- 474
- Reston, VA, USA
- Wardenclyffe
I take issue with your approach. I do not believe it should be anyone's responsibility but your own for filing incident reports. Don't get me wrong - I understand your position of wanting it to matter enough to the victimized driver to have them do the work, I just know it's the wrong position. By forcing others to take responsibility for your actions you're passing the buck, work-wise, and also putting your friends and other fellow racers into an uncomfortable position, one of taking you to task because you refuse to hold yourself responsible. Really, it's on each and every one of us to race clean and that includes owning our mistakes.. . . I have never been one who is willing to self report. Let me explain.
In the event that I commit an infraction against our OLR, I want whomever I injured to care enough about their own race to report me for it. I want full value for my mistake, honest or otherwise. If I'm to get a half point modifier applied, I want it to be because I made my apology with my car, on the track. I make it my mission, if I should hit somebody or commit some other offense, I make amends for it as immediately as is safe to do so without affecting anyone further. If I'm to pass you, I, by God, don't want to do it unless I can leave no doubt in your mind that I beat you fair and square. I expect the same from those that pass me. For anyone that might take offense to my use of the word God, I can only say, suck it up, it is not my intent to give offense, but I will not retract the phrase, as it has the impact I wish it to have, at least in my mind.
For those who think friendship should come before race-craft, sportsmanship and gentlemanly/ladylike behavior, I have this to say. I have many friends that stem solely from my involvement in Gran Turismo and/or SNAIL. Some might think this sad to admit, but the count for whom I consider friends here is higher than those I can count outside SNAIL and Gran Turismo. Should I be racing against those friends and allow myself to descend to poor race-craft, bad sportsmanship or ungentlemanly behavior, I want those friends to let me know I did. If for instance, one of my best and longest standing friends, met through GT, but before I joined SNAIL, @OwensRacing by GTPID, were to file an IR against me, not only would it have more weight than someone I just met, it would hurt more. It would be that shot to the chin that tells me I was being an asshat and my actions were not called for. It would mean I ignored what I agreed to abide by, and, more importantly to me anyway, I ignored all that he taught me and pretty much spit on the example he set for me to follow. It would also likely mean he sees me differently, which is to say, thinks less of me, and that would cost me more than any racing penalty possibly could. If Jeff were to see my name on the Steward Summary, it would have the same effect.
All that accounted for however, if there is one person I would want to have to tuck my chin and take a shot to the face, because I was being a jerk, Jeff Owens would be that friend.
SNAIL and Gran Turismo is what brought us all together, it is not what keeps us together.
Let the popcorn be popped and beer be drank. I'm sadly scotchless on this night with a blizzard of IRs descending.
Dragonwhisky out.