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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Actually, this looks promising:


Shared folder link but you need to register first I believe (pass = gtplanet):


Not sure if I need to add a user to have access or if the link is enough, so long as you have an account.

It's also 5GB's to start and allows members to have read only and read/write privs to the share. zer0, I would be interested in working something out with you if you like, unless you already have a solution in mind.
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That can be done with Dropbox. You can invite people to a shared folder, based on email address, which they can then read and write to. This could be simply used as a repository to recieve all replays/screenshots for each division. Then in the SNAIL public folder, which I think is read only for everyone but the account holder and allows for direct-link downloads, a structure can be set up for demos and photo galleries to view screenshots.

This would of course require knowledge of how to extract and import GT5 replays but there are plenty of tuts available and I get the sense there are numerous people posting in this thread that can explain it relatively easily to those that need help.

edit: I was wrong. I didn't know it was for single files as far as linking. I guess it would have to just be the shared folder and then hope no one accidentally deletes anything.

The way Vol used Dropbox earlier this week was by providing a Dropbox link that instantly downloaded the replay file in question to our computers. I liked that I didn't have to download any software to pull the file. I guess that's the direct-link downloads that you are referring to? However, if we're wanting to build a library or replay files, then I'm assuming we have to create some sort of SNAIL account and then give access to those who are willing to upload the replay files?

The ultimate goal is to have a folder for each race date. Within each dated folder, there would be three sub-folders named Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3. And within each division's folder, there would be six more sub-folders, each one containing the replay files for one of the sixes races that make up our league night. Would something like this be possible?

Actually, this looks promising:


Shared folder link but you need to register first I believe (pass = gtplanet):


Not sure if I need to add a user to have access or if the link is enough, so long as you have an account.

It's also 5GB's to start and allows members to have read only and read/write privs to the share. zer0, I would be interested in working something out with you if you like, unless you already have a solution in mind.

From what I can tell, Dropbox and SugarSync appear to be competing cloud storage services. I didn't see one having a unique advantage over the other. Am I mistaken? The question is, which is better as it pertains with what we are trying to accomplish for S.N.A.I.L.? I signed up for Sugar Sync so that I can access your test folder, but it wouldn't let me do so without installing the software. I don't have a problem with doing that, but I can't do so on the computer I'm using right now. I can try it out later tonight though.

Thoughts? Recommendations?
The way Vol used Dropbox earlier this week was by providing a Dropbox link that instantly downloaded the replay file in question to our computers. I liked that I didn't have to download any software to pull the file. I guess that's the direct-link downloads that you are referring to? However, if we're wanting to build a library or replay files, then I'm assuming we have to create some sort of SNAIL account and then give access to those who are willing to upload the replay files?

The ultimate goal is to have a folder for each race date. Within each dated folder, there would be three sub-folders named Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3. And within each division's folder, there would be six more sub-folders, each one containing the replay files for one of the sixes races that make up our league night. Would something like this be possible?

Yes, but with Dropbox, from what I understand, you cannot limit the rights to shared folders to read-only. I believe you can with SugarSync.

From what I can tell, Dropbox and SugarSync appear to be competing cloud storage services. I didn't see one having a unique advantage over the other. Am I mistaken? The question is, which is better as it pertains with what we are trying to accomplish for S.N.A.I.L.? I signed up for Sugar Sync so that I can access your test folder, but it wouldn't let me do so without installing the software. I don't have a problem with doing that, but I can't do so on the computer I'm using right now. I can try it out later tonight though.

Thoughts? Recommendations?

I have not installed any software and am actually opposed to doing so. I use my Dropbox account strictly over the web and will do the same with SugarSync. Let me set some things up and I'll PM some info to you.

The plan is to make this client-less, which I think is possible with both services. Dropbox doesn't allow the amount of administration you're looking for though I think.
edit: I was wrong. I didn't know it was for single files as far as linking. I guess it would have to just be the shared folder and then hope no one accidentally deletes anything.
This isn't an issue if the person uploading the replays is able to compress the folder containing the replay date into either .zip or .rar. I like .zip better since every computer can open it, were with .rar you will need to download winrar to extract it.
Handlebar man beat me to the punch on my color,which i have been running but that is my fault for being slow to respond.The number for me is #4 as for the color i will wait till next week because i can not race this week due to the ama races at road atlanta.

Just a reminder, Tutoring will start at 10pm Eastern. I'm going to cover the new tracks first then do DFR. I'm planning to spend an hour for the new tracks because there is a lot of information to cover. Try to be on time as there is a LOT of ground to cover.

