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  • Thread starter zer05ive
Found this beauty while watching replays from last night! Looks like @nmcp1 @ParkerMO125 @Nish and I were pushing the limits going into T1! Everything went just fine, and we all kept our paint on our door panels!


  • Deep Forest Raceway.jpg
    Deep Forest Raceway.jpg
    307.4 KB · Views: 27
at Autodromo Nazionale (Monza)


In honor of 2013 USA GT Academy Champion, Nick McMillen racing at Monza this coming weekend, April 13th, I would like to propose a small contest. @GumballCGT (Nick) will be racing in the Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3. Therefore, I would like to invite everyone to a little time trial contest.

1. Purchase (in the Nissan dealership) GT-R NISMO GT3 Base Model '13 (Cr. 350,000) with racing hard tires. Only an oil change is allowed.
  • PP = 617
  • HP = 621
  • Weight = 1350 kg

2. Run laps at Autodromo Nazionale (Monza) in an online lobby. These laps can be done on your own or in a group. Please follow all current S.N.A.I.L. regulations regarding tuning and clean racecraft.

3. Reply to this post with your best lap time. Please include the entire full time, i.e., m:ss.sss / 1:30.000. DEADLINE TO POST LAP TIME IS FRIDAY, APRIL 11th at 8:00 AM ET. We are running this "On your honor." Please post your honest best lap.

4. Whoever is closest to Nick's fastest lap time wins.

5. PRIZE TO BE ANNOUNCED. Waiting to hear about an upgrade to the prize I was originally going to offer. More details to follow soon.

Hell, ill give that a shot, no problem do you need a replay also?
at Autodromo Nazionale (Monza)


In honor of 2013 USA GT Academy Champion, Nick McMillen racing at Monza this coming weekend, April 13th, I would like to propose a small contest. @GumballCGT (Nick) will be racing in the Nissan GT-R NISMO GT3. Therefore, I would like to invite everyone to a little time trial contest.

1. Purchase (in the Nissan dealership) GT-R NISMO GT3 Base Model '13 (Cr. 350,000) with racing hard tires. Only an oil change is allowed.
  • PP = 617
  • HP = 621
  • Weight = 1350 kg

2. Run laps at Autodromo Nazionale (Monza) in an online lobby. These laps can be done on your own or in a group. Please follow all current S.N.A.I.L. regulations regarding tuning and clean racecraft.

3. Reply to this post with your best lap time. Please include the entire full time, i.e., m:ss.sss / 1:30.000. DEADLINE TO POST LAP TIME IS FRIDAY, APRIL 11th at 8:00 AM ET. We are running this "On your honor." Please post your honest best lap.

4. Whoever is closest to Nick's fastest lap time wins.

5. PRIZE TO BE ANNOUNCED. Waiting to hear about an upgrade to the prize I was originally going to offer. More details to follow soon.
ALSO IN HONOR OF THIS WE SHOULD HAVE THE GTR GT3 IN ONE OF OUR COMBOS THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!! Hopefully my squeaky little WC opinion for a faster car in a combo be heard by the prize winners .......:nervous:
Found this beauty while watching replays from last night! Looks like @nmcp1 @ParkerMO125 @Nish and I were pushing the limits going into T1! Everything went just fine, and we all kept our paint on our door panels!
D2 deserves a full photo review! Soo many beautiful overtakes happened all night long it seemed. Dont expect me and my current flip phone to be the ones to do it though :P

Race Date: 6 April 2014

Currently tracking 9 Incident Reports

We have at least one prize winner with a racing incident being investigated by the stewards. This may, obviously, change the order of the prizes to be selected. All winners are asked to refrain from making selections until the Weekly Steward's report has been posted.

The target deadline for the Steward Reviews, this week, is Wednesday night by 10PM Eastern. The Steward Summary will be posted as soon as possible, following completion of reviews.

:@: SNAIL Stewards, please make your way to The Incident Review Scoring.​

The IR Submission Form is now closed.

We need Division 1's replays ASAP to clear the Incidents reported this week.
This has already been thought about, by several people. No. Everyone has the same amount of time to prepare, every week.
Alright...then put me back in D2....because I seriously do not have time to shave off 1+ second off my lap times so I don't get railroaded by D1 drivers. I can play the game all night long Monday-Weds and sometimes Thurs but I simply don't have time Friday-Sunday up until race time.

