The Pit Board
All changes, even the most longed for, have their melancholy; for what we leave behind us is a part of ourselves; we must die to one life before we can enter another.
Anatole France
Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
George Bernard Shaw
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I think tonight is going to be more of a Public Service Announcement than my usual rambling. There have been a few that have stuck a toe or two into the water on this but I think it is time to open the flood gates and acknowledge the elephant in the room. The elephant I speak of is Gran Turismo 6. In a few weeks, GT5 will begin its slow decent into folk lore. I will miss GT5. Largely due to this League and the souls that reside here.
GT6 is going to be available in a few weeks and there will be a tremendous amount of planning and work for the SNAIL community to make the transition to a new platform. I want to say this as loud and clear as I can. There is no way that we can all just sit back and let zer05ive and kcheeb put it all together. It is going to take ALL of us to make this transition work. As it has been said: "It Takes A Village". There is no doubt that this League will prevail but it is unacceptable to put that burden on just a couple people. We are more than just a League. We have become a family. We all need to work together and continue what we have built into the next generation.
We still have plenty of time to get our ducks in a row. It is time we start a discussion on how we will move to GT6. This discussion will not be about what we would like to change within the League. The formula we have going now will be the same in GT6. Don't mess with success. We need to start fielding ideas on how to make the switch. There are some that have pre-ordered and will have it right away. There will be those that may not get their copy until the holidays. A few may not be able to afford it right away. Fifty or sixty clams is hard to come by for some.
This has been on my mind quite a bit. I have already started to formulate an idea or two. You all need to do the same. If you have an idea, post it on the thread. There are so many brilliant people here. kcheeb and zer05ive have put in a great deal of personal time for our enjoyment and now we have an opportunity to show them that what we have is more than just an online racing league. We are SNAIL.
I really meant what I said last week. I want to share the Pit Board with anyone with something to say. Last week, Dragon gave us is perspective on life as Chief Steward. I have to say that is was awesome! We all think we know what everyone else does but there is nothing like hearing it from the guy doing it. I started with Dragon and would like to move on to zer0, 'cheeb and some of the folk within Team SNAIL. Provided they are willing

. If this works out, I hope to move out to the other members. I believe everyone has something to say.
I think I am going to leave this alone now. I really want everyone to think about GT6 and how we can make the whole move as smooth as possible.
Race Clean, Race Hard, Race S.N.A.I.L.