See you on the track!!
I have not installed any software and am actually opposed to doing so.

I haven't installed anything for SugarSync, and it worked just fine. I have no preference to DropBox or SugarSync. Either one you want to go with is fine with me, I just hate big attachments on email. That isn't what email was designed for. Email is not a collaboration tool.
Just a reminder, Tutoring will start at 10pm Eastern. I'm going to cover the new tracks first then do DFR. I'm planning to spend an hour for the new tracks because there is a lot of information to cover. Try to be on time as there is a LOT of ground to cover.

See you on the track!!

I have scouts on fri/sat as the Armorer, Father/Daughter dance on Sat eve, then back to the now oh-so-smelly boyz on Sun am. I intend to be there Sunday, and I still wish I was skilled as y'all are.
I have scouts on fri/sat as the Armorer, Father/Daughter dance on Sat eve, then back to the now oh-so-smelly boyz on Sun am. I intend to be there Sunday, and I still wish I was skilled as y'all are.

:boggled: What are you talking about? Tonight is Thursday.
:boggled: What are you talking about? Tonight is Thursday.

And I'll be prepared for letting unmoderated and unmedicated pre-teens next to firearms without parental supervision (that's on me...) on Friday shortly after I go to work at 6:45 am by....

Sharkie, I am sorry - that was my circuitous way of saying "I wanna be there but I'm busy" - mea culpa.

My RL doth intrude. To quote my (animated) model. "Doooh!"
Damnit. :grumpy:

Got called in to work early tomorrow morning. Won't be able to host. :(

Sorry for the short notice, but static schedules aren't exactly the military way.
Nothing static?

So much fer attention, suh....

Yah mean we cain't jus' stan' 'round and blame t'other guy?


Have a great weekend, y'all. Back fer more Abus... Learning! ... Next Sunday.
Sorry I haven't been around for a few days, but seeing that were picking numbers for the Silvia RM could I have #17 if that is still available?
Ill be along shortly. Getting kiddo to bed. I'll host but I'm betting someone is already in there.
Are we going to be short of people for dirty thursday? Unheard of.

Four in right now. A couple more and we could have ourselves some fun. ;)
Yes, but with Dropbox, from what I understand, you cannot limit the rights to shared folders to read-only. I believe you can with SugarSync.

That would be a significant differentiator if true. Wouldn't want anyone to accidentally delete months worth of replays! :crazy: However, it seems inconceivable that a service like this wouldn't have a safety-guard against that happening. Why would anyone ever share folders if someone can just go in and edit or delete all of the content? Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?

I have not installed any software and am actually opposed to doing so. I use my Dropbox account strictly over the web and will do the same with SugarSync. Let me set some things up and I'll PM some info to you.

The plan is to make this client-less, which I think is possible with both services. Dropbox doesn't allow the amount of administration you're looking for though I think.

Okay, I admit that I don't want to install software, but I was willing to if necessary. :sly: If we can make this work without requiring that, all the better!

I haven't installed anything for SugarSync, and it worked just fine. I have no preference to DropBox or SugarSync. Either one you want to go with is fine with me, I just hate big attachments on email. That isn't what email was designed for. Email is not a collaboration tool.

Were you able to access Esh's test folder on SugarSync? When I signed up and tried to open it, I got a message saying "To sync test to your computer, first install SugarSync". Below that message is a link to "Download SugarSync"..
The SugarSync application is not compatible with my computer (PowerPC Mac). If the application is necessary to upload or download files, I will not be able to use it. If it can all be done through the web, however, things should work fine.

The DropBox application, on the other hand, does run on this antiquated old box.
I have mulled over this quite a bit since the topic came up. I truly believe that an old school FTP server would work well for this application. The only "software" that needs to be ran by all wanting to participate would be a simple FTP interface (I.E. FireFTP or other FTP client) Pretty safe and secure for all systems. The only downside would be that someone would have to have the savvy and space to set up a private FTP site. I have to believe that there is someone in the SNAIL community with both those requirements. (Maybe in the future, I could have the resources to build a dedicated server) I understand that we need to do what we have to right now to fill that void.
I have to say, at this point, you SNAIL organizers and members are exceptionally organized and I am very impressed. From what I have seen so far, the natural progression leads to a private FTP type server for a more focused race stewardship and the sharing of everything from race day to awesome pictures of weekly dogfights. I will do what I can on my side to contribute where I can.
I guess the reason I am so passionate about the FTP sever setup is that for the past few years I have been using this type setup for my music projects and it really seems to work well for data storage and access for a large number of people without a big hassle for users or administrators. Just my nickle on the subject and hope it all works out for all of us!