But seriously, I don't see why you can't just pick two sets of winners one week to bootstrap a system where the winners are already decided so that Monday afternoon when the votes are tallied they can post their selections. Half the week is wasted with people posting "what are the combos?" and getting fish slapped.
...Things seem to be running smoothly as is, no? It's not like you can't practice at all, find out which combo stays, which track/car and do as much as you can. Then again, what do I know? I'm just some 15 year old punk :P
Alright...then put me back in D2....because I seriously do not have time to shave off 1+ second off my lap times so I don't get railroaded by D1 drivers. I can play the game all night long Monday-Weds and sometimes Thurs but I simply don't have time Friday-Sunday up until race time.

But seriously, I don't see why you can't just pick two sets of winners one week to bootstrap a system where the winners are already decided so that Monday afternoon when the votes are tallied they can post their selections. Half the week is wasted with people posting "what are the combos?" and getting fish slapped.

I think this could be workable and we could keep the same deadlines we have now by running the same combo two weeks in a row, having the prize winners (who usually make their picks on a Thursday) make their picks for the Sunday 9 days away. All the other deadlines remain the same, except everyone knows the combo ~9 days in advance.
Alright...then put me back in D2....because I seriously do not have time to shave off 1+ second off my lap times so I don't get railroaded by D1 drivers. I can play the game all night long Monday-Weds and sometimes Thurs but I simply don't have time Friday-Sunday up until race time.

But seriously, I don't see why you can't just pick two sets of winners one week to bootstrap a system where the winners are already decided so that Monday afternoon when the votes are tallied they can post their selections. Half the week is wasted with people posting "what are the combos?" and getting fish slapped.

Since you're not going to let it die, you earned you way to D1 with the system just the way it is. Suck it up and deal with it. The issue you speak of has been brought up many times before and we keep coming back to the basic truth that it's the same for everyone. The prizes are announced and everyone has the same amount of time to practice. If we started delaying prize announcements then the winners and a few drivers that they choose could have advance time to practice even more so than they do now.

The system is already in place to have prizes picked as soon as Monday IF there are not any incidents filed against the prize winners. Why don't you go and pressure the winners to run clean? Why don't you go pressure the guys picking the prizes to have something ready to go when the all clear is given? Most importantly, why don't you suck it up and deal with your own limitations of practice time instead of trying to make the league bend to your schedule? If you have more than the qualifying laps on Sunday night to practice, you're way ahead of me. I have no sympathy for anyone who wants a league of over 100 that is run by volunteers to change our entire schedule because you are busy.
Since you're not going to let it die, you earned you way to D1 with the system just the way it is. Suck it up and deal with it.
I really don't feel I earned anything. I haven't won a race since I was back in D5 (January). I was perfectly happy in D3 where I at least had a shot at winning and could show up, do a few warmup laps and go racing. That was fun. Getting rammed repeatedly by D1 drivers is not fun....at least not if I appear to be the only one on the track who isn't prepared.
I really don't feel I earned anything. I haven't won a race since I was back in D5 (January). I was perfectly happy in D3 where I at least had a shot at winning and could show up, do a few warmup laps and go racing. That was fun. Getting rammed repeatedly by D1 drivers is not fun....at least not if I appear to be the only one on the track who isn't prepared.
If you are getting hit file an incident report!
Hoping online to run some cars at apricot hill


So did some testing with @Neovre. My favorite cars were in order of preference

Pagani Zonda c12 '00
Honda NSX r prototype lm road car(sports soft)
Ruf rgt ( handful but I love it)
Ruf 3400s

All fun cars and just throwing some suggestions out there. I am sure neo will have his own suggestions
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I really don't feel I earned anything. I haven't won a race since I was back in D5 (January). I was perfectly happy in D3 where I at least had a shot at winning and could show up, do a few warmup laps and go racing. That was fun. Getting rammed repeatedly by D1 drivers is not fun....at least not if I appear to be the only one on the track who isn't prepared.

I don't know what to tell you. The only people you weren't beating in D3 and D2 are the guys who moved up with you. When four or five drivers are slated to move up and you have an average finish right at 4 which is second or third in the division and you finish 2nd in points in D2, you get moved up.

