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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Sorry I did not race last night. I had an interesting weekend. I also see that you d3 guys got rid of me already? How come? I only raced there twice

D3 has been having packed grids and I'm pretty sure d1&2 need more drivers, if you look at the drivers list there were way more promos than relegations
Division 3 will never get the chance to win a prize!!!
Because as anyone could see, we barely get more than 65 ridiculous points!!!
Because it's such a godamm leveled division..... I LOVE IT

The balance you guys have is pure luck.

Never will all divisions have this balance. That's a dream division there.

I was just looking to reward those that deserve so. Those that don't get the chance because they have that balance.

Almost think the idea I mentioned is little better then the participation one.

My idea the racers as individuals can influence.

The participation adjustment does punish people that show every week when others don't have the same dedication. That's kinda a slap in the face really.

Anybody have a Sonicwall firewall that their PS3 is behind. I can't connect to open lobbies in GT5 while on NAT 3.

You should try and get things sorted so you are NAT 1.
Attention All Stewards

If you're not already doing so please make your way to the Stewards forum. We currently have at least one complaint against a prize winner. Please focus your attention on that one first.


For future Incident Reports (formerly known as "Racing Complaint"), please use the following format for your report.

To: Division Steward ; Offending Driver ; Other affected Driver

Round - X This is the combo driven and should be a 1, 2 or 3.
Race - X This is which race within the combo and if Round is given should be either a 1 or a 2. If Round is not given then Race should be a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6.
Lap - XX lap # within Round and Race in which incident occurred.
Time - XX:XX.XXX As closely as you can tell the time value when the incident began.

Commentary should be very limited to the facts as you see them and/or positive expressions. If you're inclined to make negative remarks, STOP at the time value and hit send. The red text is all the mandatory, necessary information the Stewards need to make a determination.

Some of you already do it this way but others may not have taken the time to look up, or chose to ignore, the process that gets linked in every results post.
Anybody have a Sonicwall firewall that their PS3 is behind. I can't connect to open lobbies in GT5 while on NAT 3.

If you control the firewall, you'll need to open some ports. See this page for details. If you don't control the firewall, good luck!
Everyone in D3 Did i race badly last night? Did i have bad race craft ? Just wondering?

I thought you raced fine. Seems like division 3 is really strick if we even touch them.. oh well.

I take that back. I didn't race the best last night as well.. sorry all.
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Division 4 data complete!


My experience with the DFGT and the lock settings have been hit and miss... Sort of... I have changed the settings and really dig the 200 degree mode but can't seem to make it stick. Any changes reset it back to default. (Race starts, pause, etc...) It is there but impossible to predict what will reset it or how to set the mode in a quick fashion.... I will play with it and have a better report as soon as I can...
I thought you raced fine. Seems like division 3 is really strick if we even touch them.. oh well.

I take that back. I didn't race the best last night as well.. sorry all.

Ya i didn't think i was bad ether, not up to par, but bumping is racing... Sadly it's the truth, there's a big difference in crashing and bumping, it happens

Ok, how many people would be interested in an open tune series?

Thinking about switching up Thursday Thunder. Really considering a tuning series using higher powered race cars. Maybe Spec No Tune but still do high powered race cars.

Do a four week season
Real World Tracks

Car Examples:
GT500 Cars
GT300 Cars
LMP Cars
RM Cars
LM Cars
TC Cars

Time frame: (PM EST)
9:30 Open Qualifying
10:00 Racing Starts
11:30 Race Ends

(you can enter at 10pm and start at the back)

Anyone have interest in something like this? Please reply by copying and pasting below with your name added and if Spec no tune is preferred please add (SPEC) after your name.

Thank you, Owens

I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing
I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing
2. bandit0627

Ok, how many people would be interested in an open tune series?

Thinking about switching up Thursday Thunder. Really considering a tuning series using higher powered race cars. Maybe Spec No Tune but still do high powered race cars.

Do a four week season
Real World Tracks

Car Examples:
GT500 Cars
GT300 Cars
LMP Cars
RM Cars
LM Cars
TC Cars

Time frame: (PM EST)
9:30 Open Qualifying
10:00 Racing Starts
11:30 Race Ends

(you can enter at 10pm and start at the back)

Anyone have interest in something like this? Please reply by copying and pasting below with your name added and if Spec no tune is preferred please add (SPEC) after your name.

Thank you, Owens

I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing

I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing
2. DriftinAssassin

I love this idea Owens. 👍 Im not sure about the high powered race cars though. Personally, I think tuned street cars would be better. Thats just my idea. :)
I really think a group discussion could/would/should be in order on how Owens would like it with a group input but with Owens final decision. Just a thought!
While I'm taking a break from logging incidents, I'm going to respond to the below. Jeff, take it for granted that I'm smiling while I say this.

The balance you guys have is pure luck.

LMAO. It is by no means luck that Div 3 is one of, if not the most, balanced division we have. It's a direct result of the effort zer05ive and kcheeb make when they do Promotions and Relegations. Then, there are the mathematical and statistical reasons it enjoys the balance it does. I'm not a mathematician by any stretch of the imagination, but it stands to reason, the center holds while the edges fray. And you, my friend, are out there on the alien edge. :sly: ;)

Never will all divisions have this balance. That's a dream division there.
All is not rosy in this so called "dream division" as evident by the number of incident reports that have been generated the past few weeks out of D3.