Were you able to access Esh's test folder on SugarSync? When I signed up and tried to open it, I got a message saying "To sync test to your computer, first install SugarSync". Below that message is a link to "Download SugarSync"..

I think below that was the link to proceed without downloading anything. I don't know, cause now I don't see the big Download SugarSync banner anymore. It takes me straight to the web page with the files that I can download, just like in DropBox.

Now, if I want to have it sync on its own, then yes, I'd need to install the client.

I have mulled over this quite a bit since the topic came up. I truly believe that an old school FTP server would work well for this application.

It would work well, and in theory, I even have a space (garris.us), but it would require work in setting it up and maintaining it. Blah... I like the new cloud-based FTP solutions such as DropBox and SugarSync better.
That would be a significant differentiator if true. Wouldn't want anyone to accidentally delete months worth of replays! :crazy: However, it seems inconceivable that a service like this wouldn't have a safety-guard against that happening. Why would anyone ever share folders if someone can just go in and edit or delete all of the content? Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?

Nope, that's what I want to avoid. The way it would work for uploading replays though, people would have to have these rights so some files could be overwritten but that isn't the worst because whoever is uploading should hold onto their replay for the week anyway. And once files are uploaded they can be moved to the read-only directory or another non-shared folder altogether. And as far as deletion, it is like most web-based mail services in that what you delete is moved to a Deleted Files folder until you, the account owner, permanently delete it.

Okay, I admit that I don't want to install software, but I was willing to if necessary. :sly: If we can make this work without requiring that, all the better!
The only reason I mention that is because I have 2 laptops and a desktop for work and then another personal desktop and laptop at home, all of which I use regularly. It would make things easy for some that use only 1 system though but I just don't find it practical for my use as I don't want to combine work and personal documents.

And for those that do install, there is an option, which I suggest, to put the shares in a section of the site called Web Archive, which prevents files from being sync'd automatically. The upload folder could be placed outside of the Archive (where files normally are) for ease of use for those that do want to use the application. You also won't need to worry about it taking up too much space on your local computers or account because that directory will be cleared after every week.

Were you able to access Esh's test folder on SugarSync? When I signed up and tried to open it, I got a message saying "To sync test to your computer, first install SugarSync". Below that message is a link to "Download SugarSync"..
Only downside I've seen is that it's not obvious how to bypass warnings like that but in the lower right-hand corner of the pop-up you should see something about accessing the share by going to My Files > Shared Folders or something similar. You are also nagged when you log in to install their application if you haven't already.

I have sent an invite to both you and garris to join a new share that's structured how you requested (DATE > DIV > RACE #). You are allowed to download the DATE folder as a .zip which keeps the rest of the directory structure so no need to download individual replays.

( https://www.sugarsync.com/share/efj8crvr7coom )

I have also shared another folder with a password of sn@ilupload.

( https://www.sugarsync.com/share/cyipiqxqmf9nn )

This is where we would need to come up with a naming structure for the .zip files to be uploaded. Something like:


with each race replay being in its own folder named:

[PSN-name]-(GTPlanet-name)-[DATE]-[DIV #]-[RACE#]

and the untouched replay inside.

I wish there was some kind of scripting capability to move files after upload, which would be an advantage of FTP, but it shouldn't be that big of a deal to do it manually. FTP would also require hosting, a client, and some knowledge of the protocol for users.
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One other thing, I ran into an issue on OS X 10.6 in both Firefox 11 and Safari where I was not able to share a folder. Not sure if the rest of the site functions as expected under that platform as I switched to Windows after setting up a support ticket with SugarSync.
I have to say that last nights tutoring was excellent:tup:but only three people showed up:confused:. There's a reason why sharkie and mopar are on the podium in D1 consistantly and getting tutoring from them, believe me, will make you better racers. They're giving their time to help so lets show them some love and make it a better turn out next week. They don't bite! Hard:lol:

Also, as Saturday night approaches, remember the BMW GTR endurance race at Daytona Road Course at 7pm PST. This is a fun and demanding challenge for all skill levels. So lets make this a full room and come out and have some fun:)
Don't feel too bad. There weren't many in the Dirty Thursday room, either. So few, in fact, that we couldn't run any cat and mouse or roller derby of any kind. We ended up running a few spot races, instead, which turned out to be good fun.