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  • Thread starter zer05ive
I'd sure love the 2 week practice! :D
Thank you sir, this is the answer I was looking for, so I know which day will be the announcement of the new combos, and be sure I am aware of all the background actions as time this takes, hat up for all your engagement to keep this running:cheers:

I would actually expect the prize winners to be confirmed before the end of this week and the prize selection process to begin at that time. I don't see why it would take until a week from tomorrow so there will be some extra practice time for those that are able to take advantage of it.
I feel your pain Aero. I have two large projects that need to be completed before spring, just signed up to coach little league with an eight week pre-season clinic, and signed my son up for evening swim lessons starting next week.

This league is sooo talented that showing up without practicing just puts you in everyone's way. And my practice time is getting slim.

I'm going to try part time starting in February, and plan on getting my fix on Mondays. I 100% agree with you about Monday Night Miatas. It's refreshing to show up, find out what track you're running, and just let her rip. Ned had a great idea with the series, and it shows by being full every Monday.
I get a kick out of the haters of the boost racing. Penguin, it's not all about competition, sometimes, like Aero says, you just want to turn the machine on and have FUN.
A lot of people don't like it, that's fine. It's the most FUN I have all week. A lot of guys don't have the skill to drive smoothly and cleanly door to door for 4, 20 minute races. They drop out pretty quick. I find the Sunday races are fun, but I find myself driving alone or with one or two other cars a lot of the time. In the "new and improved" boost system, it allows you to catch the back of the pack..... That's it, the rest is up to you. C'mon, 16 cars within 4 seconds at the end of a 20 minute race, this happens regularly.

If you will notice, there are a lot of higher division guys racing here... Why? FUN!!! Friendly competition, no real score, just giterdone. We all respect each other on the track, we try to keep it as clean as possible, concessions are gladly made, because it give you the chance to fight your way back to the front,(if you have the talent).

All you haters......try it, you might just change your mind.
So here are the Rules:
damage on heavy
Unless 3 or more people are involved in a crash, race stays green. Restart is after pit road and all cars are bunched back together. Then based on leaders discretion.
If it stays green mandatory caution at 30 minutes
OLR applies
Racing is at regular time 9:30pm unless room is full early then we start when room is full. Room will be open at 8:30ish
Car sign up is based on first come first serve sign up early. (sign up sheet at bottom of spread sheet)


If anything changes I will post it in the thread. Also would like to do a practice room tomorrow

Oh and full suspension and transmission tuning allowed the only consideration are no aero kits allowed and no de-tuning of engine
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I try to earn money for cars. What is best fast method to create money for bank on GT6? I see forum and look search but so many answer cannot see what is correct.
I try to earn money for cars. What is best fast method to create money for bank on GT6? I see forum and look search but so many answer cannot see what is correct.
I've found that the red bull series is good coin for 24 minutes
out of the regular races the X Track race is the fastest quickest money race where you can pick it up do a 4 minute race and walk away and its easy to win!
I try to earn money for cars. What is best fast method to create money for bank on GT6? I see forum and look search but so many answer cannot see what is correct.

Seasonal events, and the Red Bull standard race at Nurburgring is a good payout.
I try to earn money for cars. What is best fast method to create money for bank on GT6? I see forum and look search but so many answer cannot see what is correct.
If you look for the forum on Seasonals, there is a thread for the Daytona 24 minute race. There's some LM cars with setups, and some tips on how to win. It's a fun way to spend a half hour and pays out well. It's not the easiest, but very winnable. May not be the most credits for the least amount of time, but it's rewarding and fun.
So here are the Rules:
damage on heavy
Unless 3 or more people are involved in a crash, race stays green. Restart is after pit road and all cars are bunched back together. Then based on leaders discretion.
If it stays green mandatory caution at 30 minutes
OLR applies
Racing is at regular time 9:30pm unless room is full early then we start when room is full. Room will be open at 8:30ish
Car sign up is based on first come first serve sign up early. (sign up sheet at bottom of spread sheet)


If anything changes I will post it in the thread. Also would like to do a practice room tomorrow
Oh and full suspension and transmission tuning allowed the only consideration are no aero kits allowed and no de-tuning of engine

Can we talk about tires for a moment?..

I don't think we should have Miatas on Race tires at Daytona. Too much grip IMO.
I get a kick out of the haters of the boost racing. Penguin, it's not all about competition, sometimes, like Aero says, you just want to turn the machine on and have FUN.
A lot of people don't like it, that's fine. It's the most FUN I have all week. A lot of guys don't have the skill to drive smoothly and cleanly door to door for 4, 20 minute races. They drop out pretty quick. I find the Sunday races are fun, but I find myself driving alone or with one or two other cars a lot of the time. In the "new and improved" boost system, it allows you to catch the back of the pack..... That's it, the rest is up to you. C'mon, 16 cars within 4 seconds at the end of a 20 minute race, this happens regularly.

If you will notice, there are a lot of higher division guys racing here... Why? FUN!!! Friendly competition, no real score, just giterdone. We all respect each other on the track, we try to keep it as clean as possible, concessions are gladly made, because it give you the chance to fight your way back to the front,(if you have the talent).

All you haters......try it, you might just change your mind.

Fun, yes but a very limited tool for actual improvement of speed or racecraft. Every characteristic of the car and track are skewed when running with boost on. "New and improved". It's the same boost and has the same affect as it always had. biggest and probably best thing i learned from running with a boost setting was how to be patient and wait for a "real" opening to pass . so go have fun but don't forget to practice with boost off

Sunday I will participate in a 2 hour GT3 race at La Sarthe unfortunately outside snail where you were the only one that show some interest. I passed the idea to a group of friends that loved it, brought more friends and we have 16 people to race and another 7 waiting for someone to quit.

Sunday I will participate in a 2 hour GT3 race at La Sarthe unfortunately outside snail where you were the only one that show some interest. I passed the idea to a group of friends that loved it, brought more friends and we have 16 people to race and another 7 waiting for someone to quit.
Awesome schmiggz thanks for getting back to me hope you have a great race!