◆ SNAIL [Spec] Racing - Join now to win a Digit Racing EDGE Masterclass enrollment!!Open 

  • Thread starter zer05ive
Also wanted to bring up the draft settings. While I do really really like the "real" draft setting. I can see it being a major issue with sprint style racing. The real draft leads to passes that are made by out braking and driving harder. This type of passing often results into breaking the rules.

The weak setting allows for racers to be more patient and get their passes cleanly done on straights.

This really needs discussed and while "real" is awesome. Look at the big picture. "Weak" is the "normal" we are used too and basis of all rules and driving standards.

I am ok with either myself. Stamina will run "real" as it's an endurance race.
I want to be the first to apologize for the amuse s2000. It was not my first choice
But I had forgotten about the 50, 000 cr cap. My initial choice was the amuse gti turbo. Which is a much better handling car. My apologies. I will be the first one to vote it away.

Lol this is the best combo :gtpflag: 2:29.450 is my Pb
Hey i just found out about snail ive always been into drifting and never cared about racing but drifting got really old with no core value keeing me in it so im racing now and i would like to join and learn
Thanks for your interest!

We would love to have you in the league. Here's what you need to know and do in order to join:

We run a clean league by enforcing a strict penalty system based on the S.N.A.I.L. OLR (which is a modified version of the GTP OLR). We also expect all of our drivers to know and follow The Good Racecraft Guide.
Please become versed in both if you aren't already. Once that is complete, please follow the steps below to complete your entry into the league:

1. You take the S.N.A.I.L. OLR and Racecraft Test

2. You run the Time Trial and submit your information.

3. @kcheeb PM's you with your assigned Division that we feel will give you the closest competition. kcheeb will add you to the drivers list.

4. The Race Director or Primary Host from the corresponding SNAIL Division will send you a PSN friend request. Sunday night you will need to sort the online lobbies by friends and join the lobby named 'snailracing.org Division_1, 2, 3, 4 or 5' based off your placement from kcheeb. That lobby will be where you race Sunday

5. You drive fast and clean on Sunday 👍

The original post has everything you need to know about what to expect on Sunday night and what you will need to have completed in order to be competitive. If you have any questions, please feel free to post your question on the thread.

If you have a preference for car/wheel colour and racing number, please follow the instruction contained here.
To avoid duplication, the currently claimed combinations can be found here.

During the week we run a number of different events, we encourage all SNAILs to join as many as possible.

Welcome to S.N.A.I.L. :cheers:
Lol this is the best combo :gtpflag: 2:29.450 is my Pb

Surprisingly, I did very good with the Amuse.. I've never like the S2000 much, but it really teaches you patience!
However, passing at Mt. Panorama is only at the bottom of the track; trying to pass at the higher altitudes is almost impossible.

I was hoping for a bigger turn out, but lagging made its debut right on the 1st race and it is a fun killer. However on the bright side, we got quite a few NON Snails to race with us including the drifter Euro and a few others.

I am hoping that I get confirmations early enough for Blue and Red Hosts for next week who can host next Thursday... I don't mind hosting but cannot really direct as the FAM is sleeping and the Captain mandates Shhhhh!

I am 50/50 for Sunday as we are receiving some relatives over the weekend. Long live snail!

As I said in the practice room, I picked the WRONG week to switch to a wheel :lol:

I was wondering if it was the same Race Fan on the track.. LOL
Surprisingly, I did very good with the Amuse.. I've never like the S2000 much, but it really teaches you patience!
However, passing at Mt. Panorama is only at the bottom of the track; trying to pass at the higher altitudes is almost impossible.

I was hoping for a bigger turn out, but lagging made its debut right on the 1st race and it is a fun killer. However on the bright side, we got quite a few NON Snails to race with us including the drifter Euro and a few others.

I am hoping that I get confirmations early enough for Blue and Red Hosts for next week who can host next Thursday... I don't mind hosting but cannot really direct as the FAM is sleeping and the Captain mandates Shhhhh!

I am 50/50 for Sunday as we are receiving some relatives over the weekend. Long live snail!

I was wondering if it was the same Race Fan on the track.. LOL

I dont mind hosting a room for next week.
Also wanted to bring up the draft settings. While I do really really like the "real" draft setting. I can see it being a major issue with sprint style racing. The real draft leads to passes that are made by out braking and driving harder. This type of passing often results into breaking the rules.

The weak setting allows for racers to be more patient and get their passes cleanly done on straights.

This really needs discussed and while "real" is awesome. Look at the big picture. "Weak" is the "normal" we are used too and basis of all rules and driving standards.

I am ok with either myself. Stamina will run "real" as it's an endurance race.
So are you saying that "Real" is weaker than "Weak"?
So are you saying that "Real" is weaker than "Weak"?
Goat and I did a test, here is our findings...

