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  • Thread starter zer05ive
With all the talk about moving S.N.A.I.L. to GT6, I want to remind everyone that on December 7th, S.P.E.C. Racing will be moving to GT6! Throughout the month of December we'll be holding test sessions, and on January 4th we're holding our first official race! Click on the picture below for more info.

Also, with this post I've hit 1000!!!!:cheers::gtpflag:

Btw, since I didn't clearly state, I am for the fast track. But, I too would like to use caution (of course). Maybe a mid month switch would be better, or at least wait a week so everyone can get into the game and get comfortable. This would also give everyone time to earn the cheddar to buy the first set of cars as well. I think switching 2 days after the release might be too soon.

You may have missed it, but read the second paragraph here. Let me know what you think of my proposed timeline.
With all the talk about moving S.N.A.I.L. to GT6, I want to remind everyone that on December 7th, S.P.E.C. Racing will be moving to GT6! Throughout the month of December we'll be holding test sessions, and on January 4th we're holding our first official race! Click on the picture below for more info.

Also, with this post I've hit 1000!!!!:cheers::gtpflag:

With the inclusion of the '13 NASCAR stock cars in GT6, why not use those for the first race of the season at Indy instead of the '11 cars? Just a suggestion. You could have good reason as to why you're using the '11 cars but I'm just throwing it out there.
With the inclusion of the '13 NASCAR stock cars in GT6, why not use those for the first race of the season at Indy instead of the '11 cars? Just a suggestion. You could have good reason as to why you're using the '11 cars but I'm just throwing it out there.

Might want to check the dates above each combo. I've included in the list all of our GT5 farewell events too.
By the way guys, I made some updates to our OP over the weekend (mainly to promote ButtKicker's new 4D Sports technology). Nobody's mentioned the new look so I thought I would lol. Please click the Like button at the bottom of the OP if you like the new graphics and video. :)
That could be done right now in GT5. You can enter a tuning prohibited race while using the power limiter. We don't know how GT6 will be set up so it's impossible at this time to say how it would be implemented. We can guess as to weather or not break in will be an issue and we can guess about what settings we will have for a race lobby and we can guess about what tuning will be allowed when tuning prohibited is selected. Hopefully, PD takes all the tuning away if there is a setting for tuning prohibited. This would include power limiting, brake balance, and changes to the torque split that are currently allowed while tuning is prohibited. What would be even better would be to allow the host of the room to set very specific regulations for every tuning part on the car and if you're not exactly where the specs say you should be, you're not allowed to enter.
Learn something new everyday. I thought detuning would make it so you could not enter a tuning prohibited room.
Errr, yup! I was skim reading and did indeed completely miss everything after the part about running on the 8th...
Good plan chief, I'm in.
Question about receiving Pre-Ordered GT-6: How do we get it on 12/6 - pick up at Game Stop, Download or in the mail?
Elementary question, Sorry - have never been in on a Product Roll-out before.
If you pre-order online (whether it's from best buy , gamestop etc), they usually ship the games 2-3 days before the release date so you can have it at the release date (same day/middday, even with the slowest/cheapest shipping option).

I will post my car selection tomorrow after the OCD is refreshed. The track will stay ,but the car is gone.
"Real-Time Weather Conditions" ... Have you guys read this? This sounds awesome! If it works how i'm imagining it, and actually works properly, then maybe we could always use this option on Sundays (if it's available on the chosen track). It would make things more interesting, since on the winter there would be some chance of rain, and it would be the same weather in all divisions ("If it works how i'm imagining it"). It would literally be like we were racing at said track if we were there, which would be quite amusing throughout the year. This is just an idea, of course we have to wait for the game, to actually see how it works and do some testing. And I can imagine some people not liking to race in the rain, but I thought it would be a cool thing to implement on Sunday nights. I even recall a topic about a month or so about why the league never raced in the rain and someone said it was because the weather and track surface would be inconsistent in different divisions, this new option eliminates that problem (Again, just speculation on my part).
So tell me what you guys think about it...and I hope I didn't understood the article wrong. :lol:
Just had a good idea. Why don't we do a race where everyone brings their first car? However much you tune it won't really matter, but I'm hoping we have to buy multiple cars instead of tuning one to the moon and grinding like crazy with it. Also, for some reason I get the feeling that credits are going to be really hard to earn in gt6. Anyone else feeling the same way?
Just had a good idea. Why don't we do a race where everyone brings their first car? However much you tune it won't really matter, but I'm hoping we have to buy multiple cars instead of tuning one to the moon and grinding like crazy with it. Also, for some reason I get the feeling that credits are going to be really hard to earn in gt6. Anyone else feeling the same way?
If we look at it, if it weren't for the seasonal events and the sign up bonus thing, GT5 would also be hard to earn credits...Let's just hope that GT6 also has seasonal events haha.
If we look at it, if it weren't for the seasonal events and the sign up bonus thing, GT5 would also be hard to earn credits...Let's just hope that GT6 also has seasonal events haha.
Pretty sure the first thing I will do is take one of the 25 anniversary cars staight to the seasonal events... Assuming you can do that.
Just in time for Christmas, S.N.A.I.L. is proud to announce special product discounts for the following ButtKicker products from today through January 1, 2014. This offer is only available to active members of S.N.A.I.L.

If you've considered making transducers part of your Gran Turismo experience, now is the time. I drive with a pair of the ButtKicker Wireless Home Theater Kits, one each for the left and right channels and believe me, the experience is awesome.

PM me the ButtKicker you're interested in for details on how to claim your discount from the ButtKicker Gear Store!

