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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Speaking form experience here. Tokyo makes for crappy racing in either direction. It's too narrow and there just aren't enough passing opportunities.
Are you ever happy with anything bowler? Nothing anyone says or does on here pleases you. Just my opinion.
The Junior sounds amazing, yes. But it's a fake car with fake driving characteristics, completely unrealistic. I get it, in the end we're still playing a video game. But if I wanted to drive a car (in a video game) where all you do is mash the throttle and point the steering wheel with essentially unlimited grip and reverse thrusters for brakes, I'd play Need For Speed or something. Just my opinion, of course :)

I've got your point. I've sold all my RB spaceships. Just got a new one to race on sunday. 200.000 coins :yuck:

I hope I can sell this one for good. :mischievous:
The Junior sounds amazing, yes. But it's a fake car with fake driving characteristics, completely unrealistic. I get it, in the end we're still playing a video game. But if I wanted to drive a car (in a video game) where all you do is mash the throttle and point the steering wheel with essentially unlimited grip and reverse thrusters for brakes, I'd play Need For Speed or something. Just my opinion, of course :)

Damn it man! Counter countered! :D
That's a far deeper question than you realize I think.
It will basically come down to how the game is programed. If they perfectly render motion blur, you could get away with as low as 18 fps (pre hd movies were here). Since that's simply not possible yet, games tend to shoot for the 60fps mark, so when your hardware can't keep up, you can't tell.

It has been shown that the eye can recognize the existence of 1/300th of a second blink of light, so if they have absolutely no motion blur programmed in (highly unlikely) it would take up to 300 fps to remove the flicker.

So I guess yeah I consider 60 fps to be the relevance cap, but again it all comes down to the motion blur being able to trick your eye into not realizing those are still frames going fast. I've not played Iracing, so you'll have to make your own judgement on the quality of their motion blur.
This can explain it all much better than I.

You give me no credit ;)

I knew there was a whole bunch of studies around this topic, just didn't know what the numbers were. Will peruse the article tomorrow, thanks!

As to heat, my PC is in the basement, very cool down there and I have never had anything but cool air come out of the case. There's some serious fan power in there and the case is not cramped making for good airflow. But point taken, I'll play around with it and see if I can notice any difference.

I'm probably not the best one to comment on this as I've never had problems noticing dropped framerate in GT5 or 6 :lol:
The Junior sounds amazing, yes. But it's a fake car with fake driving characteristics, completely unrealistic. I get it, in the end we're still playing a video game. But if I wanted to drive a car (in a video game) where all you do is mash the throttle and point the steering wheel with essentially unlimited grip and reverse thrusters for brakes, I'd play Need For Speed or something. Just my opinion, of course :)

So much downforce, I wonder if it would be any different on sports soft tires...
Are you ever happy with anything bowler? Nothing anyone says or does on here pleases you. Just my opinion.

For the record, I liked all three combos this week. I ended up voting for my least favorite component of the combos which was Nurburgring.

I like that I haven't felt the need to break out a fish in well over a week. I like beer. I like cigars. I like scotch. There are many other things I like. I just don't feel the need to post about them. I use the like button for that. When I see something I don't like, I make a comment because most of all, I like doing what I like to do.
OK everyone, first thing I have to say is I had a great time in D7 last night. Great job winners and there is some great competition there!

Next thing (and I apologize if I shouldn't have done this and will have it removed) I noticed we are really growing and people are having a hard time finding some things. I borrowed some banners and its still a work in progress yet it is free so there only so much I can do with it right now. Plus I'm using an ancient computer for modern technology.

Anyways I would like to introduce everyone to my little project. Something I enjoy playing around with in my free time and now I'm here to show you all...


If I have to I will remove it but its a little project I was messing around with. Nowhere near what I wanted to make it to be but in my opinion a nice start. Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think. :)
Thanks for putting that together! I'll be working with @dabneyd pretty soon to transform our snailracing.org address to more of a centralized resource for the league. It'll be similar to what @ExoSphere64 laid out in the second to last paragraph of the latest Pit Board and it may possibly be a mix of what you designed and what @OxideKart17 put together here. I really don't know how it will look yet, but I just know that I want it to act as a "hub" for the league, especially with the probability of S.N.A.I.L. expanding into other sim racing games such as iRacing and even Assetto Corsa potentially.

I took a quick look and I saw basically the same thing that our first post is with some links at the top of the page.

Everything we need and use on a day to day basis is linked to in the first or second post of this thread. Is it as well organized as it could be? No, but that could be fixed with an addition to the bottom of the first post with all the links in the same place. Right now, all the information anyone would need to know is one or two clicks away if they just take a moment to look for it in the first two posts. You want to know the current lineup, it's in post 2. You want to read our OLR, it's linked in post 1. You need to see the drivers list, linked in post 1.

It's all there. It could just use a little cleaning up. Maybe I will work on a "frequently used links" post and get it on the top of a page and then we could like to it from post one. I know that would add one click to the process but it's no more involved than heading to another site.
Please keep in mind that the first post isn't really designed to be a resource for existing members so much as it's designed to be a thorough introduction to the league for new or potential members. Of course, that doesn't mean that existing members shouldn't or don't need to have a good resource, but I just wanted to explain why the first post isn't as organized or cleaned up as much as a long-time member might want it to be (without all of the fluff).

^ @zer05ive Ok? Please? Table of contents thingy in the first post? Yes? Yes?
Okay, I've added a link to the bottom of the first post. Let me know if that's what you were hoping for.
For the record, I liked all three combos this week. I ended up voting for my least favorite component of the combos which was Nurburgring.

I like that I haven't felt the need to break out a fish in well over a week. I like beer. I like cigars. I like scotch. There are many other things I like. I just don't feel the need to post about them. I use the like button for that. When I see something I don't like, I make a comment because most of all, I like doing what I like to do.
I read that in Ron Swanson's voice in my head.
Okay, I've added a link to the bottom of the first post. Let me know if that's what you were hoping for.

Not really, but it'll be better than nothing at all. Waddaya want? My first born? Blood? Chocolate? ;) 28 hours in the day? :crazy::dopey::lol::bowdown:
Thanks for checking it out! It was just something I was working on during my days off the last couple of weeks. It seems like a simple site but with the computer I have and whatnot I actually put a lot of time into it. Some hyperlinks I had to remove and reinsert by hand, the drivers list took the longest. Sometimes a page would so up right so I had to redesign it. Overall though I don't think it turned out bad and actually quite enjoyed working on it.

Thanks for putting that together! I'll be working with @dabneyd pretty soon to transform our snailracing.org address to more of a centralized resource for the league. It'll be similar to what @ExoSphere64 laid out in the second to last paragraph of the latest Pit Board and it may possibly be a mix of what you designed and what @OxideKart17 put together here. I really don't know how it will look yet, but I just know that I want it to act as a "hub" for the league, especially with the probability of S.N.A.I.L. expanding into other sim racing games such as iRacing and even Assetto Corsa potentially.

Please keep in mind that the first post isn't really designed to be a resource for existing members so much as it's designed to be a thorough introduction to the league for new or potential members. Of course, that doesn't mean that existing members shouldn't or don't need to have a good resource, but I just wanted to explain why the first post isn't as organized or cleaned up as much as a long-time member might want it to be (without all of the fluff).

Okay, I've added a link to the bottom of the first post. Let me know if that's what you were hoping for.
I will counter Neovre's apparent hate for one of, if not, the best sounding cars in the game. Bring that Junior out for another round or two. I had fun with all 3 combos last night, but that Merc is just a schizoprhenic b:censored:. A whale under braking and an out of control rhino under acceleration. Required either extreme brake balance settings and/or masterful steering and go fast pedal control. It was still fun, but, the others were more fun.

Not sure how many of you know, but the Red Bull Jr. sounded exactly like a spec miata to me. Almost a 100% match lol. You may dig out some spec miata vids on Youtube and see lol. Also I feel like they have dumbed down (slowed down) the steering ratio on the RedBull to make it easier for ppl to drive a full downforce car as the full-blown X2012 and X2013 were a lot more touchy, haven't driven the X2014 on GT6 yet so I can't comment, so those are the reasons why I don't like the car.

Funny enough though I find the Mercedes a very fun car to drive, it does understeer at low speed braking, but the car acts normal at mid to high speed trail braking, it is one of those cars you have to drive off of the rear wheels out of a corner, watch more DTM from the 80's and 90's, the car benefits from higher slip angle at corner exit and you almost feel like you're drifting out of a corner. <---- awesome feeling IMO.

Should make you drive the Mercedes faster after watching this vid lol

^^ Never heard a spec Miata that sounded like a V8... but I agree with everything else :D

My bad, didn't know the RedBull Jr. has a V8, thought it was some boxer engine. But yeah, every time I drive it, it reminds me of those bugger spec miatas lol..
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My bad, didn't know the RedBull Jr. has a V8, thought it was some boxer engine. But yeah, every time I drive it, it reminds me of those bugger spec miatas lol..
I'm not sure if it has a V8 or whatever. I thought someone mentioned it technically "has" an L4 or something. Who knows, it's a fake car :D

It reminds me A LOT of the famous C'était un rendez-vous which was apparently dubbed with the Ferrari 275GTB V12 exhaust sound. Especially those beautifully brutal downshift sounds (a couple at 0:46)..

The junior is not a v8. It's also not a 4 cylinder boxer motor. It's 2000cc of UJM with 4 wheels. Reminds me of an un-corked KZ900 from way, way back in the good old days, when I was neither.
Xrad, Xeno and I tested the new Qualifying appearance tonight. Looks just like the Time Trial Seasonals. Which is very distracting when there are several "Lines & Names" ahead of you. Best answer to that would be to drop back and let the lines get out of sight. Or just outrun them all.
Didn't try turning the Names above the cars Off.
Xrad, Xeno and I tested the new Qualifying appearance tonight. Looks just like the Time Trial Seasonals. Which is very distracting when there are several "Lines & Names" ahead of you. Best answer to that would be to drop back and let the lines get out of sight. Or just outrun them all.
Didn't try turning the Names above the cars Off.
If it functions like the time trials, then it can be turned off on track. Default button is up on the d-pad. Hopefully it does.
Qualifying appearance? What's that? During online qualifying, you can see the lines of other drivers in real-time? Hopefully it can be turned off by turning the ghost off
Even though I didn't participate Sunday night, I do have a take on the X2014 Jr. and the Mercedes:

The first does require a slow in, fast out approach to corners. I have also found it feels like it wants to go where you want to go, just not off the track.

The Mercedes feels like the time period it's from, so the brakes aren't that good and it does have certain handling characteristics. Taken into account, I think its a really good car.
I loved the mercedes. If you want to better your driving skills you need to learn to drive a car with your right foot. Cars that you can drive flat out and never have to counter steer are boring and take less skill. I picked the merc so people could have fun actually having to drive a car and not just drive a track.
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I loved the mercedes. If you want to better your driving skills you need to learn to drive a car with your right foot. Cars that you can drive flat out and never have to counter steer are boring and take no skill. I picked the merc so people could have fun actually having to drive a car and not just drive a track.

I still think it was My favorite SNAIL car so far.
I loved the mercedes. If you want to better your driving skills you need to learn to drive a car with your right foot. Cars that you can drive flat out and never have to counter steer are boring and take no skill. I picked the merc so people could have fun actually having to drive a car and not just drive a track.
I agree. I hope we will race more street cars rather than race cars with racing tires. I was disappointed that I didn't get to race the 190 evo due to the connection problem.
That sucks you missed it. I had a blast throwing it around
I had a chance to race with a few snails the next morning but the thrill couldn't compare to a packed race track.

May I suggest the M3 CSL if the 190Evo is going out of the combo.
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In support of the E46 CSL.

(Very annoyed that it doesn't sound like that in GT6, or GT5, or even GT4.)