Ok, Goat and I have finished our research and have found the following. Compared to weak, real is awesome. And that is some real science.
In seriousness, real is actually weaker than weak, but feels more correct. "Real" if you will. with weak, once you hit the draft, you were pretty much at full acceleration. Meaning that you accelerate at the same rate regardless of position in the draft. With the real setting on, the draft was more progressive, the closer you got, the more pronounced the effect. Goat believes the draft actually starts further back, but the effects are far weaker from start to end than that of the weak setting. Also the "beam" or outer edges of the draft were narrower when set to real, and the further out of the center of the draft you moved, the more the effect of the draft faded. We both agree, it's much improved over weak.

I personally like the real setting better. I don't have real experience in a draft, but I do know some physics, and this acts like I would imagine. I also kinda disagree with Owens. I see your point buddy. But, I think you you less likely to dive bomb with real settings on. with weak, you get pretty much a static force, so people that are back at the tail end of a draft will feel the full effect almost from the get go, this means they will be able to gather more speed by the end of the straight. More speed means people are more likely to over cook the braking point. How many times has someone said "oh crap, sorry, the draft got me." Whether on real or weak, a drivers patience will be the same. At least on real, people will be less likely to get that long run on the straight and take out the outside wall on the next corner. However, I have been far to debatative lately, so I'll just leave it at that.

BTW, anyone around to play a game?
Guess not, so without further ado...
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SNAIL Funday Fridays!!!

Come one, come all to the greatest games on wheels! We’ve got spills, we got chills, we got bone shattering thrills!!!!! Grab up the family, get the neighbors, and don’t forget the dog, then hurry on down to the Funday Fridays lobby for crazy four wheel action!!
Tonight’s event will be the always popular Cat & SNAIL. Here’s how it works; we will need 6 or more racers, while we wait for that count, we will do some short, cheap car derbies. When we get 6 racers, we will then run a 1 lap dirty sprint race. This will be to determine teams. Odds vs evens. More teams can be added if we get more participants (3 teams of 3 is AWESOME!). The object of the game is to be the team with your SNAIL across the finish line first.
How it works: Once teams have been decided, each team will need to pick a driver to be the SNAIL, the other 2 members of the team will be the cats. The SNAIL will be in a car around 330 pp, and the cats will be around 475. The Job of the SNAIL is to get to the finish line first. The cats are responsible for getting the SNAIL there! The cat can either protect and push their teams SNAIL, or go on the attack and try to take out the other teams SNAIL. No move is to dirty here folks. Smash, bash and destroy your competition. Just don’t forget, you’re on a team, and need to be sure your SNAIL is getting to the finish.
With all this action, be sure to join us tonight 9PM EST. Room opens at approximately 8:30. This is a friend’s only room event, so if you want to participate, please be sure to send a friend request my way. The more people we can get, the better the action will be, and trust me, the game is not leave you wanting or disappointed.

(Can friends of friends join if they aren’t on my friends list?)
I really like the ""real"" setting. it keeps the pack from bombarding the leader 3 or 4 or 5 wide at the end of a strait. The leader is no longer a sitting duck. With the "weak" setting you could be 2nd or 3rd and have a free ride to the lead. If you don't have to work for it what is the point. My opinion "real" is the only way to go.
Since we're kinda on the topic, has anyone else tried the new Redbull Jr. race? The drafting seemed completely messed up - as in nonexistent. I found that off the line everyone would accelerate at the same rate, but on a straight if I was directly behind somebody who had open air in front, I wouldn't make any gains at all! Just as a test, we were doing 200mph plus at one point, and I would swerve into and out of the AI's draft with absolutely no effect. To make matters worse, it seems like they could draft off of me...they would always gain on me in the straights, even if I had better exit speed initially. Anybody else see this? (Not that it mattered too much in completing the races- for some reason they made the AI horribly slow through a few of the corners in each race, making the races fairly easy to win).
I'm not sure about the rest of you, and the more experienced real world racers please chime in here if my view is in error, but I've always found a pass on exit and under acceleration as far less risky than one done under braking to corner entry. A weaker (real) draft effect will make it much harder to gain a position under braking since the differences in speed after using it will not be as great. This will make passing under braking even tougher as you won't be able to get a huge run on someone going down the straight. A huge run will come with setting up the turn entry better and getting a better run on the way out.
I want to be the first to apologize for the amuse s2000. It was not my first choice
But I had forgotten about the 50, 000 cr cap. My initial choice was the amuse gti turbo. Which is a much better handling car. My apologies. I will be the first one to vote it away.
It was really challenging to drive fast (for me anyway) but it honestly was not unmanageable IMO.
SNAIL Funday Fridays!!!