ButtKicker Gamer2
* S.N.A.I.L. Price - $129.99 USD

ButtKicker Simulation Kit
* S.N.A.I.L. Price - $169.99 USD
* - Free shipping in the U.S. on both ButtKicker products.
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Just in time for Christmas, S.N.A.I.L. is proud to announce special product discounts for the following ButtKicker products from today through January 1, 2014. This offer is only available to active members of S.N.A.I.L.

If you've considered making transducers part of your GT5 experience, now is the time. I drive with a pair of the ButtKicker Wireless Home Theater Kits, one each for the left and right channels and believe me, the experience is awesome.

PM me for details on how to claim your discount from the ButtKicker Gear Store!

ButtKicker Gamer2
* S.N.A.I.L. Price - $129.99 USD

ButtKicker Simulation Kit
* S.N.A.I.L. Price - $169.99 USD
* - Free shipping in the U.S. on both ButtKicker products.

Yes. Yes! And More YES!
Price C: Ticket Level 22

Thanks all!

I just sent over your Level 22 ticket. Enjoy!

When GT6 launches, the Prize C List will see a lot more action that it has of late. Is there anyone who wants to volunteer to be the Prize C manager? You'll earn one $hell every time you add a new ticket to the list and you'll earn another $hell whenever you send a ticket to the Prize C winner. :)

Also, anyone who sends a new GT6 ticket to the Price C manager will also earn one $hell. Thanks to @TEX36, @Skills , and @OwensRacing for the tickets they've sent over the past few months.

(I'd update the list with your additions, but editing it will completely screw up the formatting. :()
Just in time for Christmas, S.N.A.I.L. is proud to announce special product discounts for the following ButtKicker products from today through January 1, 2014. This offer is only available to active members of S.N.A.I.L.

If you've considered making transducers part of your GT5 experience, now is the time. I drive with a pair of the ButtKicker Wireless Home Theater Kits, one each for the left and right channels and believe me, the experience is awesome.

PM me the ButtKicker you're interested in for details on how to claim your discount from the ButtKicker Gear Store!

ButtKicker Gamer2
* S.N.A.I.L. Price - $129.99 USD

ButtKicker Simulation Kit
* S.N.A.I.L. Price - $169.99 USD
* - Free shipping in the U.S. on both ButtKicker products.

I have to say that after taking kcheebs advice in playing around and adjusting my ButtKicker, it is much more fun now. My first test was Sunday night and it worked great. I was considering on selling it but I am so glad I didn't.

I can honestly say that this is an awesome addition to your sim racing experience and gaming in general.

Start hinting to your wives, kids, parents, ect, that this is something you want for Christmas or sooner;)

I also want to thank the people at ButtKicker for the generous offer and for zer05ive and kcheeb for making it happen:cheers:
Just found this in my kitchen anyone know what it is? Trying to figure out if it's just a mudpuppy and I should let it go, if it's a cool little dude, or if it's an invasive little bugger and I should chop its head off. The hairy stuff wrapped around it is cat hair. Other than that his whole body is the same pattern.

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Dj, the link says file not found.

I to have a feeling that credits are going to be hard to come by as well. 1 mill credits or a bunch of cars worth more than 1 mill credits. Theres gotta be a reason for this.
That sir, is a salamander. A lizard like amphibian, found around rivers, marshes, and swampy areas, throughout North America and Canada. Not invasive and would probably like to get back to some water.
That sir, is a salamander. A lizard like amphibian, found around rivers, marshes, and swampy areas, throughout North America and Canada. Not invasive and would probably like to get back to some water.

Thank you very much. I'll ask my neighbors if I can let it loose in their pond in the morning.
If we look at it, if it weren't for the seasonal events and the sign up bonus thing, GT5 would also be hard to earn credits...Let's just hope that GT6 also has seasonal events haha.
It is most likely seasonal events are going to be available at the start of the game... from what I have heard!

Also for those of you that maybe don't watch/aren't attached to YouTube as much as me, there is someone I usually get a lot of my information GT 5/6! Oinkoink8383, I would encourage some of you to watch his latest video he put up! He goes over the two videos from yesterday and stuff from the GT website.
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Or fry it, and make a sandwhich!

That'd be a dang wimpy sammich.

Also, wtf no more delta wing?

Did anyone see the custom course info? It said "here you can create a custom course and there's a possibility in the future that you will be able to use the gps functions of an app to create a course you have driven."

I'd actually eat my lizard for that.
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Is eating your own lizard a violation of the AUP??? :lol:

For the masses that have never tried their hand at data entry, I highly recommend giving it a shot at least one time. Looking at all of the data can be hard to get a handle on. Actually sitting down, watching the replays and entering the data really opens up a new understanding of how you fair with the rest of your grid. It is very difficult to see how you really did during the heat of battle. It is too easy to gloss over the information without truly realizing how close (or far) off you are. The data does not lie. You may think you had a horrible night but you also may have had the fastest lap of in some of those same races. It puts into perspective of what you are capable of as far as lap times go and where consistency is the bigger issue. You don't need to commit to a lifetime of data grinding. Try it at least once and I promise you that you will have a much different perspective on where you stand with the rest of your fellow drivers!

Replays have been uploaded for D3

Data has been entered for D3
Watch out Panda, It is protected in most states and unlawful to harm or even catch them, let alone eat them.
Hey S.N.A.I.L.s,

Last day to bid on the amazing Hauppage PVR. Record all your game play and become a Youtube star :D

The details of the listing are here.

The bid you need to beat is here.

