1) I never said that you personally take freedom for granted, I stated I am/was shocked at how "some" people take it for granted. This was not an attack on you so smoke another one, hell smoke one for me, and chill.
2) If your uncle served for the Navy for just 6 months and then quit, yes I do consider him a hero. Anybody who serves makes sacrifices, their families make sacrifices for the betterment of the US, no matter how small they are. I understand that there are bad soldiers that give the rest a bad name, but they are still making sacrifices. IMO, that sacrifice, no matter how small means alot and should be shown respect.
3) Soldiers still fight til this day to ensure the people of the United States have the freedoms/securities, that our forefathers fought for back in 1812. I'm not saying I agree with how the US is handling things overseas BY ANY MEANS, just saying that our soldiers deserve respect and support from the people.
Not all soldiers are good, I understand this, but they have still made sacrifices that I respect. Those soldiers will be dealt with, in time, and have to live the rest of their lives living with the decisions they have made.
Now I'm done ranting and raving about this as I hope you are as well. Like my very first sentence on this topic stated, I didn't want to start anything. I was simply stating that I personally consider all military personnel hero's. Good night and I wish you the best.