Come one, come all to the greatest games on wheels! We’ve got spills, we got chills, we got bone shattering thrills!!!!! Grab up the family, get the neighbors, and don’t forget the dog, then hurry on down to the Funday Fridays lobby for crazy four wheel action!!
Tonight’s event will be the always popular Cat & SNAIL. Here’s how it works; we will need 6 or more racers, while we wait for that count, we will do some short, cheap car derbies. When we get 6 racers, we will then run a 1 lap dirty sprint race. This will be to determine teams. Odds vs evens. More teams can be added if we get more participants (3 teams of 3 is AWESOME!). The object of the game is to be the team with your SNAIL across the finish line first.
How it works: Once teams have been decided, each team will need to pick a driver to be the SNAIL, the other 2 members of the team will be the cats. The SNAIL will be in a car around 330 pp, and the cats will be around 475. The Job of the SNAIL is to get to the finish line first. The cats are responsible for getting the SNAIL there! The cat can either protect and push their teams SNAIL, or go on the attack and try to take out the other teams SNAIL. No move is to dirty here folks. Smash, bash and destroy your competition. Just don’t forget, you’re on a team, and need to be sure your SNAIL is getting to the finish.
With all this action, be sure to join us tonight 9PM EST. Room opens at approximately 8:30. This is a friend’s only room event, so if you want to participate, please be sure to send a friend request my way. The more people we can get, the better the action will be, and trust me, the game is not leave you wanting or disappointed.

(Can friends of friends join if they aren’t on my friends list?)
This sounds fun/interesting...
Also, to whoever updates the results sheets, I'm not sure if the results sheet has been finalized but I thought that in D3 Round 2 Race 1 last Sunday I finished 2nd, not 4th, and in Round 2 Race 2 I finished 7th, not 2nd. I'll have to check my replays to verify but I am pretty sure that's what my replays show.

Edit: on further examination, either my replays are all messed up or the results sheet isn't right... for the night I believe I had 3x first, 1x second, 1x third, and 1x seventh finishes. But if the changes above were made then it would not match up either. Are my results in my replays just wrong???
Last night I opened a room to get a few laps in before Practice started at 9:30 .......... and around 9 to 9:15 folks just started showing up. It sort of evolved into a Practice Room without a formal statement on the thread.
So there was no intent to forego posting the room number on the thread. Hope no one missed practice because of not seeing a room number.
Last night I opened a room to get a few laps in before Practice started at 9:30 .......... and around 9 to 9:15 folks just started showing up. It sort of evolved into a Practice Room without a formal statement on the thread.
So there was no intent to forego posting the room number on the thread. Hope no one missed practice because of not seeing a room number.
I actually thought it was the real practice room... I signed in and saw your room so I joined. Then I saw the room number posted here but just figured that 2 rooms were open due to interest. It was a lot of fun though, especially when we switched to Panorama with the X2014 Junior! By the way, I forgot to tell you, but you were kind of lagging/jumping all over the place in the last couple of races at Suzuka.
I'm not sure about the rest of you, and the more experienced real world racers please chime in here if my view is in error, but I've always found a pass on exit and under acceleration as far less risky than one done under braking to corner entry. A weaker (real) draft effect will make it much harder to gain a position under braking since the differences in speed after using it will not be as great. This will make passing under braking even tougher as you won't be able to get a huge run on someone going down the straight. A huge run will come with setting up the turn entry better and getting a better run on the way out.
Would you rather have 1 car trying to out break you or 3. The real draft setting keeps the 3 or 4 car cluster for the lead from happening.
Since we're kinda on the topic, has anyone else tried the new Redbull Jr. race? The drafting seemed completely messed up - as in nonexistent. I found that off the line everyone would accelerate at the same rate, but on a straight if I was directly behind somebody who had open air in front, I wouldn't make any gains at all! Just as a test, we were doing 200mph plus at one point, and I would swerve into and out of the AI's draft with absolutely no effect. To make matters worse, it seems like they could draft off of me...they would always gain on me in the straights, even if I had better exit speed initially. Anybody else see this? (Not that it mattered too much in completing the races- for some reason they made the AI horribly slow through a few of the corners in each race, making the races fairly easy to win).

Complaining about GT's AI is a bit of a hobby of mine, so I've given this some thought. The short version of it is that the AI cars aren't restrained by the same performance characteristics as we are. Sometimes they accelerate out of corners faster than is possible in the car they're driving. This was the case in GT5, too, but for some reason, PD decided to make the AI in GT6 perform completely differently depending on how the human driver is performing, which really highlighted this quirk.