I guess you would prefer that we move everyone out that was beating you and leave you there to destroy everyone that stayed put? Wins are not everything. There are a couple of guys in D1 that are very, very, very fast and two extra days of practice probably still wouldn't get you to their level. In looking at the data that is up for D1, it appears you had someone to race with most of the night. You just weren't racing for wins and you don't like that. I understand, nobody likes not having a chance to win. Try being some of the guys in D2 and D3 that were running 12 seconds behind you and the group you were in on your way up. Now you know how the other half lives.
I really don't feel I earned anything. I haven't won a race since I was back in D5 (January). I was perfectly happy in D3 where I at least had a shot at winning and could show up, do a few warmup laps and go racing. That was fun. Getting rammed repeatedly by D1 drivers is not fun....at least not if I appear to be the only one on the track who isn't prepared.

There's nothing bad about going back down to D2 and enjoy racing. As I have seen many have said they would rather race in other divisions than making it to D1.

I still feel like I want to race with D1 guys my schedule and time zone prohibits me from racing the normal time, I'll make the challenge at the RoC this month!
I really don't feel I earned anything. I haven't won a race since I was back in D5 (January). I was perfectly happy in D3 where I at least had a shot at winning and could show up, do a few warmup laps and go racing. That was fun. Getting rammed repeatedly by D1 drivers is not fun....at least not if I appear to be the only one on the track who isn't prepared.

This Sunday was rough, even by D1 standards. From what I've gathered, racing in D1 can be quite a bit more aggressive than some other divisions, but we see a lower than average share of incident reports. Competitive sim racing without immediate detrimental consequences (i.e. damage) is going to have some contact. From what I've seen though, incidental contact resulting in detriment to the non-guilty party has been immediately forgiven in almost all the cases due to the guilty party waiting for the person they interfered with to resume race pace.

Contact can happen occasionally, but as long as its not a habit and the offender makes quick concession, I feel its acceptable. I didn't see a lot of concessions being made last night though, and some penalties are probably warranted.

Long story slightly less long... lot of new faces in D1 last night and a much larger field than usual created some ugliness. I'd say give it some time to let everyone acclimate and you'll probably find it a better experience.
This Sunday was rough, even by D1 standards. From what I've gathered, racing in D1 can be quite a bit more aggressive than some other divisions, but we see a lower than average share of incident reports. Competitive sim racing without immediate detrimental consequences (i.e. damage) is going to have some contact. From what I've seen though, incidental contact resulting in detriment to the non-guilty party has been immediately forgiven in almost all the cases due to the guilty party waiting for the person they interfered with to resume race pace.

Contact can happen occasionally, but as long as its not a habit and the offender makes quick concession, I feel its acceptable. I didn't see a lot of concessions being made last night though, and some penalties are probably warranted.

Long story slightly less long... lot of new faces in D1 last night and a much larger field than usual created some ugliness. I'd say give it some time to let everyone acclimate and you'll probably find it a better experience.

To add to this, the first week of every season requires some adjustments and getting used to driving with new people. This month 45 drivers were either new to SNAIL or changed divisions to start the April season. This is a pretty typical number for the last couple of months. It takes some getting used to driving with guys that you are not familiar with. The influx of drivers in D1 was in response to grid size over the last couple of months. They had been down to as low as six drivers on the grid. Looking at the data from race one last night 1st through 3rd were separated by less than a second. 7th through 13th were separated by 1.4 seconds. That's close racing. It may not be for a win but seven drivers less than a second and a half apart at the end of an 11 minute race is good close racing. If you were part of that and you're complaining, you need to have your head examined.
I enjoyed racing for 8th place...I did not enjoy getting driven off the track in the reverse grid races...if I filed a report for every time someone hit my bumper or rear quarter panel I would have filled up the incident report sheet. I consider myself a no contact driver and have encountered mostly that from D5 through D2 but there was more contact last night than my entire (short) career in SNAIL. Most of them the driver backed off but when you get hit repeatedly turn after turn it wears on your concentration and you start paying more attention to what's behind you than what's in front of you.

I understand that there was some close racing Sunday night back in the pack...but its hard to continue those battles when the grid is reversed if the alien drivers are pushing their way through the pack and splitting up the drivers.

I also understand I was placing around 4th in D2 and the 3 drivers who usually beat me moved up...but I was usually qualifying mid pack if everyone showed up so I was always chasing someone. My higher scores was more based on fewer incidents than faster lap times. In D1 I basically felt like a road block for everyone.

Anyway, I'll give D1 another shot...but if there isn't improvement I'll likely opt for the D2 route.

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