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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Sorry to say, that I just lost all interest in continuing with League Races, Thank you Everyone, Good Luck, It's been a Blast.
The internet was sluggish. I'm not perfect but I was getting man handled :grumpy:. I know you all are great racers, but cmon. Everyones car seemed faster. I have 200+ break-in miles on each car. Somethings not right there. Well, it was worth a shot, back to open lobby racing. AND, it would have been nice to get more then 1 time around the track for qualifying.
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The internet was sluggish. I'm not perfect but I was getting man handled :grumpy:. I know you all are great racers, but cmon. Everyones car seemed faster. I have 200+ break-in miles on each car. Somethings not right there. Well, it was worth a shot, back to open lobby racing. AND, it would have been nice to get more then 1 time around the track for qualifying.

Sorry, but rage-quitters don't really get much attention around here. If you had a complaint, you should have filed it properly. Now you don't even have the replay so that's out the window.
Not happening for me tonight. It seems I can't stay in-game for more than a few minutes before it locks up. Have fun guys and I'll see you next week.

EDIT: Tried for 1 last time, same result!!
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I'm not ashamed to say, I simply had enough. After just 2 races in a "Racecraft" conscious league lounge room? :scared: I didn't do well in those 2 races but I did stick it out. :ouch:
Well, maybe I should be glad I didn't show up tonight. From the sounds of it it wouldn't have really been worth it.
I was doing good, but I had conection issues at round 2 and I was disconnected from the lounge
Very funny and competitive lounge, I will stay in the league no matter what happen, this is the place to be in sunday nights

I'm not ashamed to say, I simply had enough. After just 2 races in a "Racecraft" conscious league lounge room? :scared: I didn't do well in those 2 races but I did stick it out. :ouch:

Well, you don't consider this a good league, make your own league with blackjack and h***ers and make it be BETTER than this, then you can criticize this league
good luck and welcome to GTPlanet :)
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I hope no one had any problems with me tonight and if I may have caused anything I apologize. But the Ferrari race is ABSOLUTE ********.

I don't care what anyone says, using those tires on that car is ****ing ridiculous. Don't tell me to deal with it because it wasn't voted off either. You can't even use a good driving line if someone is in front of you, because the MILLISECOND someone touches their brakes you're gonna hit them. Nobody wants a race where you can't be competitive without someone in front of you forcing you to hit them or someone behind you punting you. I got knocked off the track twice and by the 6th lap there was no usable grip in the rear tires. I did everything I could to just be fast enough while not putting strain on them. I can't help it, maybe I just suck serious ass in those regards, but any combination that caused that much mayhem should be removed. NOBODY wants a race where everybody can't be competitive without ample room. I thought this league was about close, clean racing.

If the Ferrari race is not somehow improved tire-wise or replaced, I'm not going to race next Sunday.
I hope no one had any problems with me tonight and if I may have caused anything I apologize. But the Ferrari race is ABSOLUTE ********.

I don't care what anyone says, using those tires on that car is ****ing ridiculous. Don't tell me to deal with it because it wasn't voted off either. You can't even use a good driving line if someone is in front of you, because the MILLISECOND someone touches their brakes you're gonna hit them. Nobody wants a race where you can't be competitive without someone in front of you forcing you to hit them or someone behind you punting you. I got knocked off the track twice and by the 6th lap there was no usable grip in the rear tires. I did everything I could to just be fast enough while not putting strain on them. I can't help it, maybe I just suck serious ass in those regards, but any combination that caused that much mayhem should be removed. NOBODY wants a race where everybody can't be competitive without ample room. I thought this league was about close, clean racing.

If the Ferrari race is not somehow improved tire-wise or replaced, I'm not going to race next Sunday.

Bold text means that you don't leave enought space in case that the player infront of you brakes early, you will never know what is the player in front of you thinking, what line is he going to take, just prevent yourself from the disaster
My apologies for anyone I may have fouled up tonight. I am going to look into getting a window installed in my belly ('cause my head was REALLY far up the ol' hiney tonight!!) but all that aside, the racing in D4 was fantastic! From what I could see, everyone raced well and appeared to be having a great time! Kudos to all you folks that put so much time and effort into getting all 5 divisions organized! I would have been in the thick of all the action tonight if I drove a little better! Next week man... Next week!!!
I was doing good, but I had conection issues at round 2 and I was disconnected from the lounge
Very funny and competitive lounge, I will stay in the league no matter what happen, this is the place to be in sunday nights

Well, you don't consider this a good league, make your own league and make it be BETTER than this, then you can criticize this league
good luck and welcome to GTPlanet :)

I'm not interested in making my own league. However, I am interested in participating in a competitive league that has members that abide by the S.N.A.I.L. online racing etiquette. Furthermore, I didn't say, "it wasn't a good league". I wasn't criticizing, I was attempting to justify "Rage Quitting".

I have hosted open lobby rooms with 16 racers for hours without problems, and would be willing to host in the future.
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I hope no one had any problems with me tonight and if I may have caused anything I apologize. But the Ferrari race is ABSOLUTE ********.