It is more than just slowing down to let you win in the last lap or two. Right after you pass an AI car (or, if he's the leader, sometimes for the rest of the race), he can manage to accelerate significantly faster than is at all realistic in the car he's driving. I don't think the draft really has anything to do with it. It just seems that way because the AI car is charging up behind you at a much faster speed than they were going before you passed them, but I've seen them do it when I'm too far ahead for the draft to have effect -- at Nurburgring for example. I can gain 3 seconds in a twisty area in a much faster car, and as soon as there's a high-speed section, the AI car comes flying up behind me like he's got JATOs mounted to his roof. If I pass him (and 2nd place, who is driving neck-and-neck with him) near the beginning of the last lap, he's 40 seconds ahead of 3rd place by the end.

If this is a draft effect, it's completely bonkers, because it works even if the AI car is 3-5 seconds behind, around a corner and nowhere near the line I took (and for some reason, it only effects the first AI behind you). I've been keeping my mouth shut about it because there are so many things I like about GT6, but I find it hard to imagine that PD could have made the AI worse if they'd tried. It's almost as if they're intentionally training GT6 players to drive like complete 🤬 by making careful, deliberate passes guarantee losing while rewarding dive-bombs and blocking, since that's the only way to win some of the races in an appropriate car. It's no surprise to me then, that the online experience is full of dirty drivers. They all just finished a training program (A-spec) that rewarded d-baggery and punished good racecraft.

I'll step down off my soapbox now :)
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A weaker (real) draft effect will make it much harder to gain a position under braking since the differences in speed after using it will not be as great. This will make passing under braking even tougher as you won't be able to get a huge run on someone going down the straight. A huge run will come with setting up the turn entry better and getting a better run on the way out.

100% correct IMHO. I think the real draft setting would increase safety and reduce dive-bombs. Especially in spec racing with ABS allowed, you're just not going to be able to out-brake someone very easily. Might take a bit for some to adjust, but I think everyone will learn to pass well with it on. I would anticipate more over-under type moves where the passer takes the optimal outside entry of the turn away from the car ahead, brakes a little earlier, and tucks in under the other car on the exit. You see this a lot in real racing when the lead car takes a defensive line to prevent an inside out-braking maneuver.

Inside moves should be a little safer too with a reduction in closing speeds and less braking point overshoots as has been mentioned.
SNAIL Funday Fridays!!!

Come one, come all to the greatest games on wheels! We’ve got spills, we got chills, we got bone shattering thrills!!!!! Grab up the family, get the neighbors, and don’t forget the dog, then hurry on down to the Funday Fridays lobby for crazy four wheel action!!
Tonight’s event will be the always popular Cat & SNAIL. Here’s how it works; we will need 6 or more racers, while we wait for that count, we will do some short, cheap car derbies. When we get 6 racers, we will then run a 1 lap dirty sprint race. This will be to determine teams. Odds vs evens. More teams can be added if we get more participants (3 teams of 3 is AWESOME!). The object of the game is to be the team with your SNAIL across the finish line first.
How it works: Once teams have been decided, each team will need to pick a driver to be the SNAIL, the other 2 members of the team will be the cats. The SNAIL will be in a car around 330 pp, and the cats will be around 475. The Job of the SNAIL is to get to the finish line first. The cats are responsible for getting the SNAIL there! The cat can either protect and push their teams SNAIL, or go on the attack and try to take out the other teams SNAIL. No move is to dirty here folks. Smash, bash and destroy your competition. Just don’t forget, you’re on a team, and need to be sure your SNAIL is getting to the finish.
With all this action, be sure to join us tonight 9PM EST. Room opens at approximately 8:30. This is a friend’s only room event, so if you want to participate, please be sure to send a friend request my way. The more people we can get, the better the action will be, and trust me, the game is not leave you wanting or disappointed.

(Can friends of friends join if they aren’t on my friends list?)

I want... Will it be tuning allowed or prohibited? Also, what time?
I want... Will it be tuning allowed or prohibited? Also, what time?
No tuning. No need for tuning. Its a smash and bash event, and since the target snail car is far, far slower than the cat car... I liked the way we used to run it. Where a PP cap was set, all the snail cars would get on, then the PP was raised and the cats got on the track. it was neat having the variety and trying to find a snail that was both stout enough to take a beating, yet quick enough to get down the track too. same with cats. Finding one heavy enough to plow a car off the road, yet fast enough to track down any snail that got away with a quickness. back then we ran 336 pp for snail cars and 450 or 500pp for cats.
I'll be on early to do to some research into what and how we can run the event. Haven't set up off the recommended list or anything, nor do I think everyone has a large amount of cars yet either.
I guess Ill ask
ANyone wanting to take place tonight, do you have car around 330, 340 pp, and a car close to 500?
I would prefer to let everyone pick a car from their own garage, but if someone can't then we will probably pull cars from the recommended list.