I was just looking to reward those that deserve so. Those that don't get the chance because they have that balance.
In theory I agree with this concept. I've never seen a way, nor have I really thought of one, that really works as well as I imagine it should. Not sure the discussion needs to be opened again. We beat it up pretty hard the last time it came up.

Almost think the idea I mentioned is little better then the participation one..
Not precisely sure what you meant here, but if you meant your idea is only a little better than the one we use now, I will say, no point adjustment is better than one based on participation levels. Again, this was hashed out to a fare thee well several months ago.

My idea the racers as individuals can influence.
👍 If you can come up with a system that works...

The participation adjustment does punish people that show every week when others don't have the same dedication. That's kinda a slap in the face really.
Again 👍. Coming up with a system that is fair? That's another ball of wax.

In any case, this horse was beat, if not dead, at least badly enough that it died of it's wounds shortly after the discussion ended. Do we really want to dig up its grave and have it stinking up the joint again?


I thought we had until 10 pm :nervous:

All D3 replays have been uploaded.

You are correct sir. But this week is a prime example of how earliest following races is better.
I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing
2. bandit0627
3. DriftinAssassin
4. dabneyd
5. Ph1sher
6. Dragonwhisky SPEC (don't really have the inclination to spend hours tuning)
If you control the firewall, you'll need to open some ports. See this page for details. If you don't control the firewall, good luck!

I control the firewall. It works to get into any of the lounges, but not the open lobbies. Ideally it needs to be on NAT 2 atleast, but this is a business class firewall and not your run of the mill $50 chesseball router ( I have one of those, D-Link DIR655) I have used this firewall at several clients offices, and never run into such issues. I understand opening ports and such, but on this type of firewall its not simply opening ports, you have to setup up inbound and outbound rules to match the correct source and destination of the traffic (its very restrictive). I have turned off the basic firewalling services (should be all ports)for this device on the firewall, but that doesn't seem to fix the issue. Also I turned off NAT completely. I have also put it in the DMZ zone, and ran into the same issues. Since this is a business grade firewall, I am thinking their support won't provide much help on getting a PS3 to work. My question was mainly directed at anyone who has these type of devices as I think there must me special settings or tricks I don't know.
I would give a tuning series a shot, I may not be as fast as many of you higher division guys, but I love tuning. Is there going to be a system to try to balance the field? How many laps per race? What time will it be?
can someone setup a room with the config used for the practice rooms wednesday night, so can test it out. I was able to create a room, even with NAT3, and join rooms, but want to make sure i can get into the practice rooms weds night with this config
Recently I saw a need in Div-4 for someone to be a Backup Replay (person).
Couldn't find the thread page, soooooo just throwing my Backup Hat into the Ring.
Your Monday Night Steward's Update

We have at least one prize winner with a racing incident being investigated by the stewards. This may obviously change the order of the prizes to be selected. All winners are asked to refrain from making selections until the Weekly Steward's report has been posted.

The target deadline for the Steward Summary in this case is Tuesday night by 10PM Eastern.

@ SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to Steward's Forum and get 'er done. Would like at least 2, (ideally 3) stewards, to include the steward assigned to the specific div, to review each complaint. The Summary will be posted as soon as possible following Steward review and determinations.
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I thought you raced fine. Seems like division 3 is really strick if we even touch them.. oh well.

I take that back. I didn't race the best last night as well.. sorry all.

Man you are fast just need to learn which turns to be aggressive on and not to be overly aggressive. Take for example our race at Madrid. Extremely close race for us two, only difference was I waited 4 laps to make a good pass and you tried to pass me ASAP, note nothing penalty worthy, but in your pass attempt you had to vear off to avoid contact (which is the right thing to do), Not because you weren't faster, but because the place you tried to pass was a bad spot. You would have beaten me if you waited 1 or two turns for sure. It's a learning process man don't be hard on yourself
LMAO. It is by no means luck that Div 3 is one of, if not the most, balanced division we have. It's a direct result of the effort zer05ive and kcheeb make when they do Promotions and Relegations. Then, there are the mathematical and statistical reasons it enjoys the balance it does. I'm not a mathematician by any stretch of the imagination, but it stands to reason, the center holds while the edges fray. And you, my friend, are out there on the alien edge. :sly: ;)

All is not rosy in this so called "dream division" as evident by the number of incident reports that have been generated the past few weeks out of D3.


Just to be clear. When I say lucky. It mean luck to have the amount of equal racers involved to allow the Divisional System to do its magic.

Not taking anything away from the Admins work. As the regulating system obvious doing its job.

I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing
2. bandit0627
3. DriftinAssassin
4. dabneyd
5. Ph1sher
6. Dragonwhisky SPEC (don't really have the inclination to spend hours tuning)
7. Dat Panda Bear

Edit: it's a typo and I'm leaving it lol
I have interest in the Thursday Night Series:

1. OwensRacing
2. bandit0627
3. DriftinAssassin
4. dabneyd
5. Ph1sher
6. Dragonwhisky SPEC (don't really have the inclination to spend hours tuning)
7. Dat Panda Bear
8. Litzner

Dragon, if we did tuning, I'd encourage people post their tunes. This would give folks a chance that don't have time, to grab one and go. ;)

However tuning isn't a for sure thing. I don't want to alienate anyone.
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