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  • Thread starter zer05ive
January 12, 2014 lineup
banners by @jobyone

Amuse Nismo 380 RS Superlegara
(399HP / PP 510) (Sports Soft tires)
at Suzuka Circuit (5 laps)


photo by @Dragonwhisky

Nissan GT-R Black Edition '12
(569HP / PP 553) (Sports Sports tires)
at Deep Forest Raceway / Reverse (8 laps)

photo by ???

Light Car Company Rocket
(174HP / PP 563) (Sports Soft tires)
at Brands Hatch Grand Prix (7 laps)

photo by ???
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People are welcome to pick the car and tracks they want.

However I also have the right to tell you that one flat sucks.

The GTR is garbage. So much that it puts people in a bad mood. Thanks for testing the combo. NOT

Im not sure what's the story however GT6 has done nothing but frustrate me. I've left the practice room and now moving my iRacing rig into place. Prob a farewell. We shall see how it goes. Maybe I'm just done sim racing for a while. I know I'm done with GT6 till triple support comes that's for sure.
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OK my OFFICIAL official choice for Price B is:

Replacing the Subaru s206 with the Nissan GT-R Black Edition '12

A lot less understeer than the Subaru and something besides FR drivetrain
I suggest the rocket at brands hatch since it seemed really popular when fastfox picked it but the credit limit wasn't high enough.
Thanks for making your Prize B selection and congrats on suggesting the winning Prize A combo! The January 12th lineup has been posted! :gtpflag:

@zer05ive The laps for the Nissan GT-R Black Edition '12 @ Deep Forrest Reverse should be 8.
Combo 1: Amuse Super Leggera @suzuka
Combo 2: Nissan GTR Black edition @ Deep forrest reverse
Combo 3: Light car company rocket @ Brands hatch grand prix.
Combo 1:
Amuse Super Leggera
- Suzuka (5 laps)

Combo 2:
Nissan GTR Black edition
-Deep forrest reverse (8 laps)

Combo 3:
Light car company rocket
-Brands hatch Grand Prix (7 laps)
Thanks for the summaries, guys! Does anyone have the HP/PP of the new cars?
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As of this post, here is the current list of the ButtKicker 4D Sports Challenge picks . If you are a finalist for this contest, please post on this thread that you agree to the terms and conditions of the contest and that you are ready to make your picks. Once @fastfox400 replies to your post, click the 'Reply' button below and then add your name next to any numbers that are still available. Be sure that you don't make more picks than the number of picks you have earned. Once you're done making your picks, you need to delete the text above the ButtKicker logo (it looks like this: [qu0te="username, post: 1234567, member: 123456"]). After you've deleted that, hit the 'Post Reply' button down below. Please be sure that you are replying to the latest list before making your picks. Good luck!

00 - Dragonwhisky
01 - Hooker4
02 - chatva
03 - dabneyd
04 - Skills_19657
05 - Dragonwhisky
06 - Racingchamp30
07 - TEX
08 - dabneyd
09 - Dragonwhisky
10 - Hooker4
11 - TEX
12 - Hooker4
13 - Dragonwhisky
14 - chatva
15 - Dgaf
16 - cmbeal317
17 - Dgaf
18 - Hooker4
19 - JLBowler
20 - cmbeal317
21 - intoflatlines
22 -
23 -
24 -
25 -
26 -
27 - cmbeal317
28 -
29 -
30 - Racingchamp30
31 -
32 - dabneyd
33 - Hooker4
34 -
35 - Hooker4
36 - TEX
37 - cmbeal317
38 -
39 - chatva
40 -
41 - Skills_19657
42 - ExoSphere64
43 -
44 - dabneyd
45 - Handlebar
46 - Hooker4
47 -
48 -
49 - Dragonwhisky
50 - JLBowler
51 -
52 -
53 -
54 -
55 - Racingchamp30
56 -
57 -
58 - chatva
59 -
60 - dabneyd
61 -
62 -
63 -
64 - ExoSphere64
65 -
66 - Handlebar
67 - Dragonwhisky
68 -
69 - chatva
70 -
71 -
72 - cmbeal317
73 -
74 - Skills_19657
75 - Dgaf
76 - intoflatlines
77 - chatva
78 - Skills_19657
79 - TEX
80 - Dgaf
81 -
82 - ExoSphere64
83 - cmbeal317
84 -
85 - Dgaf
86 - intoflatlines
87 - chatva
88 - dabneyd
89 - TEX
90 - dabneyd
91 - JLBowler
92 - Skills_19657
93 - cmbeal317
94 -
95 - Dgaf
96 -
97 -
98 - Dgaf
99 - Skills_19657[/quote]
Since we are sharing our speeds. This is from San Fran to NJ. The only difference when I tested locally is my ping was 18

This may explain why I can host rooms wirelessly without to many issues (at least as far as I can tell)
Dragon I was in the 1:18s in the gtr and 1:31s in the rocket. Both felt like I could find more time by I'd say that's what I was running on a regular basis.
Thanks for tonight guys, enjoyed it. Although I'm still unsure about signing up, is sporadic entry frowned upon. Its just that I can't commit to every Sunday, but would be able to do some races throughout the week as well :)
You're welcome to race with us anytime! Click here for our full schedule of events through the week. :)
Lets get me some images guys:)
Remember guys, all you have to do is post photos of any new car that have been added to the lineup and you can earn $hells for doing so. $hells are our league currency that you can used like money to buy cool SNAIL SWAG. To learn how this works, just click on the Marketplace link in my sig. To earn $hells after you've posted photos for the lineup, just click on the "earn $hells" link in my sig. Remember, @jobyone doesn't have to actually use your photo for you to be able to earn $hells. You just have to post them so that he has the option of using them. :)
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It was fun racing you, very clean and respectful. Definitely D1 material.

Thanks I always try to race clean, was good racing you, apologies again for deep forest haha Edit: Which division are you in? Pace was very similar to mine, so just curious? :)

Awesome! Which events do you want to race in? Also, what time zone are you in? Or are you in England as your GTP flag might suggest?

Yeah I'm on GMT at the moment so will be 2am start for me (I think). I haven't decided which events yet, once I get my timetable for this semester I'll be able to say.

Unfortunately I've got exams all next week, but after that, I'll run the qualifying time trial and get myself up and running on here. Looking forwards to it!
I practiced with some snails tonight and would like to join the fun. I'm in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. Interested in all three events.

9pm slot strongly preferred.

PSN: LuckyFellaJr
GTPlanet: RunN1st
Real name: Manny
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Thanks I always try to race clean, was good racing you, apologies again for deep forest haha Edit: Which division are you in? Pace was very similar to mine, so just curious? :)

Yeah I'm on GMT at the moment so will be 2am start for me (I think). I haven't decided which events yet, once I get my timetable for this semester I'll be able to say.

Unfortunately I've got exams all next week, but after that, I'll run the qualifying time trial and get myself up and running on here. Looking forwards to it!
I practiced with some snails tonight and would like to join the fun. I'm in the Pacific Standard Time Zone. Interested in all three events.

PSN: LuckyFellaJr
GTPlanet: RunN1st
Real name: Manny

Skills will be along sometime tomorrow to give you guys details on what needs to be done to join.