your votes will be worth 8 points
  • Drivers will have 48 hours to vote for the tracks.
  • The top city track and the top 3 other tracks will determine the track selection for the following season.
  • In the event of a tie, the Individual Series Champion from the most recent season will break the tie.

Point System

Pole Position= 1
1st = 16
2nd = 15
3rd = 14
4th = 13
5th = 12
6th = 11
7th = 10
8th = 9
9th = 8
10th = 7
11th = 6
12th = 5
13th = 4
14th = 3
15th = 2
16th = 1​

Individual Championship
  • All participants are eligible for the Individual Season Championship.
  • Total points earned during the season will determine the Season Champion.
  • In case of a tie in points after the completion of a season, the tie breaker will be determined by their # of wins during the season, if there is still a tie it will be broken by who had the best overall finishes.
  • Individual Champion earns the right to the #1 car number for the next season.

Optional Team Championship
  • Open to Active Drivers that meet the below requirements.
  • No extra racing is required.
  • Teams consist of two drivers which divisional total must equal 6 or greater.
  • Example – D1 driver can team up with a D5 driver (1+5=6) or two D3 drivers on the same team (3+3=6).
  • Division assignments based on the following:
    • New Race Car Series Drivers
      • S.N.A.I.L. Drivers - Based on Sunday S.N.A.I.L. division assignments at the conclusion of the previous Wednesday Night Series Season.
      • Non S.N.A.I.L. Drivers – New drivers will need to complete a full season (Minimum 5 Races) before they can compete in the optional Team Championship in order to be placed in the proper RCS Division assignment.
    • Existing Race Car Series Drivers
      • Each season, all drivers will be evaluated and placed in a RCS Division based in previous race data from within the RCS races ONLY.
  • Teams can’t change until after Wed Night Race Car Season is finished.
  • All teams must change team mates at the end of each season
  • Points awarded based on point system above.
  • Team Champions qualify for All Star Race.
  • Please paint both cars in the same team colors (body/wheel).
Wednesday Night All Star Race
  • At the conclusion the each season, a single All Star race will take place.
  • Single race lasting 1 hour (plus qualifying).
  • Eligibility to participate in the season ending All Star race is as follows (15 drivers max).
    • All past series champions - based on most recent results.
    • If spots still open – Past All Star Race winners - based on most recent results.
    • If spots still open – Past team series champions - based on most recent results.
    • If spots still open – Past individual race winners - based on most recent results.
    • If spots still open – Past individual second place finishers - based on most recent results.
    • If spots still open – Past individual third place finishers - based on most recent results.
  • Finally, the 15th driver for the race will be the one earning the most season ending "Driver Favorite" Votes.
  • The 16th spot in the lobby is reserved for brntguy who will be broadcasting the race live.
  • Part Time drivers who do not participate in 2 consecutive All Star races will be dropped from the eligibility list.


Active Driver
Defined as having priority over Part Time drivers in Knockout Qualifying and/or Main Event Races. At the start of each season the series will be limited to 30 Active drivers.
  • New series applications will be accepted at the end of each season provided there is less than 30 Active drivers.
  • Part Time drivers will need to request to be re-instated to active status during this time until the series reaches the 30 Active driver limit.
Active Drivers - 28 Drivers
#1 - Reserved for Season Champion
#2 - GrimGrnninGhost
#3 - zii1993
#4 - Norml_N
#5 - dcschwinn
#8 - turnupdaheat
#11 - Parcells2
#12 - jay-c2000
#14 - DoublePass
#18 - ShrumpRacer86
#22 - hydromatos22
#24 - goofytyler1995
#26 - Ice_Warden
#33 - gotdirt410sp
#41 - drb1269247
#42 - Wardenclyffe
#44 - jazznoisehere
#50 - TEAMworkPLEASE
#56 - USERID_77a23
#57 - reigninblood1975
#69 - brntguy
#73 - unsub073
#84 - vsfit
#91 - euclid58
#92 - Fallen_log
#93 - Incons_icuous
#96 - DesertPenguin09
#97 - JVick1397

Part Time Driver
Defined as any driver who fails to participate in either the Main Event or Knockout Qualifying for 4 consecutive weeks (excluding All Star races).
  • May participate in Main Events provide within top 10 in points.
  • May participate in Knockout Qualifying provide there are less than 14 “Active” drivers in the lobby.
  • May qualify for Main Event via knockout qualifying provided all other “Active” drivers make the cut.
Example – Main Event has 8 open spots to be filled from Knockout qualifying.
  • Knockout Qualifying has 7 “Active” drivers and 1 “Part Time” driver – All drivers move on to Main Event.
  • Knockout Qualifying has 7 “Active” drivers and 2 “Part Time” drivers – All "Active" drivers and the single fastest “Part Time” driver move on to Main Event.
  • Knockout Qualifying has 9 “Active” drivers and 2 “Part Time” drivers – Fastest 8 "Active" drivers move on to Main Event. “Part Time” drivers, regardless of times, do not qualify for Main Event.
Part Time drivers will need to request to be re-instated to “Active” driver status at the conclusion of the season until the series reaches the 30 “Active” driver limit.

Part Time Drivers
#6 - Volcoman3
#7 - Neovre
#9 - CoachMK21
#10 - ruddy2uesday

#13 - dragonwhisky
#15 - GTP_Lousteezy
#16 - GTPdangerzone641
#17 - Joe_DiBen
#19 - JLBowler
#20 - Schmiggz
#23 - Jakedog23
#27 - nail-27
#28 - Adventuruss
#29 - mlbguy4life
#37 - JWalker_SSR7
#59 - ZMalinowski
#62 - GTP_ParkerMO125
#66 - xsitement
#72 - hognhominy
#78 - erazer13
#86 - Blueninjacivic
#88 - SkiwiNV
#99 - WiiFreak

For any other questions you may have, please let me know.​

See you on the track!

How do I join up with you guys? I am d2 driver...
Relax Clutch! No need to triple post. Grim will respond to you soon enough. Anyway, the earliest you can race in this series is next week as tonight is the monthly All Star Race which isn't open to you this time.
ill post 4 times what does it matter to you. And thank you.
Clutch_800 psn
#77 please get back to me!
Thanks for your interest. Please provide the actual paint chip names you plan to use for both body AND wheels. I can the complete your setup in the series.

Just to add, season 4 starts next week with an optional practice session on the 4 tracks in the schedule.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

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