I don't care what anyone says, using those tires on that car is ****ing ridiculous. Don't tell me to deal with it because it wasn't voted off either. You can't even use a good driving line if someone is in front of you, because the MILLISECOND someone touches their brakes you're gonna hit them. Nobody wants a race where you can't be competitive without someone in front of you forcing you to hit them or someone behind you punting you. I got knocked off the track twice and by the 6th lap there was no usable grip in the rear tires. I did everything I could to just be fast enough while not putting strain on them. I can't help it, maybe I just suck serious ass in those regards, but any combination that caused that much mayhem should be removed. NOBODY wants a race where everybody can't be competitive without ample room. I thought this league was about close, clean racing.

If the Ferrari race is not somehow improved tire-wise or replaced, I'm not going to race next Sunday.

I disagree (pretty much) entirely.

If you were knocked off of the track look at the replay and file a complaint about it. That should help to ease the sting a bit.

If you are following someone be prepared to brake early or expect to punt them. You can make up room at the end of a braking zone just as well as the beginning.

If you are blowing through your tires, ease off a bit. Stop jamming on the gas while turning or trying to turn while braking heavily.

These things are on your shoulders, man. ;)
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Had a great time racing with everyone in D2 tonight. I'm glad to find such a clean group of racers. Looking forward to next week.
Hmm. I'm not quite sure I understand the problem some people seem to have with the RM tires at the Indy race. I mean, I think I understand the complaint, but I just don't agree with it.

If it's a question of grip, consider that we wouldn't have had any more grip on lap 7 with RH tires. The difference is that with the RM tires, we started with a lot more, so the drop-off is steeper. But by the end, there was still a lap or two of (slower) life left in them before they became un-drivable. It's almost like they're real (race) cars. I like this. This is why I enjoy the fact that SNAIL enables tire wear in the first place.

It's a challenge to figure out a slightly different braking point for turn one each lap, considering draft, speed and tire wear. I like that. It adds greatly to the immersion of the simulation, at least to me.

I could see a valid point in disliking these tires (which perform more like F1 tires than street tires) being used on a production street car. It certainly is incongruous. I liked the racing there though.

An idea: We currently race from lowest PP to highest PP. It seems that in the last race, most peoples' concentration is at its lowest. Might it make some sense to consider switching that? Some people might also need some time to get into their groove, so how about moving the highest PP race to the middle spot?
Had a great time racing with everyone in D2 tonight. I'm glad to find such a clean group of racers. Looking forward to next week.

It was great racing with you tonight, too. Damn you're fast. I might have had you in the last race if the finish line was 100 yards further away :dopey: That last-lap battle was a high point of the night for me.

Edit: Apologies for the double post, but I'm too tired to figure out how to quote in an edit :)
Overall, I thought there was some great racing in division 4 all night. Yes there were a few bumps and taps (usually on turn 1 of lap 1, lol), but overall I was really impressed with how everyone respected each other.

I got knocked off the track twice and by the 6th lap there was no usable grip in the rear tires. I did everything I could to just be fast enough while not putting strain on them.

It was the fronts that were my problem I found when practicing so I had to adjust how I drove. I think I may have scared anyone behind me with how early I was braking for some corners :scared:

However, it paid off for me since I still had some tyre life left at the end of both races :)
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My problem with the RM tires on the Ferrari is like you said, racing tires on a production vehicle just doesn't jibe.

On the other hand, I love the challenge of choosing when to use your grip and how much tire to burn…again, like you said.

So…I'm conflicted.
Had a great time racing with everyone in D2 tonight. I'm glad to find such a clean group of racers. Looking forward to next week.

You kick some butt tonight! :cheers:

No connection issues in D2 tonight at all! No one got disconnected and we were on schedule , which was great!:)

Nice working with you kcheeb.👍

Great racing tonight.
Not happening for me tonight. It seems I can't stay in-game for more than a few minutes before it locks up. Have fun guys and I'll see you next week.

EDIT: Tried for 1 last time, same result!!
Yeah I'm having internet problems today too, I keep losing connection for like 5 to 30 seconds and I dced from two races in D1. And by the way I got pole @ Indy with a 1.30.9xx!!

D1 hated the 458 with Racing medium tires because it was unrealistically grippy. I personally would love to race it with any kind of sports tires.

EDIT - We need to get organized in D1 and have somebody that wants to host with internet good for hosting. There weren't any issues with Wii's hosting tonight but we only had like 5-7 people.
Great racing in D2. I finally managed to stay somewhat close on race 5 with a 2nd place but race 6 i killed my tires trying race from the back of the pack.

Not sure why the tire complaints.
If everyone runs the same car/tires then we all have the same benefits and drawbacks...it's called SPEC racing. Good fun so far.
\D1 hated the 458 with Racing medium tires because it was unrealistically grippy. I personally would love to race it with any kind of sports tires.

I can see that. Part of me keeps hoping someone will pick a GT car of some sort, but it would be a lot more fun with RH tires than the RS it would end up with.
Part of me keeps hoping someone will pick a GT car of some sort, but it would be a lot more fun with RH tires than the RS it would end up with.

Until the last couple of laps! *cue Yakety Sax*
We've reached a new milestone for S.N.A.I.L. tonight.. For the first time in our history, we had 50 drivers racing simultaneously! Great job to everyone who has helped develop this league. Your hard work and dedication has my eternal gratitude. :bowdown: