WOW! It's been two years! My buddy AJKVail and I loved this league from the first Sunday night we ran, when it was only two divisions mind you. It's awesome to see in those two years how the league grew and the impact it had on others, GTA participants. This has been a great two years with everyone and I'm proud to be a part of it.
Reading the posts since the beginning of the year and seeing the influx of new racers is, well, beautiful. And right off the bat, those people want to help the league, weather hosting, directing, replay uploading, data, ect. Not because they have to but because they see a great thing here and want to have more of an impact in the league other than just racing. The stewards, well, what can I say. Go guys have really kicked ass and spend a lot of personal time and I know I speak for everyone, thank you

Zer0 and kcheeb, look what you done! I bet you didn't think that S.N.A.I.L. would have turned out like this let alone lasting over two years and it still keeps going. Kcheeb, thanks for all you do and for all the time you put into making the documents for us. Zer0, thanks for making it possible to have great sponsors and the prizes each month.
Here's to another year in the BEST racing league on GTPlant
Thanks! We told you

. I don't think it was us, I think it was the GranStand

I'm not a drinker but if you buy, I'll have one with you and maybe one more, just because